A shift is generally considered to be a change from conventional wisdom or changing from one gear to another, much less a visual spectrum transformation. However, in America a shift occurred that forever changed the way a free society envied all over the world became nothing more than the lying dictatorships that have long threatened individual freedom through-out the world. What would be subtle influences within the educational and broadcasting industry into a massive illusion mesmerizing citizens in apathetic sleep walkers as their own country was stolen from underneath their feet. Was individual comfort so important that watching others in the herd getting picked off was acceptable?
In the beginning
At first, it seemed America was a land of opportunity with a revolutionary concept. For the first time in human history, the individual had the power of representation and could hold the government accountable for grievances should one’s constitutional rights be violated. Yet, for the some reason, the collectivists, the statists, the Marxists, the socialists, or the Communists just couldn’t have that. America’s freedom and independence exposed the dictators and Communist rulers for who they were, occult personalities, who ruled by intimidation, and demagoguery! So, they began working 24-7 on some way to subvert the US society and its form of governance as the people, trusting in their leaders, slept, consumed, breaded, and obeyed. Under the spell of grazing upon the grasses of reassurance and misinformation the sheep remained undisturbed as the forces of evil conspired against them.
Massive planned economic failure
Norman Dodd, who was a young banker fresh out of college in the 1930’s was commissioned by his Morgan Bank bosses to investigate into the unseen causes of the Great Depression and the massive banking failures that accompanied it. After a year of shocking revelations, Norman returned to his bank and gave a presentation to several of the banks top officials. After that mysteriously nothing happened other than Norman being relegated to a cream puff position guaranteed for life as long as he kept quiet and didn’t make waves, but he could have none of it and went to his superiors demanding action be taken over the fraud and criminality that took place. As a result, he was fired, he was blackballed from the banking industry, and had to seek employment as a financial advisor.
The tax exempt Trust Scheme
In 1947 at the behest of the Reece Committee Norman Dodd was again called upon to investigate. This time it was the tax exempt educational trusts and endowments holding billions for supposedly funding universities and student programs. What he found was a massive influx of Communist influence designed to indoctrinate the American classroom and teach confusing formulas for solving mathematics. The revelations were so shocking that a gifted young female legal assistant working for him had a nervous breakdown! Once again, Norman made a presentation this time to the US Congress about the façade that has been created by billionaire families and foreign powers using these trusts as tax shelters and misinformation centers. Dodd was shouted down or objected to 250 times totally disrupting his attempts to inform Congressional leaders by one individual working for the educational trusts as well as holding his position on Capitol Hill.
The Welfare State
But, when did the shift really begin? In the 1960’s Lyndon Johnson began his supposedly “Great Society” using federal funding to greatly expand the welfare state and buy the black vote effectively creating generations of dependent citizens upon the federal government. With the introduction of drugs, musical influence, and a cultural shift in America so did the politics of the federal government steering itself away from the US Constitution as the war in Vietnam raged. America was being rapidly undermined by moral evisceration as promiscuity became pervasive. Perhaps, maybe the most damaging aspect of it all was the transformation of the American classroom into the influence of the radical agenda, America hating, socialism influence, white shaming, historic revisionism.
Tip of the poison spear
In the early 70’s I remember three telling pieces of literature that were the front runners of what we see today among white hatred, sex reassignment interjection, and even Native American blame upon the character of the Caucasian settler. 1) We were introduced to an LP “Switched on Bach” the first synthesizer rendition of several orchestral classics by a composer and musician by Walter Carlos, who would soon have sex reassignment surgery and become Wendy Carlos. We were passively instructed to ignore the fact that a man was surgically and hormonally changing his anatomy. So, simply overlook that! However, he did go through a strenuous process of only being able to record fragments of the synthesizer keyboard in order to piece together whole songs, which in Classical would be quite a bit of themes and improvisations. In 1968 when the album was recorded the synthesizer was in its infancy and only analog electronics were available.
Those no good white players
2) Was a poem written about a baseball game going on between dark skinned, athletic, and noble Jamaican players against pudgy, white, inferior Caucasian players. The poem was decidedly racist and clearly voiced a contempt for the white baseball players ending in a Jamaican player intentionally throwing a baseball fast and hard at a white baseball team member killing him. This was clearly what the build-up to what the poetry tale intended, the murder of a contemptible Caucasian baseball player. How this type of literary piece made for a contribution to our curriculum seemed more like a political indoctrination rather than a true example of unbiased literature, but being impressionable young minds, we accepted this trash and even believed it somehow. Back then it was subtle not like the openly hostile shaming of little white toddlers attending kinder garden today for simply being Caucasian!
Commentary in the form of literary
3) A Native American describes with all his aggravation, his comparison of how the white settlers thought of the “Great Creator’s” earth. Describing how fast a white man eats his lunch without thanking the “Great Creator” for his meal. How when it rained the white man cursed using God’s name in vain because he viewed the life giving force of rain as an inconvenience uttering “Goddamn!” as rain drops fell. I was asked to read this passage for the classroom in our eleventh grade English period. You can bet I added a comedic moment or two to it. However my English teacher was pretty cool she allowed me to bring Jethro Tull and King Crimson albums to class to be played during our study period. One of the members of the class was a Student Council member and each morning there would be an announcement over the loud speaker system and they played the song “Peace an End” off the “In The Wake of Poseidon” LP for several mornings.
Watch out! Another Paradigm Shift
It was a soothing way to greet another day of high school, thanks to her appreciation for the music I’d brought to class. By the way, my English teacher was undergoing chemotherapy and was wearing a wig, but she loved teaching so much she remained at her position. This was a very different time in schools prior to the insane busing that would soon take place and all the racial strife soon to follow. This was in North Dallas, not in the “Deep South” and most of the outrageous behavior was caused by the blacks while school authorities always apologized for their appalling behavior. Yes, I could sympathize to a degree. Being forced to wake up early in order to be bused some 40 or 50 miles away from your local school was aggravating, but stealing plumbing from the restrooms, starting fights, and dry humping sexually on the recreation field during lunch in view of everyone there quickly got tiresome, but this was the beginning of politicization of the school system in Texas in the early 70’s.
Was this a shift of higher thought processes?
Another strange transformation at the school had been a trend against violence with “Rednecks” getting into fist fights right in front of the school first thing in the morning. They were phased out by the cool crowd of “Freaks” not “Hippies” as the media labeled us. So, from rumbles in the parking lot to smoking a joint before school or maybe after lunch sitting in a circle out in the recreation field and then splitting up before coming back in from the lunch break into school, entering from different doors. Once again a “Shift” had taken place. As comedian George Carlin had said that in his shop class when “Marijuana hit the Neighborhood” he laughingly admitted that they went from making zip guns to hash pipes!
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