South American countries have no anti-illegal immigration policies that will stop the silent invasion of enlistment aged young men from Communist China from traveling up the Central American jungle into Mexico and to the US southern border. These men are organized, have new cell phones, possess debit cards loaded with cash. According to embedded reporters who have examined documents and ID’s that have been discarded, these Communist Chinese immigrants stay separate from other immigrants who are primarily South America with families and kids seeking the benefits allowed by the Biden Administration!
Why wasn’t he impeached and arrested?
Most of the Chinese enlistment aged men are well dressed and equipped for their trek across the jungle and into the US border. They’ve been guaranteed safe passage by Alejandro Mayorkas the treasonous Secretary of Homeland Security. He recently made a trip down to Panama for a meeting with officials of different foreign connections. There was no explanation of the reason for his visit nor details of the meeting, but afterward there was an immediate uptick in the numbers of insurgents headed for the US southern border as if a go ahead signal had been given!
An undeclared invasion
The surge of Communist Chinese entering the country has risen 8500% from 2019 to the present under the Biden open borders policy. The Communist Chinese have claimed that with the end of the Covid 19 restrictions that this explains the sudden rise in numbers of young men without families who are suspected PLA recruits and trained combatants that have flowed through the US southern border. However, China =has been reluctant and hostile toward its people seeking residence in the US normally. For any Democrat or idiotic pundit who claims the US border is secure are absolute liars or are intentionally covering up the crisis.
Sabotaging our first line of defense
The Border Patrol has been required to only ask 6 queries on their streamlined questionnaire designed to allow virtual immediate access to our country’s soil without vetting, medical checkup, or background examination. This as hundreds of known terrorists have been allowed to pass through without arrests or detainment. One can only arrive at one conclusion that America has been so compromised form within that the treasonous acts of our Democrat Party have been instrumental in allowing what is a coup in progress. Already there have been a rash of illogical shootings and acts of sabotage against US infrastructure! Of course, the US mainstream media has been silent on all this. They don’t care. They are remiss in their duty to protect the American public through simple truth and factual news. They, as well, are our worst enemies.
America has been so thoroughly infiltrated by Chinese intelligence agents that they are attending our universities under the guise of being students, we now have police stations, for example in New York City run and owned by the Chinese government! There are at least 5 known such police stations, but more are suspected. How could this possibly be allowed? It as though William Ayers and his Weather Underground planned war to bring down America has been implemented all over again but this time with CCP backing!
Let us examine the troubling land acquisitions that have somehow been allowed to slip through the cracks without proper oversight or security clearance.
These incidents all point to blatant compromise of our nation from within. The incredible treason involved in these actions cannot be overlooked nor can the clear and present danger be tolerated either.
"Destroying the New World Order"
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