The statement, already posted on the LPAC website, is not just indicative of Obama's Jim Crow racism. The
Sherrod incident is further evidence that Obama has gone totally off the
deep end, and he must be removed from office before Labor Day, if the
country is to survive. We have gotten reactions from all over the
place, that the sheer irrationalism of the firing of Sherrod is the
first, really flagrant public demonstration of just how insane the
President has become. He is no longer Nerobama. He is living out the
last days in the bunker of Hitler himself. And, as the new LPAC posting,
Obama White House on a Jim Crow Binge, makes clear, Obama's policies are as insane as those of Hitler, and equally as genocidal!
Just look at the AIDS/HIV policy, announced by Ezekiel Emanuel last week. Millions of people, particularly in the Third World, are doomed
to die because Obama has decided that the money is not there to provide
the very AIDS medicines that save lives. While EZ-Kill was pronouncing a
death sentence on perhaps as many as 10-15 million people with HIV, who
are not now receiving treatment, and who will be now denied the
medicine (which costs $200/year), a new study, presented at the AIDS
conference in Vienna, actually calls for administering the AIDS drugs
the instant that the HIV disease has been detected—as both the best
treatment approach, and as the best way to prevent the spread of the
disease! If millions are condemned to die because of austerity demands,
how is that any different than the economic policies of Schacht and
Lyndon LaRouche reiterated yesterday that our priority is to keep up the pressure for Obama's safe removal from office before the end of the Summer. There is clearly
momentum building, and we have to lead it with a ruthless determination.
The Crazy Obama ad on the LPAC website is going to drive him up the
wall. We are trying to figure out what's going on with the Berwick
appointment. Obama, as we know, made the recess appointment, which
carries through the next 18 months. But on Monday, the Berwick
nomination was again referred to the Senate Finance Committee. Sen. Pat
Roberts (R-Kan.) filed a Sense of the Senate resolution this week,
charging Obama with "abuse of power" for using the recess appointment to
install someone who is so blemished by insane policies and scandal,
that he cannot be allowed to serve. LaRouche's assessment is that Obama
is going to get nailed over this Berwick maneuver.
So don't, in LaRouche's words, "get practical." Go for the jugular to force Obama's ouster. Use irony, which he can't stand. Obama is
already in the mode of making serious blunders, because he has lost it.
He can't stand the pressure. Our job is to make sure his departure is
soon, Constitutional, and safe. For both moral and political reasons,
his safe departure is paramount.
Why Obama Must Be Impeached
By Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
President Barack Obama's stated intention, to shut down and destroy the NASA program at its root, when added to the Hitler-like health-care
policy, and the general, destructive features of all other leading Obama
policies, is one step too far to bear. There is no longer room on this
planet for a United States and a President Obama to occupy the same
The need for Obama's ouster, either by resignation or impeachment is now an existential issue for both our republic and the welfare of the planet generally.
Since the founding of our republic, the existence of our nation has depended upon surges of science-driven and related increases of the
productive powers of labor, per capita, and per square kilometer of our
territory. Now, especially since the reign of former President George W.
Bush, Jr., and now that of Obama, the very means, of science and
technology, by which the existence of our republic had formerly
prospered, have been destroyed, step, by step, by step. Our industries
have gone, the security of our food supplies has been undermined, and
now the last bastion of the means of technological progress, the space
program, is scheduled for obliteration.
Simply, the time has come, that President Obama must go, either by his own choice, or ours. The intention of our Federal Constitution demands this.
"Destroying the New World Order"
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