updated sex blog; why socities fail, (new+improved)

UPDATED april 20: (yes, 4-20. It oughta be a national holiday. Me? Lost 20 lbs. (sick). Only working PT and it's still death-by-troll out there, not hustlers.

First off; SEX:
Prayer,(attitude) connect,(ka-push) tantric,(walking the 7) self, (being there) romper (give/exchange play), higher-order stuff. (6)

Meh. Too kinky yet. Needs simplifying.
UPDATE: (1) attitude, (in an imaginary ballon of 'this'll do me some good')
(2) ka-push connect,
(3) walk the 7 imaginary (light bull up your spine.)
(4) be yourself.

Ah, MUCH better. I dunno about this one either. (also updated 4/20)

Why cultures fail. (Screw-ups. nb: Let's get this out of the way first.)
Volcanoes, earthquakes, comets, tidal waves, climate change =(nat-dia.)

Tribal, Feudal and Technocrat (Screwups, social-be variety)

Tribal: War, famine, plague and pestilent. (4)

Feudal: -(3)
pol (admin gridlock; Russia china, Italian Mexico)
eco - currency (France, Brazil), trade isolation, etc
cult - bigotries of various traditional sorts. (out-teched in war?)

Technocrat (2)
garbage (pollution. Socio-genetic fruit-fly bottles.)
Misadventure. (reactors)

Ouch. Save the wails? Difficult when you have

1: flakey psyco floaters; (Sensual cultures)
2: scoring hustler promoters (trolls; passionate cultures)
3: 'fixer' cannibal positioned (technoids)

to work with. (blood, score, win = priorities)

People willingly change their
language, diet and or do the math? Not likely.

Passions, ego-centric,
Money, power, fame, sex, vengeance, (7)

(Pol, eco, cult / needs, greeds, vanity(drives/security) (7)

War, pestilent, famine, plague;
pollution, misadventure, nat-dia (7)

(So security is a killer, eh? Neat. Still haven't gotten anything new here. Maybe next time, eh?)

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