Wet Dreams of the Left For America
It is difficult to emulate the insanity of the left, but it is predictable to concoct an accurate depiction about what designs the radical liberals would have for our society. The following will be a portrayal of the kind of mindset that not only propels the left, but just how they would transform the landscape of America on a political and social level. It is, if nothing else, an insight into fascism, delusion, and schizophrenia, never the less, we have a disturbingly large demographic of ignorant Americans who would throw our nation to the wolves just to satisfy their unrealistic fantasy of some kind of twisted utopia where they could exist if only in an illusion that resides inside their heads.
Sexual freedom?
If the left had their way you might imagine a weather forecast on TV with a transvestite cross dresser giving a 5 day outlook while pawing at his or her surgically transgendered partner. With children at an elementary school level already being introduced to the use of condoms we can imagine 24 hour Kiddie Porn on a number of channels for all those pedophiles due to the fact that the Obama Department of Justice tried to decriminalize such behavior. Perhaps kids in the classroom would be free to tune in while attending public school!
With Bill Nye, the Science Guy, calling for parents of big families to be penalized for their carbon footprint we are also reminded of the Rhode Island Democrat who called for charging those criminally who questioned the argument on “Global Warming”. In this wet dream of the left we could certainly conceive of the thought police at work controlling our ideological reactions, our values, and our responses to their invasive forms of legislation and lawmaking! It is not much of a stretch to anticipate federal reorientation centers being overwhelmed with conservatives, Christians, and anyone who opposed the liberal agenda. Surely such methods as shock treatment, frontal lobotomies, and water boarding would be in order so that these unenlightened individuals could grasp the leftist utopia they were refusing to embrace!
Racial quotas
Getting rid of Caucasians as soon as possible by overloading nonexistent border security with fresh Middle East refugees with ISIS in their midst would be next while Latinos would be allowed to reclaim all the border states such as California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas would be implemented ASAP! Doing everything possible to erase the western European cultural heritage in America would be one of the most enthusiastically pursued programs of liberal social planners. Just as Bernadine Dorn and Bill Ayers had envisioned with the stubborn patriotic right wing resistance there would be an obvious need to liquidate these undesirables! Perhaps legalized federal sterilization clinics could expedite the process.
Sanctioned equality
Forming alliances with all of America’s enemies was already underway with the Obama White House, but in the wet dream of the left we could see militant Iranians being allowed to commit atrocities against American Jews on our soil along with Palestinian Students who, operating under gun restrictions would have to find other means such as running over those of their choice with cars, SUV’s, and trucks! Decriminalizing acts of terror as they would have merit under the guise of social justice would be vehemently unleashed with the complete trust of the left that once terrorist organizations had been given jobs, money, and freedom of action would then peacefully co-exist with those of liberal persuasion!
Simply ordering the police to stand down during speaking engagements by Christians, conservatives, or Jews if there were any left would be accelerated into allowing the good officers to partake in the brutal beatings of the baskets of deplorables on campuses across the country! Police arrests for those mentioning the US Constitution would be the new FBI directive. This would coincide with the release of all violent criminals and murderers whom would now be treated with enhanced understanding and tenderness as it was probably the cruel standards of accountability and morality that had hampered them in the first place!
Sharia Law replete with televised “Honor Killings” would be available on smart phone apps and on public school closed circuit broadcast so as to properly assimilate our young people to other worldly cultures in order that we Americans never look down our nose at other social standards! The once prosecuted practice of clitoral mutilation on young women who had embraced Islam would, of course, be avidly promoted as an enlightening practice as well as a good way of the girls familiarizing themselves with foreign customs. This would be the very fruit of the multiculturalism found to be lacking under previous administrations!
While defunding the US military because we all know it is that malevolent influence of our armed forces that put us at odds with the world to begin with, the left will see to it that the ranks of the Army, Marines, Air Force, and Navy shall be dissolved so that we in America can finally unite with our brethren the world over in one autonomous international creation of a world government that will see to it that the liberal ideology permeates the globe. Never again shall heroic men and women ever need to waste their talents on serving their country again with all that patriot diatribe! They will be relegated to paintball tournaments!
Prison release
With the release from prison of all violent offenders and serial killers TV producers will be faced with a plethora of raw talent for reality shows allowing citizens to watch up close and personal the entertaining nature of horrific atrocities and blood lust as there will no longer be any need for that stuffy Christian morality, the Ten Commandments, or that old irrelevant book known as the Bible that has stood in the way of happiness for so many deviants who relish in the decrepit acts that they derive so much pleasure from!
Abortion will rise to new heights of acceptance with the new advent of prenatal ultrasound that will be able to deduce before birth whether a child is likely to become conservative, moral, or religious. They can now be joyfully exterminated before they can ever be born so as not to infect the pure race of multicultural, LGBT, radical leftist, instant gratification, nonjudgmental, Atheistic hedonists who will inherit the earth! A new dawn of mankind will greet each day with the defeat of self-sufficient types who seek individual freedom, less government, harboring those outmoded ethics such as attaining prosperity through effort and hard work. These relics of the past will be relegated to concentration camps or ostracized from liberal population centers to be pacified by nerve gas.
Foreign subsidy
Under the liberal wet dream we could look forward to greatly increased taxes as America would now be bailing out even more war torn third world banana republics now embracing socialism and radical Islam as their vaunted role models. Of course, those nations who had ever spoken out against terrorism, pedophilia, human trafficking, drug smuggling, nuclear proliferation, or accepting mass refugee re-location would never get US foreign aid! That would be immoral!
Higher consciousness
Of course, as drug use became even more prevalent with kids getting graded on their ability to maintain with huge amounts of THC levels or opiates in their bloodstream, they could also expect to get trophies and rewards for merely participating. Citizens could look forward to the reopening of opium dens and hallucinatory societies so that the freedom of individual liberty could be raised to its utmost level. A new era of self-expression could be born where children would have no fear of the repercussions of those overbearing standards of expectations from those responsible doting parents!
Grand scheme
If all this seems comical, or too surreal to take into serious consideration one can already see each and every absurd example being implemented by oppressive governments all over the world now as we speak. From the deaths of 1 million Christians worldwide in 2016 to the euthanizing of baby girls in China to uphold the “One Child” policy. We have seen the shutdown of conservative voices on US campuses where Berkley refused to allow famous author, Ann Coulter to give a scheduled appearance. There are already federal re-orientation centers for those bothersome groups such as Constitutionalists, militiamen, minutemen, tax protesters, and Christians who hand out brochures at Islamic festivals right here in the US. Mom and Pop small businesses are being heavily fined and jailed just for refusing to bake a cake for a Gay couple’s wedding! The wet dream of the liberals is not just fantasy it is well on the way of being imposed upon those who simply prefer to be left alone.
"Destroying the New World Order"
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