Federal agency refuses to explain ridiculous new rules
Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, July 5, 2012
In a bizarre and insufficiently explained expansion of the TSA’s power, the federal agency is now demanding the right to test drinks purchased by passengers after they have already passed through airport security.
“Passengers say their problem is not with the rules at the airport. They understand why drinks are not allowed through security, but when they buy one while they wait for their flight, they say the TSA should not ask to test it,” reports KJCT8.
Rules on taking liquids through airport security, passed in the aftermath of the highly dubious attempted “liquid bombing” incident back in 2006 (which completely collapsed in court), have already been savaged as pointless and unnecessary. Mothers are forced to drink their own breast milk in a procedure that seems to be designed to achieve little else than humiliating the traveler.
In one incident earlier this year, working mother Amy Strand was even made to pump breast milk into empty feeding bottles before being allowed through security.
Expanding those rules to include drinks purchased after passengers have already passed through security is absurd.
Travelers interviewed by the news channel condemned the new rules as “ridiculous” and “extreme”.
In its response to KJCT8, the TSA failed to explain why beverages that are delivered securely to the airport in the first place would need to be tested again, refusing to clarify what they were testing for.
“TSA employees have many layers of security throughout airports. Passengers may be randomly selected for additional screening measures at the checkpoint or in the gate at any time,” said a statement put out by the federal agency.
Indeed, it seems the harebrained new rules on testing drinks is merely part of the TSA’s effort to expand its role into every place imaginable beyond the security gate.
As a TSA whistleblower told Infowars last month, TSA screeners are now being ordered by their supervisors to check bags of people arriving at the airport who were merely there to pick up passengers.
“We’re doing patrols in the parking lot with dogs, we’re even going as far out to the train station because the train station is connected to the airport here and we have guys walking around the train station, walking around the rental cars, we’re inspecting cars coming into the parking garage, I mean we’ve fully expanded – we’re no longer just at the gate and just at the security checkpoint,” the whistleblower said.
Alex Jones has personally witnessed TSA agents harassing passengers who have already passed through security on a number of occasions. Jones saw TSA agents waiting outside a food court demanding to swab food, drinks and other personal items belonging to travelers, as well as asking people to taste drinks.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.
70 Reasons To Mourn For America
Will they be asking you to provide pee samples next?
This is stupifying to see I mean do they believe that inside a plane is the only place a terrorist can strike?? I mean come on this is retarded any time a large group gathers of 300 or more you have a bigger target than an airplane whether it be outside a concert or inside an event or a marathon etc etc. and there is ZERO security at all!! Nothing happens... ever... because almost all terrorism is created by government and they want to slowly roll out the security state slowly piece by piece so you accept it. SOON the WILL have TSA everywhere out side every event etc.
After inspecting and feeling the water for dampness for a few years, the TSA will change their plans when they discover water has no genitals. They will still be in the dark (or pretend to be) about who did the HAARP weather attacks, why the BP/BlackStone alliance intentionally blew up the DH oil well in the GoM, why the Larry Silverstein/BlackStone alliance blew up the WTCs, where all the nations cash equity is disappearing to, who the U.S. government/Skull and Bones crowd is smuggling drugs and guns, etc.. Next, they will push to force all American citizens to watch the CFRtv 5 hours/day minimum or they will be tortured with implements instead of human dreck on the CFRtv.
this reminds me a few years ago i went from Sacramento to LA on a date and they guy purchased for me a pretty blue and green jap fighting fish in a fish bowl i took it as carry on in the airport the airport security had to do all sorts of stuff to make sure it was a real fish and test the water dumped most of it out and test to make sure the water wasn't some sort of explosive mixture i almost was late for my flight waiting on them even tho i was very early i just thought there lack of common sense was annoying and ridiculous
WTF! mini Hitler america,
TSA has got to go!!!!!
Major Priority!!!
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