There is Something Seriously Wrong with This Picture

By Vermont Trotter

I’ve been watching this “pandemic” story develop ever since I started in this chair back in April of this year. I had just finished my first week in the saddle and was casting about for a story, something which I could do some in depth study upon, perhaps write about, but no matter what, share what I had discovered with the readers of this site. I thought about the “50 Dead Microbiologists”, or perhaps Royal Rife, two subjects which I found interesting. Then the “Pandemic” broke out in Mexico.
Almost immediately, I knew something wasn’t right. It wasn’t that there was an outbreak of a new flu virus (news in and of itself) but it was the way “they” (as in them what are in charge) reacted to it. It was an extreme dog and pony show. Something just didn’t fit.

When I read Jane Burgermeister’s filing, a whole new level of awareness hit and with it came a low level angst about what could happen. I wrote a column about it. Some of you read it, some of you didn’t, It outlined some of the story which Jane Burgermeister laid out complete with links back to verifying MSM articles. In my street life, I would tell people about what happened and what was possible. Inevitably, they would dismiss me with a wave of the hand telling me it would never happen. “That’s not the point” I would counter, “it’s that it is possible! Everything needed to upend society into a whole new order is in place awaiting the whimsical signature of one man! Es le Lay~!”

No one cared.

I kept hammering at the story though, or rather, it kept hammering at me. I kept my thoughts to myself and just shared what I found. I wasn’t alarmist or at least I tried not to be. I didn’t want to go down the rabbit hole. I’ve done it too many times in my life and it is maddening. I did my best to show this “pandemic” wasn’t what it seemed to be and you, my trusted readers, took the information I put out there and came to the same conclusion I did which was DON’T TAKE THE SHOT. So in that respect, you came through for me.

But things have taken a serious turn for the weird with this outbreak in The Ukraine. Rumours swirl about what is going on both over there and over here. I have read about aerial spraying, I have read about a mutation, I have read it is pneumonic plague, I have read it is just AH1N1 reacting in a stressed population living in the aftermath of Chernobyl. I have read about Joseph Moshe, who is rumoured to have called into Dr. True Ott’s radio show to warn the world about Baxter International unleashing a biological weapon from their labs in the Ukraine.

But here is what is just plain old weird and quite frankly, it disturbs me. Compare the response of the mainstream media and government officials to the “pandemic” outbreak in Mexico this past Spring to what is now happening in The Ukraine. Stories were coming fast and furious in Mexico yet were it not for the Internet, no one would know there is something of great concern taking place near the Black Sea.

Here is what we know:

■ The Ukraine is almost in a state of emergency and martial law.
■ They have closed the frontier to all but the most essential travel and have restricted internal travel as well.
■ There are reports coming out that people are dying from a hemoragic fever, one which causes the lungs to disintegrate.
■ The authorities, WHO in particular, are calling this a mutated form of AH1N1 but they are doing so based entirely upon whim. Tissue samples are out for tests in England but the tests take at least two weeks to perform. The samples arrived in England a week ago. Anything you hear about what is causing this outbreak before Friday the 13th from any source is rumour and speculation. ■ There is an election coming up and the opposition party is claiming those in power are using this outbreak for political purposes to cancel the election.
■ Meanwhile, the number of cases have doubled in three days to almost half a million with over 25,000 hospitalized and nearly 100 dead. Their vaccination status is unknown

And then there is the microbiologist Joseph Moshe. My gut says his story is intricately tied up in this but there is very little to go on. True Ott says he “thinks” it was Joseph Moshe on his radio show. Was that really him calling or was it someone else? When the encounter with the LAPD was over, Moshe was not hauled off in handcuffs because he wasn’t arrested and yet, the story in the media was he had made telephonic threats to the White House. Strange. Why dispatch the SWAT team and fill a car with several canisters of tear gas if you aren’t going to arrest someone? Don’t they also normally arrest someone for making threats against the president? Equally strange is that he was seemingly unfazed by all the tear gas canisters and pepper spray. Rumour has it he has since left for Israel. Is he still alive or is he yet one more in a long string of dead microbiologists?

There are a lot of wierd things going on here. But the weirdest part of all is, the MSM is missing in action. I don’t know what it is, but there is something seriously wrong with this picture.

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Comment by Staffan on November 13, 2009 at 6:04am
Without internet we would be blind for all theese facts. It is now internet shows it´s true potensial. Thanks, all you guys that are active in this matter.
Baxter is given one more chance to kill us ! What a nice company this Monsanto. Their evil is unpresidented !!!
Comment by UnSpy on November 11, 2009 at 12:51am
No one should take the swine flu vaccine – it is one of the most dangerous vaccines ever devised. It contains an immune adjuvant called squalene MF-59 which has been shown to cause severe autoimmune disorders such as MS, rheumatoid arthritis and Lupus. This is the vaccine adjuvant that is strongly linked to the Gulf War syndrome, which killed over 10,000 soldiers and caused a 200% increase in the fatal disease ALS (Lou Gehreg disease).

The Swine Flu virus kills by causing a cytokine storm, which means that it causes the body's immune system to overreact and that is why it is killing young people and is a mild disease in the elderly. (The elderly have weakened immune systems.) This vaccine is a very powerful immune stimulator and carries the real possibility of making the lethality of the virus much greater.

Populations of all western nations practicing socialized welfare systems have already had their ability to shut down the Cytokine Storm greatly impaired by six to ten years of chemtrail spraying. Now, if the part of your immune system that produces the Cytokine Storm is put on hyperdrive by the swine flu shot, when the real H1N1 virus comes along in December or January, your chances of survival are going to be very poor.

As if this were not enough, we are now seeing something of monumental importance happening in the Ukraine. An advanced biological genetically engineered killer virus has been released. Some infectious disease experts are asserting that this virus is not A/H1N1 although it may or may not have some of “Swine Flu” genetic material in it.

It is my belief this virus we are seeing in the Ukraine is the recreated 1918 virus, already in many bio labs, and perhaps boosted a bit from the original 1918 variety in terms of lethality. The world will be told that there are no vaccines that can touch it. It will spread slowly at first, but by mid January it will be sweeping the globe. Make no mistake. This is the one I’ve been warning about, and you will literally see bodies on the sidewalk if the records from 1918 are to be believed.

Comment by josephina barrine on November 7, 2009 at 5:59pm
Vermont, It was like you were inside my mind. Last monday, there was an article in our paper about the Ukraine, but then after that, absolutely nothing. Nothing in the MSM, either. Each day, I would check the internet for something from the MSM news. With almost 900,000 flu cases and Martial law enacted, you would think this would show up SOMEWHERE. This flu in the Ukraine is the most important thing going on in the world and the common man is oblivious, and everyone else is covering up something. Thanks for an awesome post.

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