Despicable Acts of Violence By the Left in American
In the aftermath of a Trump Presidency the liberal element is but one opposing configuration that must be dealt with. I saying, to be dealt with, I speak of the death threats against Donald Trump and his family. Celebrities like Madonna advocating the destruction of the White House among the foul mouthed comments of other delusional performers who prefer not to deal with reality. However, when a ten year old child, Barron, the son of President Donald Trump, an innocent is viciously attacked on Twitter and other social media we can see the incredible insanity of the leftist opposition who refuse to allow Trump the chance to resurrect this country.
When idiocy is unacceptable
It is one thing to feel remorse over the loss of an election and to express it with a degree of disapproval and First Amendment right to free speech and peaceful public gatherings, but when police are assaulted, Trump supporters who attended inaugural balls after the President took office are doused with urine and feces by demonstrators, enough is enough. As a psychologist succinctly put it, these kinds of displays by sycophants too deluded by their own immaturity and sense of arrogant assuredness that cannot accept that a world beyond their selfish ambitions does not always comply with their unrealistic wishes.
The unseen perpetrators
Then there is the “Deep State” as Glen Greenwald refers to. This is the entrenched shadow government of hardcore elites who are committed to a global government controlled by a select few who will draft draconian directives with fascist zeal, and who are already orchestrating it. George Soros is one particular co-conspirator in this wicked equation who has funded 50 front groups alone involved in suppressing the Trump election campaign and are now moving onto attempting to delegitimatize the Trump White House in a vendetta based upon the loss of Hillary Clinton's bid for the Oval Office.
They (the left)
They will call for an end to the Electoral College which they supported and called upon Donald Trump to honor until their vaunted candidate lost. They will exhibit the most vial and repulsive displays of degenerate behavior in protest of the GOP candidates and President Trump as their followers defecate on governor mansion campus grounds and litter city streets in the wake of their protests. They will advocate women's rights when all they are actually doing is calling for the murder of the human fetus while in the mother's womb to the tune of 60 million already after the Roe vs. Wade decision. All that is indecent and devoid of law will be implemented as they call upon illegal aliens to vote and refuse to enforce voter ID laws in the states.
The hypocrisy
In states like California they will harbor those who trespass across our borders, repeat offenders, criminals, and drug cartel gangs, sheltering them in Sanctuary Cities that are funded by the federal government as a cry for freedom while America citizens are murdered by them in cold blood. Their hypocrisy knows no bounds as their campaign of revolt and social upheaval violates standards of decency that even they once exercised as patriotic Americans, but that has changed. With the insertion of foreign refugees from the Middle East who do not share our common respect for women, for Christian morality, or the law of the land (US Constitution) enlistees for social unrest have been intentionally brought to our nation.
The true state of the nation
Unconcerned with the good of the nation, Democratic Party prerogatives have sunken to levels of violent insurrection, rejection of common decency, and the destruction of property as a justification for their cause. That cause is over the revocation of their ambition to rule this country despite the will of the people. A united effort by the US media, socialistic leaders, and the Deep State to sabotage a national economic recovery fueled with hatred and subterfuge has been unleashed upon a once great nation by fools who would rather destroy America than see it restored to greatness. This is the true state of the union more than any warped address given by former President Obama could ever imagine.
"Destroying the New World Order"
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