Updates: I'm on conference call with reporters, militia and producer's of various radio shows. Its ALL about Fracking

*I'm on conference call with reporters, militia and producers of Pete Santilli's show, and various others. Its ALL about Fracking, says Mr. Bundy.

*They are recommending militias and patriots bring masks.

*Possible military vehicles on I15 in Barstow. Sighted.

*Tribal office has offered help to all patriots at the protest...

*JAG officer involved on phone, says to not shoot arms

*Patriots and protesters surrounded, Blackhawks flying above them, and JAG officer says more on the way...

*Mrs Bundy coming on phone in a few minutes

*Cell towers turned back on now. Were cut earlier.

*They are saying in Nevada you cannot carry in your car a weapon and loaded magazine.

*Army officer on phone: Do not get agressive, keep calm, be careful, if anyone seen not keeping calm will be pulled out, restrained and arrested.

*Humvee's Blackhawks heading west...

*They are saying if you are headed there,download scanner app on phone.

*Militia's from Texas, Oregon and others stopped before they got to ranch. Dont post that you are going on net.

*Lots of traffic, go into area the back way.

*ALERT: Humvees with armor plating arrived. More copters.

*Ranchers want folks to come in as a peaceful protest.

*Jets flying there in formation from AF base nearby.

*Oathkeeper SAYS they are there.

*Possible weapon confiscation before folks arrive on scene. Travel in groups. Feds listening to radio waves/phones.

*Sheriff Mack is ONLY sheriff on patriots side. Sheriff Gilespie in Las Vegas is not.

*Report to Sheriff Mack when you get there.

*Facebook blocking some pages of militias and others talking about Bundy Ranch.

*Helicopters in formation, jets in echelon formation. Flying at a high rate of speed westward.

*They need any legal representation possible there.

*Everyone stay calm and give no provocation for them to fire upon the patriots.

*They are confiscating rifles from people at checkpoints by Red River.Texas.Blackwater

*Fed law states it is illegal for them to arrest you for not showing ID. If they put hands there it is assault.

*ALERT: National Guard has been deployed from Louisiana and other states to Nevada.

*Sheriff at the ranch is on the DHS Chairman Committee.

*Keep arms in one car away from rally points, come in as peaceful group. They are confiscating arms!

*Guerilla Media Network joining call. Host says they are reporting some false info on their site. NRA members on call.

******Foreign officers in Land Management uniforms  on site. Some cant speak english.

*All appears calm at Ranch. Officials saying Military not coming to hurt patriots, but to protect.(YEAH RIGHT!!!)

*Apaches, Blackhawks and troops coming.

*Officials are saying troops will not act against protesters on US soil. (Dont believe it)

They are taking calls from militias that are mobilizing from all over America.

*Gadsden Air Corp on the way: Volunteer Citizen Air Corps that provides Event Fly-Over, Patrol, Search & Rescue, Re-Supply, Command/Control and MedEvac and other services. https://www.facebook.com/GadsdenAirCorps.


*3% er's Sipsey Street Irregulars there: Well, I made it, but there's no room at any inn. Will spend the next few hours trying to find a place to sleep. One way or the other, I'll be there early in the morning,
Posted by Dutchman6 at 5:05 PM http://sipseystreetirregulars.blogspot.com/.../well-i...

*Local from Beaumont,TX spotted around 100 M113's going west by rail today.

*Army Veteran: Army psyops have been trained recently to operate on homeland. Training included playing loud sound to drive people away.Advises to bring ear protection.

*Approximately 200 Federal Agents there. They are saying stay calm.

*Indian Tribal Council 8-10 miles from ranch offering help & refuge to travelers.Protected land.

*Veteran calling in says there are about 100,00 UN troops that train around that state and area. Unconfirmed but he says its true.

*Caller says military vehicles may be coming from Beaumont,TX to Texarkana to be repaired. Coming from Afghanistan.

*Caller says foreign troops train regularly there with our military.

*Caller says FBI in the area. The Bundy's ask for protesters to be there at 8:00am tomorrow.

Views: 721


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Comment by Central Scrutinizer on April 12, 2014 at 8:33am

wait a second...are you saying you are actually there Tina???

if so, You go girl, with ya in spirit, would love to be there

Comment by Sweettina2 on April 12, 2014 at 7:02am

I was on my landline. Pisses me off!   Yes, the FAA calls the no fly zone, they called it for 30 days.  Gonna get some sleep. "He who trades liberty for security deserves neither". Ben Franklin

Comment by Sweettina2 on April 12, 2014 at 6:58am

I worry they will pose a plant as a patriot to cause trouble. Many more militias en route, many already there.

Comment by guest_blog on April 12, 2014 at 5:02am
Comment by guest_blog on April 12, 2014 at 4:59am
Comment by Ragnarok on April 12, 2014 at 4:38am
Comment by Sweettina2 on April 12, 2014 at 4:24am

The batteries on both my phones just went dead. :(

Comment by Ragnarok on April 12, 2014 at 3:50am
Comment by Sweettina2 on April 12, 2014 at 1:49am

Yes, Tara!

Comment by Tara on April 12, 2014 at 1:36am

I agree HonestLee. All it takes is one hot head that is trigger happy to give cause to the feds to go in with guns a blazing. It could become a terrible tragedy. And because a supposed supporter shot the first shot, it would be blamed on the whole supporting community. More gun control would surely follow.

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