Welcome to Black Rock.The new World Order Banking Base.
As the Covid chaos continues to run out of fuel and the rioters take a break to look for something to be outraged about,it's worth taking a minute or two to try and look at the muddy water as it begins to still. Hopefully the picture may become visible, even if a little blurry.
I think it's safe to say, whatever the agreed narrative of the collective governments will be, that this pandemic has not been the one as seen on TV. On TV, we have seen scenes that have been contrived to resemble the deserted streets of a world under attack from Aliens. Accompanied by the melodramatic narrators speaking carefully in a closely controlled monotone drone and using exaggerated adjectives and borrowing phraseology from all self respecting war movies.If we turn our TV off we are confronted by numbers that seem to be climbing out of control to record deaths and diagnoses that have become victim of this new terrorist.However, when we do some digging and have no bullshit to wade through, it looks different.
There we see that the numbers are lies.The case numbers are lies. The deaths are lies.The governments have paid for media coverage on TV to reflect it all with the intention of creating mass fear and panic.It's been a premeditated attack on us.It's been a fake pretext to imprison us.Before March 2020 the phrase 'lockdown' meant only one thing; the prisoners have been revolting and need to learn a lesson.It would seem an appropriate term for this scam.Anyone with fancy ideas of ignoring the rules had laws passed just for them( and their human rights).They'd get themselves a criminal record and a fine.The conditioning of the sheep could begin.Stay in, keep away, don't walk, don't argue, don't question, clap when you're told.Yet still, the tiny virus that stopped that monster we call commerce dead in it's tracks like the coronavirus that killed the Martians in The War Of The Worlds,has yet to be isolated , trapped, studied and used to create a vaccine.Not one body, dead or alive, of the millions, threw the little chap up.It makes you question just how real it is.What the genuine damage is and what the genuine numbers would have added up to before the need to massage them took precedence.It also raises questions about the masters in charge who decided to create this hoax.For instance, they have shown us how statistics can lie if you try hard enough.That can be a useful tool for persuading doubters.Or making sales.So, what will these same mathemagicians do when we finally re-open the economies of the world ? Will it be hundreds of billions, tens of trillions or more ? What's their price exactly ? Are we back in Donald Rumsfeld country with his now legendary ''known and known unknowns'' speech and the ''vanishing trillions'' he spoke about the day before the towers fell over ?Only in America- to coin a phrase...
While we're coining phrases, i remember one i heard as kid.It went ''when America sneezes, the world catches a cold''.I didn't grasp it back then.But i learned later that it referred to the Wall St crash of '29 and the domino effect it had for half of the '30s as the worlds economies went into a coma and the workforce followed.It spoke of America's alleged importance and power.Yet here we are, 100 years later, give or take, and we haven't found the vaccination against that sneeze yet.And this sneeze is even bigger.It's of pandemic proportions. The Covid 19 sneeze.Could this be a group of elite movers and shakers malingering ?Is the sneeze really a sneeze ? Or did they realise that the well was running dry somewhere along the way.That it was time to knock it all down and begin again.A digital coin for a digital economy in the Grave New World of binary madness. The bitcoin, Facebook's little pre -planned crypto currency maybe.They couldn't have just got together and announce it.They'd need a real reason.A 'global threat' so we can think as one, worry as one and cry for help as one.So they could come to the rescue with a one world government answer for the new global family.Resistance will happen. It's how it works.And that will enforce the new world police arm of the military.If a million people riot across the globe that means over 7 billion aren't. So the majority will need protecting see.We gave them the ticket to install Dystopia's thought police and storm troopers. We spoke up; we questioned. We stepped out of the programme.
Welcome to Black Rock. Bigger than all governments, and as black as their shadow...
This is like other fiscal Gargantuans such as Google and Facebook; Twitter or Starbucks.They claim no allegiance to any government but enjoy very favourable, beneficial relationships with many.It's hard for us outsiders to spot these until we see the little hints like the billions in tax dollars and pounds they don't have to pay. ( the trials in court are show trials to keep us happy). Or the immense surveillance they carry out on members of the public who can't even be alone and in the privacy of their own living room at a computer now.They enjoy living above the law as their reward ''for not doing any favours for the Government/s''.And if you buy that, good luck.I have 5 bottles of oxygen for sale at 50 dollars a piece if anyone's interested..
Black Rock's executives had a meeting in August 2019. In America, funnily enough.They decided an 'economic reset' was in order. That the central bankers had become bloated and sick after their centuries of greed.And that it was no longer viable for these creatures to control the economy of their respective countries.It was time for a 'new order'.
'' They proposed that the central bank maintain a “Standing Emergency Fiscal Facility” that would be activated when interest rate manipulation was no longer working to avoid deflation. The Facility would be deployed by an “independent expert” appointed by the central bank.''
Well, well.An 'independent expert'. I wonder who they had in mind. A huge collective like themselves maybe which is 'independent' of all governments.You couldn't make it up.Well nobody is making it up. It happened. And we're seeing the likelihood of an inevitable deflation now.The numbers have been crunched.It was decided, apparently, that it would take longer than three months to make it all look irreversible on paper.Hence those magical massagers of figures who were paid handsomely by various governments and one Bill Gates.He of the obsession with death and needles for the unworthy.And now we see that the major players sit around the presidents and prime ministers with their digital 'AI' rhetoric and app fetishes whispering the script into their ear.. Software experts and AI obsessives are taking over the economies, privacy and even health. We're about to enter yet another matrix.We're on the brink of destruction.Goodbye freedom.I'll remember you with fondness.
Maybe 5 G will get us once the vaccines have.The cocktail of waves and chemicals may cause just enough desynchronisation to give us a 'soma' buzz like Huxley warned. That buzz that says 'It's all gone to shit but what the f**k ..put some Zeppelin on''. Then we can just chill until the pretend climate change kills us. I just hope i live to see it get that strange unblinking little AI creature Thunberg first.Little oddball.
"Destroying the New World Order"
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