The Myths of Global Warming – Part 1

The Myths of Global Warming

Part 1

Do you think they are lying? Of course they are!

Are we serious about greenhouse gases and our carbon footprint?

What is behind global warming?     

Could global warming be a natural phenomenon? 

Is there some other hidden agenda behind this urgent push?

Is this simply nothing more than a “Stealth Tax” ?


Does it mean aggressive economic growth for the exclusive developed and developing nations and more economic suffering and extremes of poverty for the Underdeveloped? I will let the readers be the jury and decide who is telling the truth, the scaremongers who apply all the pressure but do little to make drastic reductions themselves or those that have no choice to do what they do in order to survive.

Does anyone consider that natural occurrences can have a significant impact on the world’s environment? Do normal people fully understand who has made a major contribution to the worlds environmental pollution and what they have done to cause dramatic changes in both temperature and dew point in our atmosphere? Could it be that the G20 are the ruthless culprits and want others to pay stealth taxes or dramatically alter their owns means of energy? Are they forcing them to buy the west’s technology such as nuclear power etc and in doing so cause them to fall into extremes of debt and in turn makes them less competitive.

 We see an unprecedented push by Obama and the British Government to rush this through whilst at the same time many experts are challenging their views and others have grave doubt as to the authenticity of the data provided. So let’s look at this aggressive push and then look into the history of our environment and its climate. We will also look into the damage already done to our planet by many of those G20 countries who continue to do so.

Alistair Darling once urged the world’s top finance officials to reach an agreement on bearing the cost of fighting climate change before a UN summit on global warming.

Addressing finance ministers and central bankers from the Group of 20 rich and developing nations Namely Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Britain, Canada, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, the United States and the rotating EU presidency, Darling said that tackling climate change is an “urgent problem.”

Darling wanted officials to agree on a finance package to help poorer nations develop green industries and adapt to climate change. The EU has already agreed to a euro 100 billion annual package of public and private finance by 2020 and is urging the U.S. to lay out its position.

The G-20 finance officials are also discussing ways to secure future global economic growth.

It is important for all of us to focus and fully understand the  underlined comment above and realize that behind every bold statement lies some sinister global plan of economic greed and global control. We should all take a step backward and not let such people as Obama and  our government bulldoze this along in any shape or form.

It was also evident some time ago that  David Miliband and his brother Ed Miliband were also using scaremonger tactics to rush this along. Headlines at the time read: “David Miliband sets out to shock on global warming tour”…..I distinctly remember a comment at the time that asked the question had he taken over his little brother’s role as  Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change?

Al Gore (the eternal savior), who blinded us with propaganda whilst making himself incredibly rich is at the head of this pack of lies. Of course we are abusing our planet earth but there are many others measure that can be taken without punishing those countries that are less fortunate than ourselves. I could give so many examples of the abuse by the G20 countries and also examples on how to drastically reduce this so called carbon footprint and at the same time save us much money. It would take a totally different mindset by our leaders, government (both national and regional) in order to improve our respective footprints. If they are truly sincere they alone could really make a difference. I will give one very good example in another article of this series just to highlight the magnitude of our respective governments neglect. My example will prove that this is truly a totally false façade and what we are going through is a natural cycle which is amplified by some of our own government’s policy. So now let’s turn the clock back and investigate ourselves what is really happening in this wonderful world.

During the Viking period we saw these incredible seafarers embark on extremely long and dangerous sea journeys. It is believed they travelled from Scandinavia, through the Arctic Circle and then via the North West Passage into the Pacific. Between 800 and 1100 CE a warmer climate prevailed. The Vikings established a colony in Greenland and for the first century or so they and their descendants enjoyed a good life. Around 1000 A.D. the climate was in an extraordinarily warm phase. Some 350 years later the climate had cooled considerably but still perfectly habitable.     Ivar Bardson wrote that “On the mountains and lower down grow the best of fruits, as big as apples and good to eat. There also grows the best wheat that exists.” Life in Greenland was hardly the rough outpost existence we might expect.”

However by 1200, climatic change allowed the arctic ice pack to creep farther southward, making  navigation in Greenland waters increasingly hazardous — even in summer. The colonies’ decline accelerated. As the twelfth century ended, the climate reversed. Ice crept southward; all over Europe snow fell lower on the mountain slopes, upland trees died. Pack-ice cluttered the coasts of Greenland, and then tightened an Arctic noose to strangle movement.

Now we are at last starting to see the truth in relation to the earth natural cycles and evidence will show how these cycles bottomed out into the Little Ice Age and is now again starting its next cycle. We also have to understand that despite all these geniuses that exist and computer whiz kids, the earth and its environment cannot be programmed and these so called computer models are only pure estimates. It is also a fact that during the transitional period fluctuations can occur in either direction as we will see.

During the onset of this ice age vessel were still able to penetrate the North West Passage and even with this onset people still lived in the area. The deteriorating climate gave a clear indication when the ocean temperature fell 1-3 deg. C and the Arctic summer front retreated 4-5 deg. of latitude. Sea ice stayed all year in sheltered Bathurst Inlet and east Coronation Gulf, inevitably disrupting sea-mammals and their hunters, but with little effect on caribou.

Sailing vessel activity continued in their attempts to transit the passage and fluctuations in conditions resulted in some success from time to time. We have to understand that the ice conditions in this region are all based on many factors:

The Earths own cover of vegetation i.e. jungle/forest – desert – water and the polar ice caps themselves. The suns heat energy and the level of that heat arriving on the surface of the earth is subject to the condition of the atmosphere above it.  

The earth is like one big washing machine and has the ability to cleanse itself in so many ways. The seas/oceans circulate hot and cold currents, the air masses circulate hot and cold air masses and over a very long period of time the earth’s crust also circulates when “Teutonic Plates” collide. Some fold down under the other and enter the earths Mantle when it again is circulated and others ride over. The plates themselves are fully mobile and move very slow over millions of years making deserts turn into tropical climates and vegetated land turn into deserts and huge mountain can be forced upwards. Volcanoes form above land and below seas/oceans all of which add to changes in temperature both below the sea and the earth’s atmosphere. Volcanic ash can become a serious problem for planet earth. Such major events in the past have caused major climate changes as the energy of the sun is reduced by airborne particles.

In the next article we will look at the various systems that affect our climate and the pollution after the industrial revolution and Victorian Times. This will then follow with the state of our environment during the “Cold War” including my own experience in the Arctic Circle. It is hoped that as we work through this series you will all fully understand that although we continue to damage our planet it really is not the major factor leading to Global Warming. It is a natural phenomenon and we can certainly all help to ease the onset but not in the way our leaders are planning. They are creating a panic scenario for purely commercial gains and with their continue economic greed the poor of the world will not only end up paying the price by way of stealth taxes but also create more poverty in the underdeveloped world. 

Could we possibly see the day when ones own flatulence becomes a taxable issue!

More of our governments Slime and Grime to follow

Peter Eyre 1446 Local time 08/07/2017

Middle East Consultant – Political Analysis – Investigative Journalist – Broadcaster


Written by Peter Eyre

July 8, 2017 at 06:47

Posted in Corporate/Government Fraud and Corruption, News, Uncategorized

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Weapons of Mass Deception Vaccinations & what they are doing to...

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Vac 1


In this final part I want to place an emphasis on the fact that the world leading experts that produce and approve these vaccines are truly playing with peoples lives in no knowing or understanding the toxicity of their creations.

Earlier we talked about the mercury based adjuvant known as thimerosal which they all agreed would certainly have to be withdrawn from circulation but unknown to the general public they were equally as concerned at its replacement adjuvant called  Aluminum.


It is widely known that any trace elements of both are highly toxic to the human body and can certainly accumulate in the body after many vaccines with what the industry would call “An unknown toxic value.”

Any form of Aluminium has long been regarded as not only toxic but also having a connection with our mental state in that it has been known to interfere with the brains receptors and its ability to communicate with the rest of the body.

You may recall in the old days all pots and pans were made of aluminium and if one washed them after a meal and then dried them with a white towel the material would be covered in black residue from the alloy.

I have decided to make this my final article on this topic as otherwise the series could go on for ever as the forensic evidence against these two particular adjuvants would fill an entire library!!

How can we as citizens of mother earth allow our children to be killed, maimed or mentally damaged by known toxics when the Government, Health Departments and the Pharmaceutical Industry simply turn a blind eye on known or unknown safety data?


We must remember that thimerosal (mercury based adjuvant) has in general been removed from many western vaccines (not all) but still exists in most third world countries as it allows the vaccine to have a longer shelf life……..I always feel bad when I see the likes of UNICEF or Bill Gates pushing to vaccinate the poor children in Africa, India etc when their intentions has nothing to do with the preservation of life i.e. UN Agenda 21 or its replacement UN 2030 Agenda.

Why would these experts stop thimerosal and introduce another equally as toxic replacement?

The other question we must all ask is that if a vaccine is given to stop the spread of many diseases why is that vaccine still being given when that disease no longer exists on this planet and could it be that the vaccine itself is giving the recipients the very disease it is supposed to stop?

Money 2

Historical and current evidence clearly shows yet another scam that the pharmaceutical industry is pushing…….all in the name of the “Almighty Dollar.”

Let’s now show you the forensic evidence against the current use of Aluminum throughout the world that stems back a long long time when the British picked up on this highly toxic substance:

Aluminum 9

Then this very hard hitting medical study on the toxic value of Aluminum:

Vaccine child

“Please Mummy and Daddy Protect me from harm, these vaccines are not safe”

Aluminum in Childhood Vaccines Is Unsafe – Neil Z. Miller

Aluminum is a neurotoxin, yet infants and young children are repeatedly injected with aluminum adjuvants from multiple vaccines during critical periods of brain development. Numerous studies provide credible evidence that aluminum adversely affects important biological functions and may contribute to neurodegenerative and autoimmune disorders. It is impossible to predetermine which vaccinated babies will succumb to aluminum poisoning. Aluminum-free health options are needed.

From 1999 through 2002, several vaccines containing mercury were phased out of the childhood immunization schedule. Manufacturing of childhood vaccines with thimerosal ceased in 2001, but those that were not past their expiration date remained on the market for sale until January 2003.1 They were replaced with low-mercury or “thimerosal-free” vaccines. In the years that followed, autism rates continued to rise, prompting health authorities to assert that autism is not linked to mercury in vaccines and that vaccination policies are safe and appropriate.2-4 (If mercury in vaccines contributed to autism, then rates should have dropped after mercury was removed.) However, in 2002, during this so-called phase-out period, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) actually added two doses of mercury-containing influenza vaccines to the list of inoculations urged for all babies 6 to 23 months of age.5 Two years later, the CDC also added pregnant women in their first trimester to the list of people officially recommended and actively encouraged to receive influenza vaccines, even though a majority of available doses contained mercury.6
In addition to these questionable actions during this highly publicized “phase-out” of mercury, four doses of a new vaccine with high aluminum content were added to the childhood immunization schedule in February 2000 (for pneumococcus) and two doses of another aluminum-containing vaccine (for hepatitis A) were added in 2005.7,8 These changes to the vaccine schedule resulted in a substantial increase of aluminum-containing vaccine doses—from 10 to 16 injections—that babies are still mandated to receive by 18 months of age.
Prior to the mercury phase-out (pre-2000), babies received 3,925 micrograms (mcg) of aluminum in their first year-and-a-half of life. After pneumococcal and hepatitis A vaccines were added to the immunization schedule, babies began receiving 4,925 mcg of aluminum during the same age period—a 25% increase (Figure 1).9,10 In 2011, CDC recommended that pregnant women receive a pertussis vaccine (Tdap), which also contains aluminum.11 Studies show that aluminum crosses the placenta and accumulates in fetal tissue.12 Thus, millions of babies in utero, infants, and young children were injected with, and continue to receive, unnaturally high doses of neurotoxic substances—mercury and aluminum—long after unsuspecting parents were led to believe that vaccines were purified and made safe.


Vaccines containing aluminum added to the childhood immunization schedule when some vaccines containing mercury were removed. Prior to the mercury phase-out (pre-2000), babies received 3,925 mcg of aluminum by 18 months of age. After pneumococcal and hepatitis A vaccines were added to the schedule, babies began receiving 4,925 mcg of aluminum during the same age period—a 25% increase.
Source: The vaccine manufacturers’ product inserts and the CDC’s annual childhood vaccination schedules

Aluminum adjuvants are added to several vaccines to elicit a more robust immune response and increase vaccine efficacy. In the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia, and many other parts of the world, infants and young children receive high quantities of aluminum from multiple inoculations. For example, in the U.S. the hepatitis B, DTaP (for diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis), pneumococcal (PCV), Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), and hepatitis A vaccines are all administered during early childhood. Each of these vaccines contains aluminum, and multiple doses (booster shots) are required (Table 1). Babies are injected with 1,225 mcg of aluminum instantaneously at age 2 months, and 4,925 mcg of accumulated aluminum by age 18 months.

Babies are not the only age group exposed to high quantities of aluminum from vaccines. The HPV vaccine (indicated for the prevention of cervical cancer and genital warts associated with some strains of human papillomavirus) is marketed to pre-teens and adolescents. Each dose in the three-dose series contains 500 mcg of aluminum. The Tdap vaccine (for tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis) is given to pre-teens as well, and contains 390 mcg of aluminum.13 Several adult vaccines also contain aluminum.
Aluminum is neurotoxic and has a long history of well-documented hazards.14 For example, as early as 1921 The Lancet described a 46-year-old metal worker in whom “aluminium produced a rather slow intoxication. In this case it caused memory loss, tremor, jerky movements and incontinence of urine.”15 In 1927, Dr. Victor Vaughn, a toxicologist with the University of Michigan, testified before the Federal Trade Commission that “all salts of aluminum are poisonous when injected subcutaneously or intravenously.”16 By 1951, Chusid et al. showed that chronic epilepsy could be induced in monkeys through intra-cerebral administration of aluminum hydroxide cream.17 In 1968, Driver et al. performed a similar experiment by placing aluminum hydroxide cream unilaterally on the posterior parietal cortex of six monkeys.18 From 3 to 8 weeks after surgery, electrical abnormalities could be seen on an electroencephalogram and the monkeys exhibited “episodic twitching of the limbs and face.” The animals were also impaired at learning new tasks and at re-learning tasks first learned prior to the intervention.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), “Aluminum is now being implicated as interfering with a variety of cellular and metabolic processes in the nervous system and in other tissues.”19 Bishop et al. published data showing that “aluminum accumulates in the body when protective gastrointestinal mechanisms are bypassed, renal function is impaired, and exposure is high.”20 For example, in premature infants, “prolonged intravenous feeding with solutions containing aluminum is associated with impaired neurologic development” by 18 months of age. More recently, Kawahara et al. published research confirming that “aluminum can cause severe health problems in particular populations, including infants.”21 The authors of this paper also declared that “whilst being environmentally abundant, aluminum is not essential for life. On the contrary, aluminum is a widely recognized neurotoxin that inhibits more than 200 biologically important functions and causes various adverse effects in plants, animals, and humans.”


Footnote from my perspective HPV is not only a total waste of time and money it has no safety data or any information relating to its ability to resolve or alleviate cancer of the cervix………in actual fact in the laboratory the females rates became infertile after vaccination ……hence UN 2030 Agenda  (mass depopulation)……..Australia in its arrogance has now given this vaccination to both girls and boys of high school age as well as creating their own vaccine to sell and market in Indonesia (one the the most densely populations in the world)……I have lobbied all political parties about the dangers of vaccines in Australia….especially that of HPV….all to no avail……that makes the Australian Government, Health Departments and Pharmaceutical Industry guilty of Crimes against Humanity…which hopefully will be filed at a later date!!

Let’s now look at another European story that clearly revealed the scam behind some vaccines and again forensic evidence proved to be correct and the case was won.

The Article clearly reveals that if measles no longer exists (in its natural state) around the world why carry out a worldwide vaccination programme against it…….could it be that the vaccines themselves are re-introducing mealses…..”you bet they did.”

We keep getting so called pandemic scares issued by the UN/WHO and governments when in actual fact they were only responsible for a partial loss of life…..some of those scares being Mexican Swine Flu and Zika Virus and the current scare throughout Australia – Meningococcal disease…..the latter vaccine is now being roled out free of charge for high school childtren…… would seriously have to ask why?………

Our governments, health departments and doctors also promote Anti Biotics (at the drop of a hat) resulting in the establishment of “New Super Bugs” for which there are no Anti Biotics available so what next?………what happened to the above not focusing on the development of our own “God Given” immune system or the use of Russian Phage Therapy?

Take a look at this “Measles Court Battle” in Europe:

Dr Stefan Lanka

Biologist Proves Measles Isn’t A Virus, Wins Supreme Court Case Against Doctor

In a recent ruling, judges at the German Federal Supreme Court (BGH) confirmed that the measles virus does not exist. 

Furthermore, there is not a single scientific study in the world which could prove the existence of the virus in any scientific literature. This raises the question of what was actually injected into millions over the past few decades.

Not a single scientist, immunologist, infectious disease specialist or medical doctor has ever been able to establish a scientific foundation, not only for the vaccination of measles but any vaccination for infants, pregnant women, the elderly and even many adult subgroups.

The fact that many vaccines are ineffective is becoming increasingly apparent. Merck was slapped with two separate class action lawsuits contending they lied about the effectiveness of the mumps vaccine in their combination MMR shot, and fabricated efficacy studies to maintain the illusion for the past two decades that the vaccine is highly protective.

Studies such as one published in the Human and Experimental Toxicology journal found a direct statistical correlation between higher vaccine doses and infant mortality rates.


Finally lets look at the excellent work and research carried out by a British doctor who has sacrificed his entire career in revealing the truth about the vaccination scam:


Andrew Jeremy Wakefield is a British former gastroenterologist and medical researcher who was struck off the UK Medical Register for his 1998 research that there was a link between the administration of the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine and the appearance of autism and bowel disease.

There is currently a documentary film going around the world called “Vaxxed”which features Andrew Wakefields research and which to date is having to be screened in private for fear of retribution.

I will continue to call him Dr. Wakefield as in my eyes he’s a “Truth Doctor.”

Center For Disease Control Reports Highest Number Of Measles Cases In 20 Years

What I found so interesting was the fact  that although Dr. Wakefield research has been ridiculed by those that wish to only protect their own pockets, his research continues to be raised in other corner of the globe in the most profound way…..take a look at this story that emerged in the USA:

A Doctor at the prestigious Cleveland Clinic sparked an online uproar when he published an article Friday filled with anti-vaccine rhetoric, including the widely debunked claim that vaccines are linked to autism. Physicians took to Twitter to call the article “vile” and “Post-truth medicine” and demand whether the clinic endorsed its doctor’s views.

Dr. Daniel Neides, a family doctor and the director and chief operating officer of the Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute, wrote on a blog on the news site that preservatives and other ingredients in vaccines are dangerous and are likely behind the increase in diagnosed cases of neurological diseases such as autism.

“Does the vaccine burden — as has been debated for years — cause autism? I don’t know and will not debate that here. What I will stand up and scream is that newborns without intact immune systems and detoxification systems are being over-burdened with PRESERVATIVES AND ADJUVANTS IN THE VACCINES,” he wrote. Adjuvants are added to vaccines to prompt a stronger immune response.

“Neurologic diseases like autism and ADHD increasing at alarming rates.”


Dr. Andrew Wakefield speaking to the media

“With the debate over MMR that has started,” he then said“I cannot support the continued use of the three vaccines given together. We need to know what the role of gut inflammation is in autism…. My concerns are that one more case of this is too many.”

Asked recently whether he still believes the MMR vaccine causes autism, Wakefield responded unequivocally. “Yes, I do. I think MMR contributes to the current autism epidemic.”

Wakefield says the CDC has known for years about an association between the MMR vaccine and autism and created a “smokescreen” to “protect special interests.” He has received, he says, 5,000 pages worth of documents, transcripts and recordings from a whistle-blower that “confirm beyond a shadow of a doubt that CDC were involved in fraud to cover this up.”

In conclusion all I can say to all you Mum’s and Dad’s is that you are required to be informed by your Governments Health Advocates on issues relating to the vaccine your child is about to have…..that is called “Informed Consent”…….however that has not or is not being done and the ingredients of each vaccine and any possible side effects are not being explained which is against the very principal of “Informed Consent.”……..I cannot advise if to vaccine or not but for my part I would have to say no to current vaccinations owing to their lack of safety data, claims of protection and lack of toxicity information which they themselves do not understand……..if there is any element of doubt in relation to safety then don’t go ahead!!!

My next series will cover yet another scam – That of Global Warming!!!

Peter Eyre 0915 Local time 05/07/2017

Middle East Consultant – Political Analysis – Investigative Journalist – Broadcaster

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