Veterans Call On National Guard To Withdraw From Baltimore

IVAW Calls on the MD National Guard to Stand Down in Baltimore

MARYLAND – Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW), a national group of Post 9/11 veterans, call on the Maryland National Guard to stand down from their mobilization to Baltimore. As 1,000 soldiers currently deploy to put down an uprising of exploited people who have been terrorized by a consistently racist police department, we stand in solidarity with the people of Baltimore and encourage service members and veterans to listen to their fellow community members and to stand on the right side of history.

National Guard and Police at North and Pennsylvania April 28, 2017. By Algerina Perna of the Baltimore Sun

National Guard and Police at North and Pennsylvania April 28, 2017. By Algerina Perna of the Baltimore Sun.

We know that the death of yet another black person at the hands of police is not unique or new in our country. We also know that the rage we are seeing in the streets is the direct result of a legacy of police departments and a prison system that dehumanizes and targets black people and people of color and the result of a morally bankrupt economy that continues to profit off of the backs of poor people across the country. We stand with those people who have lifted up the banner of #BlackLivesMatter to ensure that fundamental change takes place in our country.

The irony of the National Guard deployment to quell protests due to the death of Freddie Gray at the hands of police is not lost on us as we approach the 45th anniversary of both the Jackson State and Kent State shootings, where the National Guard and police were deployed to silence protestors with deadly consequences.

National Guard and armored vehicles outside of City Hall. Phoyo by Luke Broadwater, Baltimore Sun

National Guard and armored vehicles outside of City Hall. Phoyo by Luke Broadwater, Baltimore Sun

As veterans who have deployed to and served in support of occupations abroad, we see some of the same tactics and military equipment being used by police against the people of Baltimore, just as it was used against the people of Ferguson and Oakland. The increased militarization of our foreign policy and our domestic policing, coupled with racist violence perpetuated by our government, has to stop. The people of Baltimore demanding systemic change should be responded to with dialogue not an escalation of force. We encourage National Guard members across the country, many of whom we have served with, to begin a conversation on how they will respond when it becomes their turn to be mobilized against their own communities.

Baltimore people stand in line to divide militarized police and National Guard and the crowd of protesters. Souce Baltimore Sun

Baltimore people stand in line to divide militarized police and National Guard and the crowd of protesters. Souce Baltimore Sun

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Comment by Sam Sammy on May 1, 2015 at 9:06am

They have to understand they are only helping the gov bring down our Country, "the peoples" Country, it is NOT the govs Country! One has to wonder why you would help bring down your own Country......

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