krys, Apr 22 06:03 (EEST):
I was really Pleased to find this article. This needs to be inacted on from Local, State & Federal levels so things can be set right. Please send this to your list the more that know it the better.
We need to act now and stop obama from taking over all Earths Waters, once he does he will usher in the OWO. We are running out of time he has already signed executive orders on Peace time Martial Law. He has already signed on for all Oil & Natural gas this week. He just about has it wrapped up on Coal. This next one is the final nail in our coffins, for our Life and Rightrs as we knew them.
It is truely an Insult and Heart Breaking that so many follow those that have had a hand in destroying the "People, Country and God" for their benifit and not the people they profuse to represent.
Other wise none of the so called Elected Officials would have singed Bills into Law stripping the American People of any of our "God given Rights" the "Constitutional, the Bill of Rights", "Freedoms" or "Resources" that many over the "Eons" have Died or Suffered for, what most now abuse or neglect. That the Politicials always Exempt themselves, their families and the Elite from having to Obey.
Please find below some of the sites I have done research on, these are just a few of the many. It's nothing to have 25 or more sites up at a time and using two other puters for cross referancing on with more open pages. I'm truely going to be up the creek when they putter out, das to say I won't be able to replace them.
With government corruption and treasonous acts running rampant, particularly with regard to President Obama and his administration, many have asked what ordinary American citizens can do to legally mete out justice. Short of violent revolution, there is only one strong legal mechanism that can be invoked. That is the so-called “citizens grand jury,” by which Americans themselves can enforce the law. This is our only recourse to hold the president and his accomplices truly accountable for their actions.
must read - “This one to me could be the sleeping power grab that Americans will wake up to one day and wonder what the heck hit them,” said Rep. Bill Flores (R –Texas).
must read - So much for our so called Elected Officials having the best interst of the People. To get o.b. care over turned would put a halt to every American having to pay for his brownshirt army, the new black panther org and a bunch of other Illegal things he and his co-horts put in that bill.
must read - Friday April 13, we cannot let states continue business as usual. We must interfere and impose federal power and control over the states. We cannot let cheap natural gas interfere with our plan for expensive alternative sources of energy. Fossil fuels and fracking are tampering with our power grab plans.
Obama’s secret plan to seize land from the American people.hundreds of thousands of acres of private land, take it off the books for development.”
Illegals PROTEST that they don't get enough respect
Of course, there’s no birth certificate. What? You stupid,’” This said to an employee.
must read - OWO plans revieled.
must read - 1983 the top 20% owned 91.3% of financial wealth opposed to 8.7% for the remaining 80%. That number grew in 2007 for the top 20% to 93% and decreased for the remaining 80% to 7.0% , which over half of said 7% is taxed. So whats left is actually what the 80% have to live on.
Note - after doing more research on this pityful amount. I found it is even less when taxes from the every day purchases and taxes from monthly bills are deducted. from said 7% . thats not counting the higher prices that are, have or gonna be whipped on everyone, when those go up so do the taxes we pay for those items or services.
Figure this with "actual take home pay" divid by 12 from that amount divide days worked, usally 5 day work week. Then divid that by daily hours worked and you will see what you are actually paid by the hour after taxes.
I figured Roger's for 2010 and he was getting paid $5.35 an hour. The figures I did for 2011 were even sadder, So get out of debt my friends, when the taxes take efffect January 1st. it's gonna put a big whollip on whats already the barely able to make it thing. It will put us up the creek w/out a paddle song.
End Note:
To Take No Action Is An Action:
What are You going to think or say to your Children and Grandchildren when they are Looking into your Eyes and you are looking into their Eyes. Answers to what happened to everything they were told or read about. Old Glory, The Constitution, The Bill of Rights, Freedoms and Religions, When You and Others had the Time and the Chance to stop what is now "Hell on Earth"
What would our Forefathers and those who followed them say or do? What would those who lost their lives or Those left suffering after giving all they had for "US" "WE THE PEOPLE" , was it all for Nothing?
"Praying for the World that Good" will over comes evil. It effects us one way or another. "WE THE PEOPLE" will win this atrocity. Love to all Sam
"Destroying the New World Order"
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