The Problem Eliminators! by Steve Nelson (Sample for Patriots)

Announcing my Newly Redesigned and Expanded ebook;

Here's the exciting Info:

The Problem Eliminators!  © 2012 by Steve Nelson

*With an all new NCX Navigational Control for all chapters

*Over 2000 additional words

*Plus additional exciting computer links

With this New expanded version, The Problem Eliminators! Has Action at every turn on the high seas & on land!
Remember, The Problem Eliminators!  Strike Without Warning!
They Strike Hard, They Strike Fast & they are Deadly!

Like Amer-I-Can James Bond’s, these guys take no prisoners where the Drug Lords and Traitorous U. S. Government Officials are concerned!

Now, The Problem Eliminators!  Are deadlier than ever before!

Now here are some sample chapters for you to enjoy: 

Chapter 3   Finishing the Nights Work

So, getting back to the action of our story, I made my date with the Barracuda in the next few minutes as she wasn’t more than one half mile off the stern of the Drug Lords’ yacht.  I brought my sub scooter into the midsection docking bay slick as can be. The Captain was waiting for my report.

Sea water bubbled and sloshed about as my sub scooter surfaced smoothly in the docking bay, and I reached out and caught a securing line thrown over by a crewman.  As usual, I routinely helped secure the scooter tightly to its cradle.  Then with the scooter secured in its docking cradle, I carefully removed the breathing mask from my lovely young passenger, and checked that she was indeed breathing normally.  Then I carefully unstrapped her and carried her in my arms, off the sub scooter and aboard our ship.

“Well what do we have here?” asked the Captain.

“I found her bound and gagged in one of the cabins on the yacht Sir. I think she was on Jose’s menu for later.”

Then I reported further, “In addition to this lovely creature here, I found Jose busily engaged with 3 female users and I documented it on video.  About the yacht, I found 8 other drug goons and also Jose’s stash of drugs and cash.  I prepared the drugs for easy disposal and picked up a substantial wad of cash.  Also I prepared demo charges in the engine room and shorted the communications.  I also disabled the chopper on the after deck, and I have already dispatched several of the drug goons as needed.  Here are the hull measurements and structure analysis of the yacht.”  I handed the Captain my note pad with the figures.

The Captain smiled and responded happily, “You’ve done another fine job Dave!  Now take the girl to the dispensary and tell the Doc to keep her sedated.  Get your gear stowed, drop off the cash to my clerk and report back to me in the control room.  We’ll finish off Jose then surface and look for survivors; it’s a pleasantly fine quiet night for our work.”

“Very good Sir!”  I responded and I took my charge off to the medical dispensary.  It didn’t take me long in getting my gear and the cash stowed, then I threw on a clean dry set of coveralls, and then I was back on the bridge for the main event in just about fifteen minutes.

Like a big cat waiting to pounce on unsuspecting prey, the crew of the Barracuda had kept Jose’s yacht under constant surveillance. When I arrived in the control room, the Captain went around the board, and all crewmembers at each station checked in.  With these final checks made, the ship was secure and ready for action.  The Captain handed my depth measurements to the diving officer and gave the order for forward motion.

“Half ahead!  4 degrees down!” the Captain ordered.  The diving officer checked with the helm and reported, “Helm has the target Sir!”

“Very well,” said the Captain. Then he made some mental notes, as the diving officer brought the Barracuda into proper alignment with the target. When he saw that the readings on the instruments were correct the Captain gave his next order; “Ahead full!” the Captain said with confidence and full purpose! Immediately the ship vibrated and pulsed with increased speed.

“Diving officer set our depth!” called the Captain.

Now aligned with the target, the diving officer brought the Barracuda to the depth ordered by the Captain. In minutes, the Barracuda plowed through the water at top speed, barring directly on the target.  Our ship reached maximum speed! Our depth and speed and also the target were locked.  In the next few seconds we would hit the mid section of the Drug Lords fine yacht and rip him wide open!

The rushing of water against the hull of our ship was loud as we sped toward the yacht with the engine at full speed!  The Captain called out, “Sound collision!”

An alarm resounded throughout the ship, in every compartment, and all aboard knew that we would make contact with tonight’s target in just moments!

I sat by the Captain secured in my harness.  He was secured in his as well.  It was just a safety precaution.  We are very big, when it comes to safety.  Everyone was prepared to meet the Drug Lords’ yacht amidships!

The video monitor showed the yacht as it grew in size!  Closer. . . Closer! . . .  CLOSER!  Now it filled the screen!  The computer tracking the position and speed of our attack flashed in red on the screen one word, “CONTACT!”

The Barracuda shuddered only very slightly as her razor sharp, saw toothed cutting blade overhead, sliced cleanly through the hull of the yacht, like a fresh cut tomato!

“Viewing monitor aft!” called the Captain.

We saw the underwater view from our aft monitor as the yacht split in half and fire erupted from somewhere on board.  The engine room charges I had set earlier had gone off only a moment before, so the yacht had been a sitting duck for our attack.

The fires on the yacht were brilliant but brief, as we surfaced on the far side and watched Jose’s yacht go down fairly quickly.  “Nicely done Sir!”  I complemented the Captain. Others of the bridge crew agreed and sounded off in the affirmative!

We cruised about the area for a short duration looking for any survivors.  Drug goons or the Drug Lord himself, we would shoot. Anyone else we would pick up and keep them sedated.  Patch them up if necessary and drop them off at the nearest port ASAP.  That was our SOP or, Standard Operating Procedure.  But not on this night, as there were no other survivors seen.

Now with one less Drug Lord and his cargo of poison, the world would breathe a little easier.  The Captain congratulated the crew on a job well done and set the night watch.  The navigator plotted a course for the nearest port so I could do my next job, drop off our new passenger.



Chapter 4   My Delivery Service

I have run my delivery service several times before, but for you the reader, I thought I would relay this experience, so that you can fully understand our SOP, when it comes to guests aboard our vessel.  If I didn’t say it before, well I’ll say it again; I am writing down a selected sampling of my adventures aboard the Barracuda, mine as well as others points of view, might make a swell book someday.

As I have already said, when it comes to Drug Lords, or their goons, we shoot them out of hand.  But when we run across captives of the Drug Lords, we keep them sedated, patch them up and return them to the nearest friendly port.  We cannot reveal our presence or identity to the world.  So for those whom we have operated this delivery service, they only have a bad dream or memory to remember.  We do our best to see to their safety and quick return, but mistakes have happened and will again I am sure.  This business is not always neat and tidy.

So for this particular drop off, the navigator recommended our nearest port of call, as a large American city off the South East coast of Florida. Therefore our ship made for this port at regular cruising speed.  This American city was close enough to us so that we would only have our current passenger aboard for a day.  The following evening, I would run my delivery service.

Taking a look at a map of the city, I charted the location of the nearest hospital in relation to the point off shore, which our ship would arrive at and wait for me.  I would be going about 5 miles inland from the beach we would be stopping at.

As part of my planning, I checked on our passenger and the Doc said that she was fine.  I told him my approximate time of departure, and he said that he would have her ready as well.  I used our days travel for planning and checking my equipment inside and out.  I also stopped by the control room and checked our course with the navigator.

The Captain said he ‘Was pleased’ with my care and attention to detail, for this and every operation.  I enjoy the confidence my Captain has in me.  He has confidence in us all, and he shows us this in words and deeds quite often.

At the appointed hour, we arrived as near in as possible off the beach, opposite the city.  The Barracuda surfaced only to periscope depth in the early evening while there was still a little light, for only a brief time.  The Captain invited me to the control room for a look at the beach.

I scanned the beach looking for the best possible place to make contact, and for a place to hide my rubber Zodiac.  I spotted the place where I wanted to land right away, and also several possible places to stow my equipment.  I took photos of these and returned to my cabin to complete my planning.  While I was doing my planning, the Captain submerged the ship to await full nightfall. It wasn’t long though that I returned to the control room and submitted my plans to the Captain.

Captain Mitchell looked over my planned contact point and place to stow the inflatable boat, and my route to and from the hospital center.

He smiled and said, “It looks good Dave.  We’ll wait for you for an additional 24 hours if necessary, beyond your estimated return time, and then we’ll come looking, OK?”

“Good enough Sir.”  I said.  And I returned to my cabin to collect my gear and make my final preparations for departure.

After running submerged for the remainder of that day, the Captain surfaced the ship at full dark.  This was just long enough for me and my charge to embark on a Zodiac for the beach, and then the Barracuda submerged to periscope depth to await my return signal.

The night was moon lit and the sky clear, and the sea was rather calm. The stars were brilliant and beautiful in the night sky. I always loved looking at the stars. You know that at one time when I was just a youngster, I liked Star Trek so much that I really wanted to be an astronaut. But then I got into other things and then this job came along do to circumstances beyond my control. But reminiscing time was over now, as with the sea being calm on this evening and our trip to the beach took only minutes. I held tight to the girl in my care and the steering motor as we made our way in.  The waves weren’t very high and we glided in with ease.

When we made contact with the beach, I hopped overboard and drug us in off the beach.

Over near a bluff I had spotted several boat house shacks on my earlier recon with the ships periscope, and I had zoomed in for my photos.  Behind one or two of them, I had spotted what looked like piles of beach chairs and other assorted furniture.  Somewhere near there, was where I planned to stash the Zodiac.

Leaving the Zodiac near some bushes, I made my way to one of these and examined the spot closely wearing my night vision goggles.  Yes!  This was the best one for sure.  These chairs looked broken and unused.  Great!

I dragged the Zodiac closer to the spot and deflated it.  I unpacked my mini motorized scooter and strapped the girl on board, after of course, I had covered the Zodiac with several of those broken chairs and an old tarp and other nearby debris.  Then I pushed the bike loaded with my charge up over the hill, to the roadway beyond, and started the muffled engine.  We zoomed off into the dark night in just moments!

I followed my route as planned.  Three miles straight ahead and then a right at a 4 way stop, then a left at the first light, then straight ahead for another 2 miles.  The Emergency entrance of a county hospital appeared on the right hand side of the street.

I drove into the circle drive and thru the entry way, and beyond to a little area of dark green bushes.  I stowed the bike out of sight, but nearby for my quick exit.  Then I took the girl into my arms and walked back into the lighted entry way and through the automatic opening doors to the Emergency section of the hospital.

I urgently said to the waiting nurse on duty at the desk, “Can you help?”  Then I added, “I found her collapsed on the sidewalk just a few blocks away!”

The nurse took one look and called for an orderly and a wheeled hospital bed!  In moments, the nurse and two orderlies surrounded the girl that I had just placed on the bed, and the nurse told me to step back!  I did as I was told.  I stepped back and back and back, till I was out of the open door, and then I disappeared into the night! My bike was right there in the dark of the bush.  I was on it and off in a flash!



Chapter 5   Where is the Dog Catcher When You Need Him?

My bike purred smoothly as the warm wind flowed through my hair on my night ride. Straight ahead now just 3 miles, and I would come across the beach.  With exceptional night vision, the dark of night has always been my ally.  In fact as my mother used to always say, “Davy, you’ve got carrot eaten eyes!” I could always be found with a carrot in my hand, munching away. Ah memories, sometimes they can be good and sometimes they can catch up with you. It was just about then, as I was thinking about the wise old sayings of my mother, that I had just made my last turn and this stretch of road was straight with no structures in the near vicinity.  The road looked to be fresh and newly resurfaced, without a crack in it. I could smell fresh asphalt and the sea air as I got closer to the beach. With no street lights along this long dark stretch, it was pitch dark except for my tiny scooter light. The moon had gone down over the horizon.

Then from out of the dark a snarling shape leaped in front of me! WHAM!

I made contact with some kind of large beast, a dog of some kind!  The breed was unclear and not at that time at all important to me! As it had attached itself to my upper left arm, and was holding on with a vise grip!  It snarled and whined as we both took the fall! Me, the beast and my bike, we all rolled and tumbled several yards down the roadway!  The bike skidded off and sparks flew as I left its seat, until it came to a halt some yards away.  I and my unwanted attacker, who snarled and howled at the same time, came to a stop also and I tried to get up and to throw him off!

I stood on my feet and whirled this way and that, and the beast remained clamped with its teeth into my arm!  I then got the fingers of my other hand underneath the gums of the beast, and yanked hard! With a whelp and a whine the beast came loose and flopped to the ground.  I could barely see as the motor bike light was still on, and pointing down the roadway a little ways off.

The beast that had hit the ground leapt up at me again!  But now I was ready for it!  I had drawn my survival knife and I gave the beast a swipe of my steel blade, at just the right moment like a ball player intercepting an incoming pitch! I must have hit something vital as the beast balled in pain and hobbled off into the night with a steadily diminishing howl!  Yipe!!!  Yipe!!  Yipe! Then soon it was gone.

Incredible pain then surged through my arm, but I forced that out of my mind in favor of the task at hand. I needed to check out my bike a few yards off.  I found that the engine wouldn’t run and the light was solely on the battery.  So I put it in neutral and started pushing.  3 miles now on foot with a painful damaged arm, had suddenly turned into a long, long way to go.  With just a few hours of darkness left to me, I really needed to hustle!

I worked myself and my bike up to a slow jog, and thought of this Counties Dog Catcher.  Where was he when an honest civilian needed him?  At home, comfy in his bed most likely!  Ah well, I laughed, and also winced again with the gnawing pain in my arm. The pain I had put from my mind was returning with a vengeance now, as I jogged along with my bike toward my beach rendezvous.

About an hour before first light, my bike actually caught and started to putter to life!  I thanked my lucky fortune, and hopped aboard. Sluggishly I nursed the bike onward toward the beach area.

I arrived with just a half hour or so to go before dawn.  I made my signal to the waiting Barracuda, and uncovered my Zodiac and started the inflator going.  In minutes I was ready to hit the surf, and I piled my damaged bike aboard and shoved off!

The signal light from the bridge of the Barracuda flashed again in my general direction, to give me a heading and I made for the ship right away.  Yowzer!  Yowzer!!  The pain in my arm was increasing, and also I was feeling a little faint as I sat in my boat, steering for the ship.  I’ll have the Doc take a look at it.  I hope I haven’t got a case of rabies now?

Soon though, the welcome shape of the Barracuda appeared a little off to my port.  I made for that familiar black island in the sea that had just surfaced.  Strong, welcome hands helped me aboard.  My equipment was stowed pronto.  I reported to the Captain, my night’s adventure and he ordered me to see the Doc right away.  I made no protest about it, and was off to see him in a flash!

I must have been oozing a lot of blood, because I didn’t make it to the Doc on my own.  I fainted somewhere along in the companionway, and I woke up some hours later in a bed in the sickbay.

Now, The Problem Eliminators!  Are deadlier than ever before!

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