The Shadow of the Authoritarian State

Image result for Biden in his hitlerian gestures


Once the authoritarian state emerges either by bloody coup or insurgence of foreign controlled elements it will view the people it was supposed to govern as threats. As it must remain in iron fisted control. Just as Joe Biden in his State of the Union address attacked MAGA Republicans saying that they could hang onto their guns while the federal government ha F-15 Strike Eagle fighter jets, this kind of rule will sure rely upon intimidation. The use of counter intelligence and disinformation will be key in trying to create belief in their flawed system and to keep those who know in conflict with those who are conformists seduced by the rogue government.

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Illusions are hard to ignore

In America we are at that moment where the truth is hard to find and for many Americans even harder to swallow so they revert back to former beliefs that are no longer realistic under the new corrupt regime. The Democrats have utilized every tactic of the Castro Communist regime in Cuba from terror to the false narratives that lead the people of gullible minds into championing the ruler as a cult of personality even though he is the very one who oppresses them. Yet, counter intelligence works just as well to confuse the gullible as the Democrats have made Donald trump into a seeming cult leader in their quest to delegitimize him. The people, mesmerized by the deception of the authoritarian state will act as agents for the corrupt regime, brainlessly doing the work of their oppressors. This is when the social division created by the tyrannical state has reached a climax in its ability to deceive and lobotomize those who hold government in an unrealistically high regard.

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Simply denial

The people like animals seeking the least path of resistance, don’t want to resort to critical thinking which requires a suspension of programmed belief and the realizations that they’ve been lied to. Instead, these voters will cling to past inclinations to trust those cannot be trusted and to fall for the charismatic speeches and gestures that only cloud the issues and instill false hope, because people are just that easily misled. Government carries with it a very powerful illusion that makes it hard for the easily confused to see through the smoke screen of half-truths and outright lies that the propagandists of the authoritarian state will use. Stalin was a master at getting the Russian people to embrace the very system of Communist control that starved them into submission and kept the peasants in acceptance of mediocrity. So it is with the Biden White House today. Convince Black Americans that they will be in the chains of slavery if the vote Republican, an absurd lie, but amazingly accepted in the minds of those reduced to the mentality of sheep where consensus overpowers truth.

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Out of control

So, what is the answer to this sociopolitical quandary? How do we keep ourselves from repeating the mistakes of history? Thomas Jefferson said it best when he stated that survival of the Constitution Republic would require vigilance! That the people would have to pay attention the inner workings of the government in order to keep it from getting out of control! Sadly, we Americans have not done a very good job of that as we have assumed our lawmakers were working in our best interests, but they weren’t, and as Mark Twain once observed, and I paraphrase, “it’s harder to get people to realize they’ve been duped rather than it was to deceive them!”

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With the upcoming election, there is an opportunity for Americans to regain oversight of their government and never allow the deceptions and treason that began in earnest under the Obama Administration moving forward to the Biden Clown show, which hasn’t been very funny! God willing there is still a chance.

Image result for Biden the dumbass clown

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