In 1993 I, along with the world, I watched as the American Gov. saved humanity from the Branch Davidians in Waco TX. After all, it was the only thing to do because the leader of the cult was unwilling to give himself up to the authorities. Some of the people did leave when given the chance earlier... many of them are still in prison on what amounts to "guilt by association" and the charges that could be trumped up. They were accused of killing the 4 ATF agents who were shot in the first rush of attack on the compound. There are still questions concerning the origin of the bullets that took those lives. There are still questions as to the reason the building was engulfed in flames just after the tanks made sure the doors and windows would be difficult to open after the walls were pushed so far out of alignment. I heard military personnel describe the tanks as being capable of throwing flame.
The truth did not come out for a while and,, when it did, I doubt if all the people were interested enough to notice or maybe they found it difficult to believe the Gov. that is sworn to protect us could kill us in cold blood. The raw footage was passed around for a few years, usually in the possession of attorneys or other law enforcement... then someone with a conscience decided to tell the truth.
PBS has a version of this that I have never seen. I have, however watched the movie that I am sharing with you on this blog. It is in two parts, please watch both parts and in sequence, to get the entire impression and understand how huge it really was... and still is. The next endeavor of our protectors was Ruby Ridge. That was at least looked at by the special committee of the Congress. Around 3 million was paid to the survivors of that mess. None of the people involved with either situation will ever be the same........ except the man who was in charge of both massacres. He has been pepromoted..... and we all should be very afraid. We know what this man is capable of and now he has the whole world as his oyster. He will undoubtedly shine in his new position and do the most perfect job for his handlers and masters. The URL and the article that introduces this man to the world as the new police chief, is below.


Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, October 12, 2009

UN and Interpol officials will meet today to discuss the formation of a “global police force” that would enjoy access to a worldwide database of DNA, biometric and fingerprint records. The effort will be spearheaded by a man known as “The Enforcer” who helped federal authorities both conduct and cover up the murderous Waco siege which killed 76 people in 1993.

“Interpol and the United Nations are poised to become partners in fighting crime by jointly grooming a global police force that would be deployed as peacekeepers among rogue nations riven by war and organized crime, officials from both organizations say,” reports the New York Times.

The emergence of a global police force is of course something that people like Alex Jones have been warning about for well over a decade. The global police force, just like the world army, is a key centerpiece of the march towards a dictatorial global government.

Those who were once called paranoid conspiracy theorists for claiming that the plan all along has been to centralize law enforcement into a global body run by the world government under the auspices of the UN and Interpol have been proven right once again.

For a taste of what Americans who aren’t so favorable to taking orders from foreigners on home soil can expect, consider the fact that the secretary general of Interpol, and one of the men at the forefront of setting up the global police force, is none other than Ronald K. Noble.

Noble, who is known as “The Enforcer,” has been instrumental in working with Chinese authorities to provide policing in the Communist country for major national events. However, his most notorious role was in ordering and then, in his position as Undersecretary for Enforcement of the United States Department of the Treasury, whitewashing the actions of the BATF following the federal government’s murderous siege on the Branch Davidian compound at Waco which killed 76 people including more than 20 children and two pregnant women in April 1993.

As Carol Moore writes, “Noble had approved the decision to go ahead with the raid,” and therefore, “had little interest in issuing a report that either would challenge significantly the BATF’s investigation or modus operandi or would admit these led to crimes against the Davidians.”

Noble ignored in his report more than a dozen eyewitness reports, along with photographic and video evidence, of a BATF helicopter firebombing the Waco church during the siege. He also ignored David Koresh’s July 1992 invitation to the BATF to inspect the Waco compound, which if it had gone ahead could have prevented the siege and the murder of 76 innocent people altogether.

Waco Siege Enforcer To Rule Over Global Police Force 121009top
The 1993 Waco Siege.

“During the hearing, Friend-of-Bill Webster Hubbell denied repeatedly that he and Clinton had discussed the Waco situation informally, and improperly. However, an Associated Press article claimed Hubbell had revealed he was giving Clinton updates on Waco. And House staffers discovered a memorandum in which then-Treasury official Ron Noble asserted Hubbell would take the matter up with Clinton if the Treasury Department’s review did not downplay BATF errors. Clearly, Noble condones covering up government crimes against citizens,” writes Moore.

Noble was picked directly for the position of secretary general at Interpol by fellow Waco siege accomplice, former Attorney General Janet Reno.

During his September 2005 secretary general re-election acceptance speech in Berlin, Noble attributed Interpol’s ‘rebirth’ to the events of 9/11, saying that the terrorist attacks allowed the organization to go from being treated as largely irrelevant to setting it on the path to becoming an international police force.

Noble told the New York Times that one of the main roles of the global cops would be to stop people to check their identities against a global database.

“The police will be trained and equipped differently with resources,” Mr. Noble said. “When they stop someone, they will be consulting global databases to determine who they are stopping."
As we previously reported, Interpol is setting up a huge biometric facial scan database of international travelers so they can cross-check everyone against a database of terror suspects, international criminals and fugitives. The database will hold the records of every citizen who has ever traveled in and out of the virtually every country in the world, representing intelligence agency style bulk interception of information.

According to the NY Times report, Interpol agents would be given special electronic passports that would allow them to speedily cross international borders.

“With the meeting of justice ministers on Monday, which coincides with a general assembly of Interpol police members, the group is expected to debate the global police issue and to craft a declaration that would lead to an action plan for international police peacekeeping within 12 months,” reports the Times.

The danger of having a global police force conducting law enforcement on U.S. soil under the control of Interpol and the UN is self-evident. Global cops who do not have to swear an oath to uphold the Constitution have no obligation to follow it. Operating outside of the realms of the U.S. legal system, global cops will have carte blanche to snatch, grab and intern citizens without recourse. A highly centralized system of policing guarantees hardly any liability whatsoever and therefore encourages rampant illegality and police brutality.

With many experts predicting a Soviet-style collapse of the United States within the next few years, the prospect of U.N. peacekeepers and Interpol global cops ordering Americans around is a harrowing possibility.

The fact that this move is all being spearheaded by a man known as “The Enforcer” who was instrumental in ordering the killing of 76 innocent people at Waco, including 20 children, and then covering it up, should send shock waves through the liberty movement and lead to intense scrutiny on Noble’s position at Interpol and his agenda to head up a global police force.

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Comment by Mimsgirl on October 12, 2009 at 10:19pm
Sorry... before anyone corrects me, I admit I put the Ruby Ridge siege in the wrong position in history. I concede to being awful with numbers.

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