US Military Brass in Open Revolt? First Dempsey, now Hayden says NO to Israel-AIPAC War vs. Iran?

NeoCon US Military Brass in Open Revolt? First Dempsey, now Hayden says NO to Israel-AIPAC War vs. Iran?

Hayden Warns Israel Against Attacking Iran

Posted by Michael S. Rozeff on September 4, 2012 06:27 AM

First Martin Dempsey warns, now Michael Hayden (ex-CIA chief) warns. Obama is answering Netanyahu in this way, apparently coordinated.

In what amounted to his most dire warning to Israel's leaders - who have been warned repeatedly for months by Washington against taking unilateral military action - Hayden said any strike on Iran, "will only set the Iranians back some time and actually push them to do that which it is supposed to prevent, getting nuclear weapons."

CBS: Ex-CIA chief Michael Hayden: "Only the U.S." can strike Iran nuclear sites effectively

September 4, 2012 6:37 AM

(CBS News) LONDON - Former CIA director Michael Hayden has told an Israeli newspaper that the Jewish state is not capable of carrying out and sustaining military action against Iran's nuclear sites without U.S. support, and that there is still time before a decision on any such strike needs to be made.

"I do not underestimate the Israeli talent, but geometry and physics tell us that Iran's nuclear program would pose a difficult challenge to any military," Hayden told the widely-circulated Haaretz daily in an interview published Tuesday, adding that, "Israel's resources are more limited than those of the U.S."

"There is no absolute certainty that all targets are known," he told the paper, suggesting that Iran's alleged efforts to conceal a nuclear weapons program may be outwitting even the world's most advanced espionage agencies.


Or, seeing as how there really aren't any "leaks" per-se in DC unless govt wants to leak it, is it merely a political cover for Wall St. MIC Puppet Obama, when Israel is going to be using US-sold weapons to attack, anyway?

Hopefully, it IS an open revolt by the US Military Brass vs. the Wall St. MIC agenda, but chances are probably not; it is POTUS election season, and they can merely be talking this way to delay the war until whomever the PTB choose to become the POTUS, and do it post-Jan. 2013, when the signs of global currency collapse will become ubiquitous and unavoidable, at Fed. Reserve's current trajectory.

They keep stressing 'against unilateral attack by Israel'-meme; none of that says that US is 'against the attack' per-se, only propagating a public meme of feigned-'reluctance' and that they don't think Israel can attack Iran effectively on her own. That clearly opens the door for future American 'aid' and intervention, as none of the statements rule that out. It's merely 'for now this is what we're saying'-type of PR.

But as with all things shadow govt, who really knows? We can only go by their publicly observable actions.

Hoping for sanity, but this is NWO and its puppet Govt we're talking here...

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