UK school children to be taught 'boys can have periods too'

School children in the UK will be taught that "all genders" can have periods in new sex education lessons, in a victory for transgender rights campaigners. The advice to teachers was approved by Brighton & Hove City Council as they try to tackle stigma around menstruation. The new advice follows a council report which said: "Trans boys and men and non-binary people may have periods", adding that "menstruation must be inclusive of all genders". Bins used for menstruation products will be provided in all toilets for children, according to the report. It also calls for transgender students and pupils to be provided with additional support from a school nurse if needed. The report recommends that "language and learning about periods is inclusive of all genders, cultures, faiths and sexual orientations. For example; 'girls and women and others who have periods'". Brighton & Hove City Council said in a statement: "By encouraging effective education on menstruation and puberty, we hope to reduce stigma and ensure no child or young person feels shame in asking for period products inside or outside of school if they need them. "We believe that it's important for all genders to be able to learn and talk about menstruation together… Our approach recognises the fact that some people who have periods are trans or non-binary." The same council also recently released a "Trans Inclusion Schools Toolkit" to help teachers treat gender identity sensitively. It asks teachers to be respectful and inclusive of children who are questioning their gender, and tells them that purposefully not referring to children by their preferred pronoun or name can constitute harassment.

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Comment by Burbia on December 19, 2018 at 4:25am
Comment by cheeki kea on December 17, 2018 at 8:09pm

That's true Raz, There's a big contagion of insane tactics and other unbelievable acts of insanity.  

Comment by Marklar's Ghost on December 16, 2018 at 11:40pm

Most men do not have periods but some do, though most are Canadians. Men menstruate on the ice during a 4 period hockey game. So I guess this means a kid can grab a hockey stick from the school office and beat a tranny kid to death with it. Smooth move you homophobic school Nazis!

Comment by richard terrence on December 16, 2018 at 8:07pm

well, the 'deadly few' and their agenda to destroy reality-based rationality is progressing apace, I see.....

Comment by Nazda Pokmov on December 16, 2018 at 7:00pm

The UK is so messed up as it is and now this garbage being foisted upon the little kids.  Men are Men and not able to have "periods" and neither are trannys able to have periods.  WTF?  Anything to push the perverted fraggot the jews....

Comment by dogitydog on December 16, 2018 at 6:40pm

Warning to all snowflakes:

If there is blood dripping from your penis, YOU ARE NOT MENSTRUATING, GO SEE A DOCTOR!

Comment by dogitydog on December 16, 2018 at 6:28pm

GTFO! That's it, we are done as a legitimate species. There must be a level of stupidity that gets you kicked out of the universe to prevent contamination of other life forms. Surely we have reached that level.

Comment by Parrhesia on December 16, 2018 at 6:10pm

"menstruation must be inclusive of all genders"

Sure, if the gender has a uterus.  Insanity.

Comment by Boris on December 16, 2018 at 5:38pm

apparently we live in twilight zone

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