Unbelievable neighbor calls 5 cops to my solar dish experiment today.


So .. I'm in Eastern Texas and I never leave the house to go to work since I'm ... Stable.. Well so this morning around 11 AM I start building this http://screencast.com/t/KYWQbSBiNSum ... No joke, FIVE freaking cop cars from every direction showed up and I never had a chance to get video. They passed by the contraption without stopping their various police vehicles on the oil-top corner road and RV park drive like so many squid figuring out what an oil slick is... And then the redneck good ol' boy fellows took off to places unknown.. I heard a surveillance report that if I left on my motorized bicycle they'd stop me, but I ALSO heard the cops were on their way because some flipped out trailer-house middle-class fake ***ed woman was on the phone reporting me successful solar experiment. I don't find people of today to be funny. I made up NEW curse words for the complete stupidity I witnessed in human-kind today. But all in all it was a wonderful day in which nobody could stop my awesome *** self. :) I'm Just Here ... Good day.

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Comment by JustHere999 on May 9, 2013 at 2:02pm

Yessss ... I'm going to steak people ... or something like that.

Comment by truth on May 8, 2013 at 4:20pm

Stoves of mass destruction, you terra-is

Comment by JustHere999 on May 8, 2013 at 1:04pm

Nice, I was thinking of a clear food wrap and water frame for a magnifyer ... Soo ... I'm jerkin' around buying odd supplies in Wal-Mart and some wimpy customer overheard me saying on the phone I was about to go make bottle rockets ... I made about 60 seconds of walking through the store after that phone call when two police searched me... I explain G D it that yes I am ABOUT to go HOME and make BOTTLE ROCKETS... People are wimps with stupid media fear .. I remember when Texans weren't paranoid pussies.

Comment by Central Scrutinizer on May 7, 2013 at 7:33am

the big plastic fresnel lens that is on those huge, ancient rear-projection TV's are awesome!!!

I melted a Nickel w/ it one time, so be careful cooking ;)

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