The Treason over Afghanistan Spreading Like a Cancer


After the widely watched resignation of Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller of the US Marines, a firestorm of righteous indignation among the American people was set off, but what else did it set off? Overnight the Pentagon issued orders to all US personnel of the armed services who might criticize the policies of the United States military could be forced to resign, face a court martial, or forced into a dishonorable discharge! As well, all nongovernmental organizations and volunteers attempting to move Americans caught behind enemy lines in Afghanistan were to cease and desist and would not get any support for their efforts from the US government! If that’s not enough, the Biden State Department has been contacting other countries in the region and informing them not to take part in or support any private or volunteer efforts to rescue Americans still trapped in Afghanistan as Afghan thugs brandishing US uniforms, carrying US M-4 rifles, and wearing US head gear go from door to door searching for Christians, Americans, or any Afghans who did business with America for execution!

Image result for Lt. Col. Scheller

Gag orders on our troops?

These are the kind of actions one would expect from the Soviet Union during the cold war or the CCP if they were involved, but for the US to be obstructing rescue efforts of its own people while threatening our soldiers not to say a word about the idiotic actions of a failed Biden Administration is too much! Who is really running our government because Biden, Kamala Harris, Jen Psaki, their generals, and the Democrat Congress are not only incompetent but corrupt, America destroying liars! How did this great nation fall so fast so far? The globalists appear to be achieving every objective they’ve attempted with their ultimate goal being to force the fall of the United States!

Image result for images of Corruption in Afghanistan

This was no mistake

If there is anyone out there who still thinks that the fall of Afghanistan was simply a miscalculation by the American military and an intelligence failure, think again! This SNAFU was planned, funded, and intentional in every way! From the exchange of weapons and money between the US and the Taliban as early as April to the abandonment of Bagram Air Base just before the collapse of the inept Afghan Army, but the damage done goes much deeper now! Bagram Air Base was a strategic US location that could have been held if the entire country fell as it is only 400 miles from Communist China! Now the Chinese stand to gain that foothold as well as the Taliban, ISIS, and any other terrorist organizations profit from yet another safe haven given to them by the Biden Administration just as Libya is now in the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood, planning attacks upon America!

Image result for images of Corruption in Afghanistan


Will any US allies ever believe in the US again as a trustworthy partner? Ask the Ukraine. Ask Taiwan facing an ever tightening grip by the CCP. The damage done by the traitorous Biden White House is almost insurmountable. As we speak almost 100 former Generals and Intelligence staff have formed a united front against the Biden clown show demanding that the president resigns along with his cabinet and Pentagon generals who are behind this fiasco! Never in American history has such a cowardly negligence of duty and honor been demonstrated with the lies about being committed to rescuing our American brothers and sisters from an enemy territory to the botched order of supporting events that should have taken place for an orderly withdrawal, removing all civilians first, then our collaborators, and finally a guarded removal of our troops. Yet, this made no difference to Dementia Boy Joe, who lied, cooperated with terrorists, paid them ransom money, got our men needlessly killed, and then left hundreds if not thousands of Americas at the mercy of the brutal Taliban! People have been executed for less than these despicable blunders! Doing millions of dollars of business with the CCP is not only a conflict of interest, but treason by the entire Biden family when it leads to the deaths of Americans and our allies! Now Lt. Col. Scheller is being painted as a Marine with a mental disorder! 

Image result for images of CCP against Taiwan

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Comment by Less Prone on August 31, 2021 at 2:24pm

This what Biden forgot in the hands of the Taliban

"Destroying the New World Order"



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