Why The Los Zetas Ranch Story Matters - Confirmation And Why A Media Blackout? by Diggers Realm

Digger <-----source

I am receiving many messages of concern that they don't believe that the story of the Los Zetas seizing multiple ranches in Laredo, Texas is true. They keep questioning the confirmation. They question why there are no visuals or pictures. "Where is the video!" they scream. So I
will address those issues in this post.

First, let me clarify that I was also skeptical of the story when I initially heard word. It is certainly not because there haven't been armed intrusions into the United States before from Mexico. There have
been a ton in the last decade, but there have not been any where they
would hold onto a position. They usually leave after a standoff or upon

The situation has become different in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico over the last few days. There have been gun-battles through the streets and fragmentation grenades used as the government of Mexico tries to run the
Los Zetas out of their stronghold there. People died and were wounded.
The city was on lockdown and the US government issued warnings to US
citizens in the area to remain indoors. With our lack of border security
and porous borders, it is not beneath my intellect to believe that the
Los Zetas could be forced into a retreat into US territory and attempt
to seize a hideout.

Not only that, but "first contact" with me of the initial story was from none other than Jeff Schwilk, founder of the San Diego Minutemen, who had a confirmed source in the area of Laredo. With this in mind I decided to go with the story, but to remain cautious. I clearly stated on the story that it was not 100% confirmed. It remained that way all night.

I put out my feelers throughout the night to try and collect information and other credible sources to confirm the occupation of ranches in Laredo. I did not receive actual confirmation until this
morning when I got word that Kimberly Dvorak of the Examiner had
made multiple confirmations within the Laredo Police Department. Up
until this point the story had not spread wide. There was no reason for
the Laredo Police Department to crack down hard and keep things truly
blacked out as there was no heavy interest from media.

However, upon that second confirmation and her running her story "Los Zetas drug cartel seizes 2 U.S. ranches in Texas" the story to me at that point was 100% confirmed. I changed my story to reflect that and released it to the world - spreading it wide. It has
since gone viral.

(Since then I have learned Kim has no less than three sources inside law enforcement. Kim was also involved in the Acorn investigation with Breitbart, so she's no whipper snapper.)

Since that time many journalists have tried to get information from law enforcement in the area. With the flood of calls to the Laredo Police Department, others are now starting to receive dodgy kind of
answers to their questions. This leads me to believe that there may
indeed by a bona-fide news blackout as they try to resolve the

We do have people looking into it and digging further; other things behind the scenes are going on for additional confirmation other than the current sources.

The question remains, what is a news blackout and why would it occur?

A news blackout is basically an order from the top down to disavow any knowledge of a situation or story. Deflect, disavow and deny. There are many reasons for this. They range from the legitimate tactical
reasoning to the downright nefarious "cover up" reasoning.

Tactical reasoning is an easy one. It is so they can perform their duties with minimal intrusion. That one is very simple to understand.

Let us analyze the nefarious reasons though just for the heck of it shall we?

1. This would make the Obama Administration look horrible. Their lack of security along the border is well known. A breech of national security this large would create a firestorm of anger at the
administration. Their aims to pass an amnesty for illegal aliens would
be shot to pieces and all of their arguments against building true
security in the form of a fence would go down with it. This would have
ramifications in the upcoming November elections for congress.

2. There is currently a gubernatorial race going on in Texas. The current sitting governor, Rick Perry, is looked at as being weak on immigration. He stood up for in-state tuition for illegal aliens and has
done little to crack down - or push for a crackdown - on illegal
immigration in his state. This would destroy his "tough guy" and "tough
on crime image".

3. Local congressional races in Texas. As everyone knows all of the members of The House are up for election. Some of those are open borders supporters. This breach of security would show that their
continued fight against closing down the border in any way is flawed
logic (as if it took this story to actually show that - the same story
could happen again tomorrow).

4. Local sheriffs and elected officials could be made to look bad. There could have been mistakes made during operations that they don't want revealed. Or they could have not been properly prepared for them
and this intrusion showed their incompetence.

5. Businesses. It's no secret that some agriculture and other businesses use low-skilled illegal alien labor to operate. They do this to avoid taxes so that they can make a hefty profit and avoid all of the
hassles of insurance and the like. Strong business interests and
wealthy individuals with influence could bring their power to bear down
and cover things up to keep their cheap labor flowing.

6. General corruption. Some people in our government are beholden to or on the take from the cartels, Los Zetas or the Mexican government itself. After all, we seem to hear stories daily of someone
or another being busted for being on the take. Imagine how many actually
are on the take and just haven't been discovered.

Those are most of the nefarious reasons that I can think off of the top of my head as to why it would be covered up or blacked out.

I don't truly believe any of them.

Let me make that entirely clear.

I don't truly believe any of them.

I believe there is a blackout because local law enforcement and the Border Patrol are waiting for backup and authorization from the Federal Government to make any moves. Something like this does have cross border
and international impacts. Things like that generally are handled by
the federal government, as that is the primary reason we have a federal
government in the first place.

The situation is relatively young and if they have the Los Zetas contained in one spot, there really is no reason to go all cowboy and charge into an unknown situation.

This sums up the current state of the situation and the path of how the story broke. I have no other knowledge at this time that is not contained here. We will find out soon the extent of this situation as it
develops further. As I stated in the article - and it still remains -
we don't know if it's only several members or a squad.

The story is still developing and I'll report more as I find out.

Source -----> http://www.diggersrealm.com/mt/archives/003440.html

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Comment by 7R33SandR0P3S on July 28, 2010 at 10:24pm
Comment by Ironsides on July 25, 2010 at 9:14pm
Hey James, thanks for the explanations.
Comment by truth on July 25, 2010 at 6:00pm

Mexican Drug Mafia Invades Texas

Kurt Nimmo Infowars.com July 24, 2010

The United States is under attack by narco terrorists invading from the failed state of Mexico and Obama and the federal government are doing nothing about it.

Los Zetas crossed the border near Laredo, Texas, and reportedly seized two ranches in the area indicated by the orange square above.

In June, the Mexican drug mafia forced the closure of the Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge in Arizona. Authorities in Arizona admit that criminals now control a drug and human smuggling corridor that stretches from the border into metro Phoenix. Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu explained in June that the Mexican Mafia controls three counties in his state.

Now drug smugglers are repeating the pattern in Texas.

On Saturday, the Cypress Times, an online newspaper in Cypress, Texas, reported that the murderous Los Zetas has crossed into the United States and taken over at least two ranches in the Laredo, Texas area. The owners of the farms have evacuated and were not harmed.

“I can personally vouch that this info came in late last night from a reliable police source inside the Laredo PD,” Jeff Schwilk, founder of the San Diego Minutemen, told the online newspaper. “There is currently a standoff between the unknown size Zeta forces and U.S. Border Patrol and local law enforcement on two ranches on our side of the Rio Grande.”

Kimberly Dvorak, writing for the Albuquerque Examiner, reports that two sources inside the Laredo Police Department have confirmed the incident. “We consider this an act of war,” said one police officer on the ground near the scene. There is a news blackout of this incident at this time and the sources inside Laredo PD spoke on the condition of anonymity, writes Dvorak.

The DBKP blog contacted the the Laredo Police Department on Saturday. “We have been advised to say nothing. The Webb County Sheriff is taking the lead on this and they’re advising that they can’t confirm anything either,” a spokesperson told the blog.

On March 30, 2008, the Dallas Morning News reported Mexican drug cartels operated military-style training camps in at least six such locations in northern Tamaulipas and Nuevo León states, some within a few miles of the Texas border, according to U.S. and Mexican authorities and the printed testimony of five protected witnesses who were trained in the camps.

“Traffickers go to great lengths to prepare themselves for battle,” a senior U.S. anti-narcotics official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told the newspaper. “Part of that preparation is live firing ranges and combat training courses…. And that’s not something that we have seen before.” In the state of Tamaulipas, Los Zetas train with other mercenaries, including the Kaibiles from Guatemala, the officials said.

Obama announced his anemic response to border violence in May.

The Justice Department warned local police in Arizona and California about Los Zetas violence along the border. “The violence will spill over the Mexican border into the United States and law enforcement agencies in Texas, Arizona and Southern California can expect to encounter Los Zetas in the coming months,” warned an intelligence bulletin issued by the feds. The Justice Department and Homeland Security consider the Mexican drug cartels as the greatest organized crime threat to the United States.

Los Zetas was founded by an elite force of assassins from Mexican Army deserters and is now integrated by corrupt ex-federal, state, and local police officers. Los Zetas was first hired as a private mercenary army for Mexico’s Gulf Cartel, but since February of this year have gone independent and are now enemies of its former partner.

In the first eleven months of 2008, Los Zetas killers were directly responsible for the deaths of 5,300 people, including soldiers, their own operatives, civilians, journalists, and rival drug traffickers.

In 2006, Mexican president Felipe Calderon supposedly declared war on the drug cartels. Since Calderon’s declaration, more than 25,000 people have been killed in Mexico due to drug violence. In June of this year alone hundreds of people in Mexico died from drug-related violence.

Last week CBS News said Mexico’s drug Mafia had adopted “al-Qaeda tactics” after a car bomb exploded across the border from El Paso, Texas, in Ciudad Juárez, killing two federal officers and a musician and injuring 11 people, including several bystanders. In late June, the El Paso City Hall was struck by gunfire from a deadly narco terrorist attack across the border in Juárez.

In May, Obama announced that 1,200 troops would be sent to the border to crack down on smuggling and drug cartel violence. Critics have called it political posturing in the run-up to November congressional elections and a response to Arizona’s recently passed immigration law.

Republicans in Texas consider the deployment of 250 troops in their state an insult. “The National Guard troops are not an adequate or long-term solution — they’re only a Band-Aid,” a spokeswoman for Democratic gubernatorial candidate Bill White told the Star-Telegram. “Maybe Texas should sue the federal government for not doing its job,” added U.S. Rep. Michael Burgess, R-Lewisville.

Senator Kyl of Arizona said in June that Obama is refusing to secure the border until Congress passes so-called immigration reform. “The problem is, he said, if we secure the border, then you all won’t have any reason to support comprehensive immigration reform,” Kyl said at a town hall organized by a local Arizona Tea Party.

In June, the banksters admitted they fund the Mexican drug Mafia. Wachovia and Bank of America have moved money for Mexican drug smugglers.

“The admission came in an agreement that Charlotte, North Carolina-based Wachovia struck with federal prosecutors in March, and it sheds light on the largely undocumented role of U.S. banks in contributing to the violent drug trade that has convulsed Mexico for the past four years,” Bloomberg reported. “Wachovia’s blatant disregard for our banking laws gave international cocaine cartels a virtual carte blanche to finance their operations,” Jeffrey Sloman, the federal prosecutor who handled the case, told Bloomberg.

Bankster participation has also financed the Mexican Mafia’s expansion into Texas and Arizona.

Arizona Sen. Jon Kyl said in June Obama plans to do nothing about the border in order to push for immigration “reform.”

Comment by 7R33SandR0P3S on July 25, 2010 at 2:47pm
Thanx....it is important that we consider the "WHY FACTOR". The FEDS are the enemy of the Republic and official reports cannot be trusted....they now know that we know their game and that they are behind the curve. Ha Ha

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