The war being waged upon our US Constitution

For us to understand our relationship with our very own federal government, we must know the essence of our very founding document that defines not only our freedom, but the role of our government in our lives. It is of the utmost importance that Americans know that this document was intended by our forefathers to prevent the overreach of a tyrannical central government in our lives. Yet, today we see a progressive movement consisting of liberals who are dedicated to moving not only our government, but our society to the left. One must also consider the Declaration of Independence and Bill Of Rights as also being inseparable when considering the validity of the US Constitution as these works elaborate more thoroughly about individual freedoms as well as ethical considerations between the American people and their government.

In an age where it seems every bill, every enactment, is composed of thousands of pages that are literally incomprehensible, and intended to be that way, the US Constitution is elegantly brief and to the point. It was composed by men who had endured the tyranny of England’s King George and had seen the aftermath of Indian wars and French invasion upon colonial borders. They wanted government put in its place. They wanted the economic prosperity of the 13 Colonies to be unimpeded by taxation without presentation and over regulation. They intended the federal government to have a limited role. Just look at what we have today and how far we have strayed from the intentions of our forefathers.

In section 8 Article 1 the responsibility of the federal government and Congress is clearly established simply and with clear definition. That role is basic to the needs of the people for such functions as establishing a standing army and navy for national territorial defense, appropriating funds for that purpose, establishing universal standards of weight and measures, only the Congress having the right to mint coins, and to develop uniform rule of naturalization along with uniform law of bankruptcies through out the United States. There are more responsibilities listed, but these are a very basic framework without much room for reinterpretation. Providing for taxation and the rule of law is also mentioned among these basic precepts.

Many get confused when using terms like Democracy which never appears in the Constitution of Declaration of Independence. The United States is a Constitutional Republic which was intended to govern the people through their consent according to the law of the land.

The original Constitution ratified under the authority of the Continental Congress in 1787 contained 10 Amendments, but as time went on beginning in1795 more amendments were added all the way to 1971. Many of these subsequent amendments have been more political in nature then necessarily essential to the United States or its people. As a matter of fact, many of these amendments have been destructive and have served only to further the needs of an ever more controlling government.

Examples of this can be found in the 16th and 17th amendments which many argue, were not legally ratified concerning income tax, the resurrection of the Federal Reserve, which President Andrew Jackson had abolished for 75 years, and the forming of the IRS. Many experts both financial and legal, have agreed that these were examples of governmental overreach and ran counter to the original intentions of our founding fathers. To this day the people of this nation languish under the weight of burdensome income taxes thanks to overspending and federal fiscal mismanagement, which our President Obama continues to pursue!

The 21st Amendment established the Prohibition Act of 1933, and was the cause of a literal social rebellion and the public support of gangsters who defied federal law and operated huge illegal “bootleg” operations.  

Another controversy has raged over Article II Section 1 of the Constitution which states that no person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States…shall be eligible to the Office Of President. Many still believe that due to many unanswered discrepancies and edited text documents that were supposed to be valid Certificates of Live Birth that show evidence of electronic alteration, that President Obama fails this requirement and is a fraud. Subsequently, not only is President Obama guilty of criminal misconduct, but members of Congress as well, who supposedly vetted Barack Obama prior to the 2008 election. However, we have a powerful leftist US media that has continually overlooked the President’s controversial behavior, and has refused to investigate this unresolved issue. As Inspector General Elena Kagan, whom Obama appointed to the Supreme Court was most active in the recusal of lawsuits that challenged the Constitutional eligibility of President Obama.

Article I Section 10 of the US Constitution clearly that no state shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confederation. Yet, many US Citizens are concerned over the imposition of “Agenda 21”, a United Nation environmental protocol also known as “Sustainable Development ”, that has been adopted by many US mayors without consent of the people. The law of nations was never intended or allowed to trump of Constitutional law.

Another thorn in the side of Article I Section 10 is the attempted imposition of Sharia Law in such states as Oklahoma, who has voted the measure down only to be forced by the federal government to reconsider another vote at a later date on this measure. This was achieved by the imposition of a liberal judge who recused the original will of the voters.

One need not go any further in another example of federal government overreach in exceeding its authority with Proposition 8 in California on gay marriage legalization which was voted down by more than 7 million voters only to be overturned by a federal judge installed by the Obama administration.

By becoming familiar with such seminal documents as the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and Bill Of Rights citizens can see the illegal actions of their federal government much more easily, and demand action against such federal government intervention into the personal lives of it people. Yet, our public schools, also federally funded, are conveniently not requiring teaching of these essential documents that guarantee our legal rights, and the proper role of government. The history of our nation is also being discouraged by educators. In place of American exceptionalism and heritage we now have the insertion of the gay life style in our high schools, sexual content in elementary schools, and even radical left politics in text as early as elementary level. This is the war being waged against our Constitutional and lawful government as well as on our society.

The US Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and Bill Of Rights should be taught thoroughly to our children and teenagers in public schools in order that our American heritage is preserved. All immigrants coming into to our country should take a course on these all important documents and be required to pass a test on them. Why? So, that they can have a good understanding of our history and political stance so that they can more thoroughly appreciate this nation and what the United States should stand for despite the challenges that our current administration has imposed.

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