is called
for the United States of
Join millions of Americans in demanding truth,
justice, and accountability up to and through the
highest levels of government.
A National Call to Action:
Demonstrate Non-violent, Non-Compliance!
The Unity Movement is a necessary reaction to key issues
facing the American public, issues that have not been
addressed in any meaningful way by any branch of
government. Unions, mega-corporations, and the ruling
major parties have banded together in all-out corruption.
We're left with the facts of our disintergrated Republic: an
overblown and still growing government that's failed to deal
with the unending wars, lost industries, voter fraud, steadily
increasing unemployment, judicial inequality, crimes of
high government officials, and the meaning of citizenship
These are only a few of the many reasons it's time for a
massive citizens revolt.
We The People MUST take back what has been stolen from us:
a government of The People, by The People, and for
The People. It's time to make our voices as ONE.
The Unity Movement campaign argues that under our system of
checks and balances, when The Judiciary, The House, AND The
Executive branches all fail in their sworn duties to uphold and defend
The Constitution, it is our Constitutional right to impliment the
necessary changes to restore The Constitution, along with the Bill of
Call to action - Enough is Enough!
Student strikes ARE noticed, even by the controlled main-stream media.
Almost every grocery store, clothing, shoe shop is a conglomerated
corporation. There are hardly any small family, Ma-Pop shops to be
found. Why? They can't compete with MEGAMARTS. You want to
support America and bring back our lost industries? Then stop
supporting corporate owned and operated soul-less global industry!
Buy locally made, locally sold! A suspension of all corporate
purchasing will hurt the mega-corporations: and they control
Washington DC.
75% of our economy is consumer spending. That means WE have the
power to Shut 'em Down!
"It is not the function of our Government to keep the citizen
from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep
the Government from falling into error".- U.S. Supreme Court,
in American Communication Association v. Douds, 339 U.S. 382,
FOR MORE: http://www.votestrike.com
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