Mimsgirl's Blog (7)

The Truth About the bombing of the Oklahoma City Murrah Building

When the Murrah Building blew up in Oklahoma City I was working as a hairdresser in a downtown Wichita Business complex that housed this division of Cargill home offices, a restaurant, and nine stories of offices full of people who were our clients. We always knew everything in real time, in terms of news and anything happening that would be interesting in the country, because the shop was the social gathering place for the building as well as the grooming service. When one of our clients…


Added by Mimsgirl on April 18, 2015 at 12:11pm — 3 Comments

The Best Explaination

We all are aware of the dangers of the flu vaccines. The H1N1 seems to be the "weapon of choice" at this time so I have a message from Dr. Russell Blaylock to share. This is the answer he gave a woman who asked him to explain the dangers of the "gov. jab." Included is Dr. Blaylock's bio.

Fri. Oct. 9, 09


No one should take the swine flu vaccine. It is one of the most dangerous vaccines ever devised. It contains an immune adjuvant… Continue

Added by Mimsgirl on October 14, 2009 at 12:06pm — No Comments

The New Global Police Chief

In 1993 I, along with the world, I watched as the American Gov. saved humanity from the Branch Davidians in Waco TX. After all, it was the only thing to do because the leader of the cult was unwilling to give himself up to the authorities. Some of the people did leave when given the chance earlier... many of them are still in prison on what amounts to "guilt by association" and the charges that could be trumped up. They were accused of killing the 4 ATF agents who were shot in the first rush of… Continue

Added by Mimsgirl on October 12, 2009 at 5:43pm — 1 Comment

The Probably Not So Surprising Truth

I imagine many of you already know all, or at least most, of the shenanigans the government has pulled on the citizens of this country over the years. You may even be aware of the equally horrid attitudes and destroy America campaigns launched towards us by many of the wealthy and industrialized nations that have tried to teach the U.S. a lesson or put this country on it's knees, at one time or another. Many times over they also were the recipients of massive financial aid and rebuilding after… Continue

Added by Mimsgirl on October 11, 2009 at 2:11am — 3 Comments

Mark of the Beast..... anyone??

This is part of a report that is suppose to be in the BHO health care fiasco. The person who is bringing this to our attention says it lies buried deep within the over 1,000 pages of the massive US Health Care Bill (PDF) in a “non-discussed” section titled: Subtitle C-11 Sec. 2521— National Medical Device Registry, and which states its purpose as:

“The Secretary shall establish a national medical device registry (in this subsection referred to as the ‘registry’) to facilitate… Continue

Added by Mimsgirl on August 30, 2009 at 7:51pm — No Comments

International Paper Treads Monsanto's Path to "Frankenforests"

Here is another project that takes us a little closer to altering the earth forever. All those who agree with this redesigning of nature, should probably be charged with crimes against humanity (and nature). These improvements always sound so useful until they are completely implemented and we see the awful down side. Anything for the almighty dollar. If this is approved and the world is subjected to the new and improved trees, we may not know nature in it's true form in time to come. Of… Continue

Added by Mimsgirl on August 28, 2009 at 2:07pm — No Comments

How the real people experienced Obama in Montana

I received this from a relative in Oklahoma this morning. I have corrected a few spelling errors and removed a name but, for the most part, it is in the original form. I would add that some of the structure is hard to follow because the person writing the first E thinks and types at the same time. He knows what he means but we have to read it twice to get the real intent.

There are two Es and reference to an original but the story comes together just fine.... the story about the public… Continue

Added by Mimsgirl on August 21, 2009 at 3:12pm — 3 Comments

"Destroying the New World Order"



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