Under Biden America Becoming the New Titanic Ready to Sink

Image result for Titanic meme for Democrats

In less than 2 weeks and 40 executive orders signed Joe Biden is methodically destroying all "America First" legislation that was responsible for the largest economic records ever set prior to the Covid 19 development. It seems that Biden's handlers, those behind the curtain who are dictating the newly designed, destructive, policies of the Deep State are hellbent on plunging the US into economic failure.

See the source image

Worse are the social dictorates as full term on demand abortion funded by the taxpayer, allowing children to be surgically and chemically rendered into transsexuals', allowing men to compete in women's sports as improvised females, while sharing showers and bathrooms with little girls and grown women. Open borders, rejoining the Paris Climate Accords, and insane deficit spending under the umbrella of Covid 19 relief when in reality it is pure pork barrel spending that will be targeted for Democrat re-election coffers. Using Biden as the front man American society will be sunk through disillusionment, fiscal mismanagement so reckless as to threaten dollar stability, and faulty foreign policy that could result in further military peril.

Image result for Titanic meme for Democrats
The undeserving elected

As if America was poised to commit suicide we have a President who could face felony charges along with his drug crazed son, who both sold out the people of the United States to our Communist nemesis, China. At a time when Beijing is asserting aggression toward its neighboring countries, Taiwan, and the Philippines with aerial incursions violating sovereign air space and naval intimidation over the high seas, Democrats will once again prioritize spending on social disruption rather than national security. The iceberg of Democrat and leftist policy seems poised for the total destabilization of American society. Consider the Vice President, Kamala Harris, who once illegal Planned Parenthood baby part sales in California, tried to prosecute those who exposed the criminality and reported it.

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Too lobotomized

We have already been demoralized here in America as evidenced by voters too uninformed to consider the impact of faulty Democrat policy. We have Millennials less likely to consider morality from Judeo Christian teachings who don't seem concerned over aborting full term babies, surgically mutilating children in order to alter their biological sex, they don't seem phased by allowing the influx of unvetted, undocumented, unskilled, and unpatriotic masses who would could be carrying diseases long ago eliminated within American society, crossing our borders. President Trump's border wall has project now abandoned!

The conspirators

Aided by Silicon Valley radical corporate influence who suppressed negative news about the Bidens during the 2020 election and who also censored many conservative messages that could have gone out to the public, America is taking on water like a doomed passenger ship in the chilly waters of Atlantic shipping lanes because the insane captain won't slow down in the midst of an ice field of looming icebergs. Amazingly the very marvels of mankind's technical success and free societies have all been sunk by a common denominator, human error, human ideological madness, and shear stupidity. What defeats great human civilization is human frailty, human arrogance, and the human talent for dismissing the lessons of history as America is carved into a replica of past self defeating socialist regimes.

Implementation of idiocy

Sunk is the great vision of our forefathers who foresaw what big government, unlimited terms in office, and a federal juggernaut that refused to adhere to its very own Constitution. Once the average citizen had no right to defend them self from an out of control federal cabal of greedy agencies and unseen bureaucrats who would commit treason without any compunction. America can take its place among tragedies such as the Titanic, a technical marvel of its time betrayed by the arrogant disregard for the safety of those it was responsible for just as our government has become today. Can you feel the cold darkened waters of the Atlantic slowly flooding the corridors of our industries who are being scuttled with incompetent ideologue led cancellation of abundant and cheap energy that has kept America from being held hostage by foreign countries?

Image result for Titanic meme for Democrats

The great sinking

Yes my friends we are witnessing a truly historic time in our history that belongs right alongside the Titanic sinking-a tragedy that could have been avoided but for human arrogance and refusal to consider the implications of their foolhardiness. America, the only nation to rise so quickly, so abundantly, so exceptionally, even liberating the 20th Century from 2 world wars, now betrayed from within both by those who intended to while others who stood by and watched while doing nothing!

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