US Spy Satellites Detect 145 New Missile Silos in Red China

The Coming Collapse Of China by G. Chang, Gordon Paperback Book The Fast Free


According to Gordon Chang author of the book “The Coming Collapse of China” and many others, a recent pass over by US spy satellites revealed new missile silos under construction in China. Those in denial say that this is simply a tactic out of the “Art of War” ancient Chinese strategy of misdirection, but it is, in reality, an ominous signal. In unison with Iran on the fast track to obtain a nuclear arsenal thanks to the efforts of John Kerry, and the Russians gaining a foothold in the Middle East via Syria, things seem to be heating up. Add the pressure of the Chinese in the South China Sea aggressively confronting the US Navy who is guarding international shipping lanes, and tell me the winds of war are not whispering an alarm in the deaf, dumb, and blind senses of the Democrat run Capital.

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Prelude to war?

According to satellite readings, 145 new ICBM style silos are being dug in two different Chinese provinces. Why would the Communist government be wasting its time and infrastructure on mock installations? They sure didn’t build artificial islands beyond the legal international limits of their waters in the South China Sea for entertainment now with runways and missile launch facilities aimed at the US Navy and Taiwan! Though America may have the technical edge over Communist China, we do not have numeric superior over their personnel. Chinese generals brag that they could lose a million troops and still overwhelm American military numbers.

I was sentenced to life in a Chinese labour camp. This is my story | The Independent | The Independent

Modern day slavery

China has played its hand very well. They convinced American corporations that if they relied upon the Chinese for assembly of US consumer market products that profits could be maximized using the slave labor work force that minimizes cost with a captive work force paid little and fed just enough to keep working. The number of Chinese working in these forced labor camps makes the old pre-Civil War south using Africans seem tiny in comparison! One purchasing agent for Walmart was invited to China to inspect their manufacturing and labor system. After seeing people living on primitive bunks in living facilities that looked more like janitor closets working 15 hour or more days, he returned to the states in tears as he informed his wife he could no longer support such human rights violations and resigned.

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Whose elite?

Yet, the 1% on top of the dog heap in China are becoming more and more in alignment with the elite in America’s multi-billion-dollar corporate realm as they celebrate the 100-year anniversary of the creation of the Communist Party in mainland China after the defeat of the Nationalists under Chiang Kai Chek. In 100 years, the Red Chinese have far surpassed the atrocities of all other totalitarian regimes of the past. An estimated 400 million forced abortions have been documented as the chauvinistic culture of China prefer males over females. Horrid images of baby girls just born and euthanized with a shot of formaldehyde into the fontanel causing certain death, thrown into a pile behind a hospital. Add to this the 40 million Chinese allowed to starve to death during the 1950’s in the wake of the “Cultural Revolution” as the government neglected and intentionally denied sustenance to those who resisted the brainwashing.

labor camps | NotebookM

Even more

Still more would be those who were executed militarily, fought in Korea, and in other Communist military campaigns at the behest of the Chinese politburo and another 60 million would mark the handy work of criminal Communist planners dedicated to world domination. Stalin, Hitler, Castro, or Kim Il-Sung of North Korea, or the Khmer Rouge of Cambodia cannot hold a candle to the death toll unleashed upon humanity by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

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Admiration of enemy?

Yet, we have such masters of US industry such as Elon Musk paying tribute to China telling Americans to travel there and marvel at their infrastructure. American corporations are intertwined now with China just as Wall Street wants to allow China to have a foothold in the US stock market! Can you say, “Trojan Horse?” Tik Tok is another intelligence tool in the Chinese arsenal. President Trump wanted Tik Tok out of the US consumer market. Why? It has been discovered that the Chinese are using this social platform to extract intelligence from American users such as demographics, payment methods, places of work and residence and much much, more. Tik Tok. This social platform serves the same purpose as the hacking of the OPM during the Obama Administration giving the Communists access to 23 million federal employee records! Only, Tik Tok is being allowed as a viable social platform source in the US consumer market with no restrictions thanks to the Democrats who overrode President Trump’s attempt to abolish this monstrosity from US markets!

What Is the Battle of Armageddon? It's Meaning and Significance

Biblical prophecy

Some people wonder why in the book of Revelations and in the Battle of Armageddon, the nation of the Eagle (United States) is not involved. Whereas, Gog, Magog, the beast from the sea….those nations serving Satan, along with the “Nation of the Dragon” shall descend upon Israel in the valley where soldiers shall die standing and blood shall flood the battlefield with only a few of the enemy troops escaping complete annihilation in order to give their eye witness accounts to the world. Even Nostradamus concurs with this account of the end times as several of his quatrains refer to an Arab leader who rises to power and threatens the nations of the west. The “Nation of the Eagle” is even referred to in the Koran creating havoc among the Muslim nations (Desert Storm & 2003 Invasion of Iraq).

2003 invasion of Iraq - Wikipedia

Stabbed in the back by DC

Will America be betrayed from within as well as from our enemies from abroad? It would seem to me that we are on that road. As Republicans hurriedly approve Biden’s appointees and fail to find criminal fault with an illegitimate President whose family is guilty of collusion with China, the future seems very dim at this point. It seems our once great nation is populated by traitors in the corporate and military realm while our young adults coming out of the indoctrination of the American taxpayer funded public schools are oblivious, and the perfect storm of downfall seems headed like a hell bound train down the tracks to defeat!

 Biden says deciding if he can give 'heart and soul' to White House run |


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