Veterans For Peace Responds to Armed Attack on Aid Flotilla

Veterans For Peace Responds to Armed Attack on Aid Flotilla

VFP member Ret. Colonel Ann Wright is one of the members of the Flotilla

The world is reacting in righteous outrage at this moment to Israel's high seas attack on an international aid flotilla, reportedly killing up to 20 people escorting tons of humanitarian aid to Gaza in an effort to break Israel's three-year blockade. "Made in the U.S.A." is stamped on the weapons commandos used to kill and wound the international peace activists.

We are saddened and we are angry. At least one of our own members, retired Army Col., Ann Wright, is among the 700 people aboard the boats attacked in the middle of the night. But we cannot say we are very surprised. Palestinians die quietly and unnoticed every day in Gaza, the world's largest open air prison, as a result of Israel's blockade and violent repression.

Veterans For Peace Board Member, Cherie Eichholz, traveled to Gaza in May and had this to say about the situation in Gaza, "Surrounded by a massive wall and a naval blockade, Gazans are imprisoned, suffering without the most basic of necessities, including enough food and safe drinking water. The situation on the ground is grave."

Another Board Member, Elliott Adams, also traveled to Gaza in May said, "On our Memorial Day we veterans are presented with the ugly spect er of US citizens having their lives threatened and being held captive in an act of piracy. Making it more painful, this is being done with US weapons. While the people of Gaza cry out for basic humanitarian needs, a neighboring nation is willing to kill to deny them basic life support."

Many of our 7,000 members in over 100 chapters are already organizing or will soon join the protests being organized across the U.S. We urge our members to use every nonviolent tactic available in the streets and in local Congressional offices to protest this attack. At the same time we demand Congress cut off U.S. military aid to Israel which has totaled over 32 billion dollars since 1997.

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Founded in 1985, Veterans For Peace is a national organization of men and women veterans of all eras and duty stations spanning the Spanish Civil War (1936-39), World War II, the Korean, Vietnam, Gulf and current Iraq wars as well as other conflicts cold or hot. It has chapters in nearly every state in the union and is headquartered in St. Louis, MO. Our collective experience tells us wars are easy to start and hard to stop and that those hurt are often the innocent. Thus, other means of problem solving are necessary. Veterans For Peace is an official Non- Governmental Organization (NGO) represented at the U.N.

Mike Ferner, National President
Veterans For Peace
Organized locally.
Recognized nationally.
Exposing the true costs of war.


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Comment by fireguy on June 3, 2010 at 11:03am
Both sides includes both sides what is there to explain. The Palestinians are being used by the other Arab nations to keep the conflict between the Muslims and the Jews at a fever pitch. If they were not there Syria would be or one of the other lower ranked Arab states. If you don't agree that both sides of this conflict are to blame then nothing I can say will convince you like I told Vince I am done arguing. And you are right firing on civilians is never right so tell the Arabs the same thing when they shoot their lame rockets into Israel. I have never defended either side in this war and have said many times that Israel has forgotten God and is being spanked for it. The whole world is focusing on Jerusalem just as the Bible said it would, not London, New York or LA.
Comment by CHUCK W. on June 2, 2010 at 5:48pm
It is never right to open fire on unarmed
civilians, even if themay be at fault.
We were appalled at the little girl who was shot by the police
a month or so ago.
This is no different.
Comment by CHUCK W. on June 2, 2010 at 5:27pm
Fire guy, I must ask how You see it as being
both at fault?
You know every bomb isreal uses is stamped made in the usa.
iseal is the master of creating black flag hits on isreal and
blaming the "Arabs'.
The sinking of the south Korean warship is an isreali.mossad op.
among with 911.
You of all people should know how the nwo and isreal work,
The create the crime, manufacture who the blame, and the propaganda
machine goes into action. the more they utter the same lies, the more people
believe it.
keep in mind Hamas is an elected government that replace the one controlled
by isreal.
Comment by fireguy on June 2, 2010 at 5:11pm
Vince, I am done arguing with you. "Get it" or don't.

I stand by my statement and you stand by yours.

The whole thing is playing out and I think that both sides are wrong as I have said.

And I have stated that it is all to bring Israel to their knees and return to God once again. Every time Isreal turns from God they are chastised, scattered, conquered and finally restored it has happened many times and is going to happen one last time soon.

God has used Egypt, Babylon, Persia, the Greeks, Romans and Nazis to kick them around this time he is going to hook up the Arab states and Russia/China.

Study the Gog and Magog prophesies in the Bible and you will get the picture.

Or, don't. Your call.
Comment by CHUCK W. on June 2, 2010 at 3:09pm
always good!!1 even in disgreement6 should it ever occur!
preace bro!
Comment by fireguy on June 2, 2010 at 3:06pm
Got your message on the other post no worries, also responded there, so, we are good I think. Thanks
Comment by CHUCK W. on June 2, 2010 at 2:50pm
Sorry about the typo's and sp.
being pulled in many directions at the moment.
Comment by fireguy on June 2, 2010 at 2:18pm
Don't like this, though, I understanding using the NWO against it's own plans for taking our sovereign rights as people of sovereign nations and establishing their Satanic one world government.

"Veterans For Peace is an official Non- Governmental Organization (NGO) represented at the U.N."
Comment by fireguy on June 2, 2010 at 12:39pm
I praise God for the Veterans for Peace and all peace activists who are willing to put their lives on the line to oppose war on all sides.

1st Thes. ch 4

9Now about brotherly love we do not need to write to you, for you yourselves have been taught by God to love each other.

"Made in the U.S.A." is stamped on the weapons commandos used to kill and wound the international peace activists.

Made in Russia/China is stamped on every SCUD missle, Type T tank, AK-47, and RPG used by Arab countries when they attack Israel and fight amongst themselves.

WAR IS A RACKET for the munitions makers to make $$$$$$$$$, the innocent people on both sides suffer and die in every war for profit.

Time to start calling it what it is.

The Palestinians are being used by the other Arab nations as a chess piece to create international (GLOBALIST, NWO, UN) outrage against Israel and start WW3.
Comment by CHUCK W. on June 2, 2010 at 12:26pm
Patriot Horse, Thanks for the atta boy! but {said with a smile}
I don't handle mush very well. My ego is such that if stretched
it would encompass the globe 14,375 times. lol.

In reality, here I seem to be "preaching to the choir." We all are!
We need to focus on turning the non believer's into believers! It is them who
we must reach! It is them we must reserve our accolades for when
they see the light.
We have some 2000 members here, that's a strong base to go from
discussion to action.
We can talk till we're blue in the face, but only by action, will we succeed.

"Destroying the New World Order"



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