The Silent Slaughter: Introduction
On November 1st, 2021, in Waukesha, Wisconsin, during a Christmas parade, of all places, a hate-fueled menace callously snuffed out the lives of six innocent Americans. The carnage that a 3,500-pound SUV leaves after it mows through a parade of flesh and tissue at 40 MPH is gruesome; this could have easily exceeded the 6 deaths and over 60 injured.
The blood-thirsty beast that stole six Waukesha lives, one of whom was a six-year-old boy, was a career criminal out on bail. Identified as Darrell Brooks, a brief dive into his social media profile reveals a sociopathic worm driven by hate and fear.
The consensus is that this sick sack of shit should have never been free on bail, considering the weight behind many of his heinous crimes. It’s hardly surprising that his laundry list of repugnant acts included strangulation, suffocation, battery, and sexual predation.
In the age of 24-hour cable news, ringing the shit out of every tragedy and then discarding its stripped-clean carcass, the Waukesha parade murders were virtually dismissed. It met many of the media’s requirements as appealing subject matter, such as multiple murders, ruthless, shocking, and an excessively repugnant antagonist.
There has been wall-to-wall coverage of events with far less human butchery and much less gratuitous means of dispatch, like the persecution of Kyle Rittenhouse.
It doesn’t require much to deduce where the source of the putrid stench originates and the extent of its contamination. This dreadful act of violence and others have been suppressed because the malefactor was black, and his prey was white.
Peering thru an unfiltered lens
Peering at life through an honest and unfiltered lens can be an uncomfortable ordeal but a necessity of adulthood, particularly for parents. Many Americans are encouraged to exist in an artificial environment, free from the cruel and unforgiving reach of reality. This is a world where truth is subjective, freedoms are bartered for safe passage; it’s a world devoid of natural law and coasts on a perilous trajectory, enslaved and expendable.
It's through this distorted scope that a traducing faction of absolutists will continue to arbitrate self-immolating policies and laws for populations in the West.
The Unsettling Truth
In our homeland, whites have been cast as enemies of the state, and this treasonous plot aggressively targets men, women, and the family. A young white man, eager to unearth an accurate account of his history and his people’s integral role in human development, is indited as a supremacist.
Our children are discouraged from recognizing the unique intricacies of our exceptional lineage and the benevolence of many iconic figures. Women are encouraged to abandon their unique and essential roles in our culture, demanding to be measured by a man’s biological strengths.
The Silent Slaughter
The silent slaughter of white folks in the United States is blatantly evident and supports a greater faceted agenda, marginalizing the white population or simply exterminating them.
The media is complicit and will suppress the brutal violence inflicted on whites by people of color.
First they cultivated "white guilt" with massive lies and propaganda campaigns,substituting white people for those evil fkn juws WHO RAN THE SLAVE TRADE-- WHO OWNED THE SLAVE SHIPS--WHO OWNED MOST OF THE SLAVES and all the media satuurating us 24/7 with the lies of bleck victimization a very small % came to america as most niggers were sent to south america or other places. Then it was the "poor oppressed colored folk story where the lovely docile negro folk were just given a raw deal by the white debil abused and kept down. Just look at any nigger run city or organization and there is the IN YOUR FACE ANSWER coloreds are worthless creatures who can run fast and play the stupid ass game of ball in a fruit basket .(invented by a white man)
"Destroying the New World Order"
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