Pat donovan's Blog (84)

updated sex blog; why socities fail, (new+improved)

UPDATED april 20: (yes, 4-20. It oughta be a national holiday. Me? Lost 20 lbs. (sick). Only working PT and it's still death-by-troll out there, not hustlers.

First off; SEX:

Prayer,(attitude) connect,(ka-push) tantric,(walking the 7) self, (being there) romper (give/exchange play), higher-order stuff. (6)

Meh. Too kinky yet. Needs simplifying.

UPDATE: (1) attitude, (in an imaginary ballon of 'this'll do me some good')

(2) ka-push connect,

(3) walk the… Continue

Added by pat donovan on April 20, 2015 at 2:48pm — No Comments

sex, screwups and the NWO

First off; SEX:

prayer,(attitude) connect,(ka-push) tantric,(walking the 7) self, (being there) romper, (play) higher-order stuff. (6)

Meh. Too kinky yet. Needs simplifying. I dunno about this either.

Screwups. It's a been a few weeks; nothing inspiring here yet. There should be nine items. (I have reasons for that.) so...wind up for another shot.

Volcanoes, earthquakes, comets, tidal waves. (nat-dia.)

Tribal, feudal and technocrat (Screwups)



Added by pat donovan on April 14, 2015 at 9:56am — No Comments

ufo obeserver pt 2

free, as usual. Whining, sex lessons, club mayhem.
next iss is corp wars, the dis-service society. (sell the customer!)

Added by pat donovan on December 11, 2014 at 7:54pm — No Comments

free comic at smashwords. (UFO observer)

  a free download. (rants removed)

 part two is if robots get into clubs aftertaking creative jobs; auto-music, writing news, novels etc)

  38 pages, SIMPLE drawings.


Added by pat donovan on November 16, 2014 at 9:45am — No Comments

ufo filter : by kevin williams (SF short teaser)

sf short teaser. UFO filter: by kevin williams.

once I've taken the fun out of this... (get past 'idiots, explosions, falling anvils/ sex, violence + humor' and you're commercially dead) it'll be a decent SF story. (I'm thinking a comic-book.)

my zine has reformatted, i guess.

christmas children;'s story

romantic comedy, valenties/st pats.

SF action-adventure in July

and horror, halloween. (cartoon version)

eh. It's a hobby.

6 novels later, i'm…


Added by pat donovan on November 2, 2014 at 12:11pm — No Comments

the new world order re-sults

#Politics #Economics #Culture

RANT mode. Semi-funny + horrifying.

There are signs of this everywhere. The Apocalypse is coming and this is the round-up part of things.

Giant lumber trucks heading to DND; (Canadian navy upgrade. Finding Franklin's ship preserved after 150 years was a BAD omen.) plus The watch-tower setting up a booth outside dnd headquarters. The power of prayer, not experimental meds, not patronage and pork-barrel cash.

Parliament opened again…


Added by pat donovan on September 15, 2014 at 10:24am — No Comments

police state: reflections on a shadow-dance.

Reflexions of a Shadow-dance.

For her, the mirror was always there, if nothing else.


The shadow danced on the cave-wall, from TV, the news and reflexions. It was all there was.


The police state is not a mystery, or a mysterious entity.

It does not exist to manage resource utilization or further development, for starters.

The police state was created to destroy enemies, remove threats and steal anything useful to it's purposes.

Stealing… Continue

Added by pat donovan on August 26, 2014 at 3:20pm — No Comments

fiction. 500 wds. dirty deeds done cheap, local versions (from new novel)


“Meet your new tutor, son. Me. Junior, daddy says it's time for you to grow up. Suit up. Pick out a tie already, a nice one, you're gonna be wearing it the rest of your life..”

“But Uncle, he's deadparked! He hasn't built or made a new move in thirty years!”

“Yah, you get like that with an organization. Fink-world means pushing on the weak links, developing, making waves. Gossip is easier to score on than thinking. Kill the wounded, survival of the… Continue

Added by pat donovan on August 17, 2014 at 10:14am — No Comments

predictive software. she's 12. manafesto at end.

The New World Order: The Orderly. (A SF story by Kevin Williams.)

Copyright 2014 By Kevin Williams

Smashwords License Statement Smashwords Edition. This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each reader. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please…


Added by pat donovan on July 3, 2014 at 7:40am — No Comments

pi day, full moon, st pat'e, sring solentense. Buzy week (New novel, too)

Teddy Hunter: The Nano-zombie War (vol 3. vol 1 is a free e-book)

busy week. Plus no tariffs in Europa announced today (wow. trade treaty regs?)

the Ican dumping of the internet control, (what crimesa happened there?)

the hijacking of a plane in the indo-china sea zone (pirate zone, population zone and flood zone if the oceans rise. Makes a big migration…


Added by pat donovan on March 17, 2014 at 10:36am — No Comments

seasonal sex

teddyhunter+ the zombie-nanite war:

novel is dragging; last journal entry re-written 6 times.

here's some seasonal sex instead..


Sex 2013 (personal social cosmic?)


object relations mediation

(7 = 4/quads 3/form. Communication+being. Catholic style reasoning)

matrix = mediation (9)


Best focused channeled

attractive, alluring, provocative, captivating

hungry curious bored emotional



Added by pat donovan on December 17, 2013 at 11:07am — No Comments

sf for dummies

“The aliens? They aren't interested in us. At all. Never have been.”

“Look, it's simple enough. Most people don't work. Well, unless they

have to. How many people do you know have projects, or even useful

activities? Most don't want a lifesaver, a recorder-breaker or

development-help around them. A cop-jock, priest or judge with you,

always? With the naked ape, usually nothing but money, fun and

control gets selected; and this monkey really wanted popular…


Added by pat donovan on November 19, 2013 at 11:21am — No Comments

We Will Resist TSA & NSA Tyranny Contest


Empty news, food, elections and economy and ecology.

shades of techdirt! Money! from, for finking!

well, i'm up for making a target of myself. It's real quiet here anyway.


 the light at the end of the tunnel is west coast salmon now.

A world-wide government sounds good, but not a 99% vacuuming of whatever-is-left-living-left-over.

Biggest land-grab in…


Added by pat donovan on November 8, 2013 at 10:20am — No Comments

birthday snivelling

Sept 30 2013 Monday .. Snivel-blog

Three sales. Two fan letters. No traction. (ARRGH, so close.) So now what?

I released 'Girl-ghost!' on Sept 26th, my birthday. A real book launch, complete (now) with films adverts, a new book, and me spamming my fans about it.)

The books have dudded. Total sales under $10; an order of magnitude out of even getting paid. (I HATE paypal. Nothing but spam from them so far; worse to come as far as the news reads. They want at least $10,…


Added by pat donovan on September 30, 2013 at 1:32pm — No Comments

human history timeline


river-mouth civilizations... A human history time-line.

And you know what comes out of rivers these days. (Well, nothing much anymore for a lot of them, but that's beside the point.)

If I have this…


Added by pat donovan on September 4, 2013 at 10:01am — No Comments

cannibalism is bad

Cannibalism, lynch-mobs, ostracized.  (prison)                    sub-title : Cannibalism causes collapses.  

Cultural jurisprudence is a weird thing... The 'fad, fashion, habit, tradition' method of making law. Mob rule, basically.

Common law, in england. As compared to civil codes and derivatives, like a bill of rights.

Some African cultures use town-meeting mobs to select victims... For whatever reason. (Witchcraft is common.) Then they…

Added by pat donovan on August 24, 2013 at 9:08pm — No Comments

fees, fines and royalities

Fees, Fines and Royalties. Wes Aug 21st 2013

(after the virus-attack, a burnt drive, income-tax hack and plant-closure)

And let's not forget taxes.

Big-brother is nickel and dimeing us to death, and the nasty part of this is, a lot of it is our own fault.

No, this is not a traffic-camera rant. At a 10% for sending pics in, most days I won't even to go to work. There are LOTS of bad drivers out there.

You have cable and the web, right? The only reason your…


Added by pat donovan on August 21, 2013 at 10:08am — No Comments

random analysis



work: (produce, accumulate, accomplish)

1: person

passionate hate-machine crash+burn

self-indulgence work improvement

noble screwups lunchmeat


Hey, I thought you were a big boy, not big brother.

Santa and your 71 virgins told you the govt is here to help, right?

2: behavior

soc : greed vanity power (lazy, lie, cheat, steal, kill.)

cos : develop, improve, problem solve

self: (indulgence)



Added by pat donovan on July 22, 2013 at 8:26am — No Comments

think of the children

NWO by kevin williams may 27th 2013: sample chapter. 1100 wds.

Chapter Twenty-six: Help me, Help me!

“You didn't get nanoed again?”

“Nope. We're clean. And according to Mindy, so are you.”

Charlie was, as you might've guessed, waiting for us at Sam's already. He was fuming with all the righteous indignation of someone who lost his temper professionally on a daily basis... Till we got him up to date and he started believing our 'Clean you up from nano infection'…


Added by pat donovan on May 27, 2013 at 9:38am — No Comments

NWO story (who's interested in this?)


You have a legal problem? Good luck with that.

Oh, it's all admin these days. The delay, dilute or defeat strategy will kill you sooner or later.

There are no more remedies, kid. In law, you idiot.

There is only enforcement. That makes most lawyers glorified tax-collectors.

Yeah, technically the laws are still on the books... But even knowing about them will get you on more shit-lists than you want to know about.

Sure, you can fight. You're…


Added by pat donovan on April 12, 2013 at 9:37am — 2 Comments

"Destroying the New World Order"



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