There’s Something Wrong on Planet Mars

Image result for Percival Lowell


The Red planet has remained a curiosity for centuries. To the Romans it was the “God of War” to Giovanni Virginio Schiaparelli, in 1877 the astronomer, Mars was crisis crossed by canals or “Canali” as he called them. American Astronomer Percival Lowell was obsessed with the planet Mars and even built his own observatory so that he could continue his examination of the red planet. In the 1950’s astronomers observed alphabetic letters on the surface of the red planet during one of many dust storms that can obscure the surface for days. Some scientists speculated that it was a graphic attempt to communicate with earth civilization. Then, in 1976 was the infamous “Face on Mars” that former NASA expert, Richard Hoagland, studied, wrote about, and produced a number of films over. The photo taken by a flyover by the Viking mission satellite has caused fascination ever since.

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The question of Martian life solved long ago?

One may ask why NASA scientist, Gilbert Levin’s, organic soil test designed to prove that organisms either existed in the Martian soil or had at one time turned up positive during the Viking lander experiment. Why did the government consider the test to have been inaccurate? Just as Richard Hoagland’s finding on the Face on Mars were disavowed by NASA. Yet, more inexplicable anomalies continue to show up with nothing but contradictions with no solid answers.

Image result for Statue on the face of Mars

Questions that have not been adequately addressed lead to other conclusions

  • The atmosphere on Mars is only 1% of earth’s. This would also drastically reduce atmospheric pressure as well. So, why when a helicopter cannot climb to the altitude of the Mount Everest at 28,000 feet, can a propeller driven drone hover over the Martian surface with an atmosphere 1/100th the density of earth? This is why so many dead bodies of mountain climbers have been left on the Himalayan peak unrecoverable.
  • Why when Mars has the most massive volcano known in the entire solar system, Olympus Mons, at 72,000 feet, is the red planet considered to be geologically dead? This would mean that there is no molten metallic core that generates a magnetic field that deflects much of the cosmic rays that would render life difficult as on earth we have the Van Allen radiation belt which helps reduce deadly ultraviolet radiation. Yet, satellite instruments have detected magmatic activity beneath the Martian crust. In 2010 a 2 mile high jet of gas or water vapor was ejected from inside the planet! Some scientists considered to be an act of industrial origin that demonstrated that activity below the Martian surface was afoot, what kind of activity, Martians or intelligent beings at work?
  •  If dust storms and even dust tornadoes that can last a week or more over hundreds of miles over the face of the planet and reported velocity of winds up to 1,300 mph, how is this possible when the Martian atmosphere is only 1% of the that of earth’s atmosphere? Wouldn’t this be physically impossible? Yet, we are told that the ravages witnessed on the surface of Mars that appear to have been catastrophically caused are examples of winds that have scoured the planet surface and water that is no longer present?
  • The Martian sky until recently was depicted by intentionally filtered NASA photos as being iron oxide (Rust) colored when in reality, Martian skies are just as blue as earth’s! Why the deception? In 2010 a former NASA employee who specialized in space photography admitted that his job was to airbrush out or remove controversial images in NASA satellite photos! When NASA tried to discredit his revelation to the public a female assistant and colleague came to his aid and confirmed his duties. Does this corroborate George Leonard’s book “Somebody Else in on the Moon” a book about his findings after examining 100,000 lunar surface photos taken by astronauts during the Apollo Program, and his renderings from sketches he made of artificial activity by someone else on the moon?
  • Why is there seeming evidence of a massive thermonuclear catastrophe on the surface of Mars in the form of residues of Thorium, Uranium, and Deuterium, all the byproducts of fission and fusion reactions consistent with the detonation of radioactive bomb devises on earth? The estimated strength of the thermonuclear explosions is 1,010 megatons, enough force to drastically alter the atmosphere and surface of the Red Planet! Was it a nuclear war that exterminated life on Mars such as a technically advanced civilization? The surface seems to show signs of wreckage and archeological artifacts that have long been strewn in the dust as reminders of an ancient presence now hidden in the distant past.

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So, does this make Mars a new resort location or tourist attraction? Is Mars the new home for mankind that provides an asylum from extermination on earth should nuclear war break out or another killer asteroid strike that vaporizes the surface and causes massive extinction all over again? Either Mars is even more inhospitable than Hollywood romanticizes or, if Elon Musk has his way, perhaps a robotically preassembled infrastructure that awaits the touchdown of the first reusable interplanetary space craft housing human colonists would take place. Remember, that one might just acquire a fatal sun tan in a few minutes of exposure on the Red Planet.

Image result for face on mars by richard c hoagland cydonia



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Comment by Doc Vega on January 5, 2025 at 10:23am

Less Prone, Indeed someday a billion or so years from now, Sol, will expend into Red Giant swallowing the closest planets before once again collapsing when its fuel is spent , into a brown dwarf. By then, if we haven't destroyed ourselves or been hit by a killer asteroid, we might have relocated. The governments now that are enslaving and waring here will hopefully have been overthrown by then! 

Happy New  Years buddy!

Comment by Less Prone on January 5, 2025 at 7:52am

The future of the solar system is that of expanding sun before it becomes a supernova.  We are talking about a billion years before if happen. Little by little the sun will heat up making the life on earth impossible and simultaneously warming the planet Mars. This will take hundreds of millions of years. Who knows if we'll develop terraforming technologies that could recreate a proper atmosphere on Mars. We have time. Meanwhile on earth the greed and lies are about to destroy the whole life on the planet in the near future. If this sick governance system we have is planned to expand to the outer space it would better fail because it is a complete disaster.

"Destroying the New World Order"



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