The True Victimization That Hollywood Will Never Touch


Image result for Easy Rider

The American film industry has unleashed its political agenda of leftist anti-conservative content for a few decades now. It’s always easy to make victimization and race baiting entertaining when there’s no one there to represent the other half of the argument. Today, despite all evidence that the black American population is overtly more violent and busy murdering each other over gun violence in the most heavily gun  controlled regions of the country, still we have black slavery, black history, and black deaths at the hands of police particularly when committing theft or resistance to arrest. However, the victimization angle is always a great way to get people at each other’s throats who wouldn’t normally be agitated.

Image result for Easy Rider

Psychedelic beatings

One historically documented form of mass victimization occurred during the late sixties and early 70’s where if you wore your hair at an unacceptable length, wore Hippy clothes, and showed up at a protest, chances were you would be unmercifully brutalized by the police, more so than what you’re seeing as police brutality today. If you protested the Vietnam War on campus or on the streets you stood a good chance of a fractured skull even though most freaks and Hippies were peaceful. However, it was much worse in everyday life if you lived among straights, jocks, red necks, and self-righteous Christian preachers who thought the Beatles should have been hanged.

Image result for Hippies being beaten by police

Those no good subversives

The vast majority of the white conservative community as well as lesser educated blue collar white society were murderously opposed to long hair, hippy dress, and any philosophy that questioned the hard core rationale of the day! It wasn’t black on white, this type of discrimination and violent hatred, it was pervasively against a cultural clash within white society. The police, courts, and the aggressively conservative white population in general were unleashing casualties against their long haired countrymen and women with vicious contempt. Even into the mid 1970’s employers discriminated against Hippy types refusing to hire them apartment managers would refuse to lease to them. There was a brutal movement of prejudice that was mobilized against “Freaks” and “Hippies” you would hear the reason why was because they were on drugs, engaged in pre-marital sex, orgies, theft, and they hated Jesus! These hasty generalizations all served to justify beating up the soft spoken hip generation who weren’t anywhere near as radical and threatening as they were accused of being.

Image result for Hippies being beaten by police

Smashing pumpkins

The movie “Easy Rider” with Dennis Hopper and Peter Fonda, is one of few movies of the time that dealt with this sensitive topic that proved that one’s own race can be just as brutal or even worse to members of their own creed unapologetically! I even once heard just about the most hateful song I’ve ever heard in my life when I was in Alexandria, Louisiana, starving and unable to get hired by the generally hateful population of red neck fishermen, hunters, and blue collar population of the south. It was a country and western song that I listened to with this hateful vocalist saying over and over again, “and one day, Hippy, your kind will all die out.”  This pretty much characterized the sentiment of the era and the region of the south.

Cops Beating Up Hippies to the Glenn Miller Orchestra - YouTube

The reactionary element

I remember stories of kids working at Jack in the Box spitting in the hamburgers of the Hippy customers waiting in the drive thru lane. One account of my former red neck amphetamine addicted plumber was that he and his buddies spotted a “Longhair” going to use the bathroom at a Dairy Queen. So, they waited for him to leave and when he opened the door they slammed it in his face and then proceeded to beat the guy up. He thought it was so funny as he recalled it but sadly public opinion had softened on persecuting white middle class peaceful subversive types, as they were generally regarded. The counter culture of the young “Hip” anti-establishment crowd was a threat due to their different philosophy of life and those who envied someone who was not locked into a role they wished they could change.

Image result for red necks beating up Hippies

Wrong choice for victims

One thing is for sure. The “Hippy”, “Freak”, or “Longhair” did not have the right color of skin or economical class, or nationality, to qualify as a bonafied victim of society even when they shared much the same political philosophy as the liberal, civil rights narrative that Hollywood would love to canonize. Even when the prejudice and hatred against the stereotypical “Long hair” was stultifying it just didn’t qualify for the victimization that the liberal element needs for political leverage, after all, who cares about a bunch of white young adults getting beaten to death, shot, or generally persecuted if it’s by the politically correct hate group like BLM, ANTIFA, or the Southern Poverty Law Center?

Image result for BLM

Civil disobedience or sheer hatred?

Remember in our society, the ones who are truly victims have the privilege of hatefully acting against those the Democrats have accused of being against their false narratives. Just as the white establishment reacted against the “Hippy’s” today the Democrats target anyone who shares a constitutional perspective so it’s okay to harass, shove, and scream at GOP senators, congressmen and their wives on the very grounds of the nation’s capital. It’s okay to pay professional agitators to riot and burn down towns targeted for some perverse Democrat talking point. Burning black churches down, where the pyromaniac is actually a black Democrat operative, all in a day’s work for those looking to define Democrat created victims like drag queens, Asians allegedly being mistreated, LGBTQ who say they are threatened, but not Trump supporters who have been beaten and pursued as you must be very selective if you race bait and accuse others of the very thing you’re doing.

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Not allowed on the list

Yes, creating victims can be a very useful tool for affecting public opinion for the perverse causes of the Democrat arsenal of indoctrination, but the “Hippy” “Freak” “Longhair” being beaten or  murdered somehow did not qualify for Hollywood’s victimization list. Not all or even a fraction of the “Beautiful People” were involved in throwing dog feces on American soldiers returning home from Vietnam, though the left wanted them to, Just not politically correct enough. It would be very interesting to go back to that era and examine all the evidence of official and social abuse by those who had the misfortune of having hair too long and being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Image result for hIPPIES AT cHICAGO CONVENTION 1968



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