Ivan T. Sanderson was a well-known TV personality who had a popular show on zoology and other related animal topics. Little did his audience know that he served as a British intelligence officer in World War II. He was also a close friend and collaborator of John A. Keel, famous paranormal journalist and author of several intriguing books. His book “The Mothman Prophecies” was made into a movie starring Richard Gere and Laura Linney.
Mystery realm
Along with John Keel covering everything from UFO’s to the Yeti, from Fortean Phenomenon to apparitions, Ivan T. Sanderson was a leader in the investigation of USO’s (Under water submersible objects). Sanderson had many classified ties to government that allowed him not only factual proof of his writings but also make him somewhat of a threat to the intelligence community as they obviously did not approve of the publicizing sensitive material. The US Navy also had interests in the investigation of USO’s as they had confounding sonar readings and unidentified objects eluding nuclear submarines who had detected them.
Walking on thin ice
Ivan T. Sanderson had access to files that due to his past career as an intelligence agent may also have made him a target. None the less, he published books on his findings. Was it any coincidence that he died in the early 1970’s of a sudden and mysterious cancer that took his life very quickly? It was rumored in the early 1960’s that the CIA had created a cancer injection that could induce a rapid and fatal disease as a form of assassination that appeared to be from natural causes. Are these two incidents related? There’s an old saying in the law enforcement field that, “There are no coincidences.”
Secret weapon?
USO’s had been clocked at an astounding 225 nautical miles per hour, a speed no submarine or surface vessel could match. The US Navy was concerned that a disruptive form of military technology had been developed that could threaten the US and all its allies. Sanderson continued conducting his studies while still running his TV show until it got cancelled. John Keel kept abreast of Ivan’s data and included some of it in his books as well. However, the question of a secret weapon of unknown origin continued to baffle the US Navy. As well ULF signals had been picked up from deep below that ocean that were also concerning. Ultra Long Frequencies travel more efficiently through the density of water molecules.
Stepping on the wrong toes
Finally, Sanderson had arrived at an answer that maybe those in the secretive field of military intelligence hadn’t wanted him to discover. As it turned out, the Russians had invented a type of torpedo that was rocket powered and could travel underwater at incredible speed making it harder to track and a further distant standoff weapon that could outclass typical fleet operation formations and engagement strategy. This would certainly disrupt the balance of power! Apparently Ivan T. Sanderson had stumbled upon these findings but not all USO’s tracked were of a known conventional origin. They seemed to demonstrate interdimensional travel capability due to sightings made by mariners aboard cargo vessels that had witnessed shocking USO performance as they were able to emerge from below the ocean, fly at incredible speeds, and then impact the water again and dive! In a little known but very real Triangle near the US territorial Island of Guam where the US Navy maintains a base.
The USSR Naval research after finding that the Allies now knew about their latest underwater weapon decided to terminate the project as they did not want the US Navy to counter with a similar weapon or an even more devastating version of it, and, of course, the Soviet financial ability to fund their military research took so much of their GDP that they could not sustain it. As much as they hated capitalism, they could never compete with free enterprise which is something that continues to plague the socialist approach to socioeconomics today. However, a new super cavitating torpedo capable of similar speed appears to be in operation since 1977 as opposed to the older prototype of the 60's.
Continuing legacy of the unknown
As for the still remaining unknown USO incidents they were known to have occurred in another of several mysterious Triangles like the Bermuda Triangle, as Ivan T. Sanderson had identified as many as a dozen multi-dimensional Triangles around the globe where disappearances and electromagnetic events occur. With all this that he had uncovered, was this sufficient reason for him to have been assassinated for being a “Loose Cannon”? One can only speculate. One thing is for sure as John Keel lamented in his book “The Eight Tower” the untimely loss of many of his friends and colleagues in the UFO community had deeply disturbed him and added a dark resonance to that book and to his final years in an amazing alternative journalism career.
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