VICE Magazine Tweet Calls for Blowing Up Mount Rushmore

On the same day as a deadly incident in Barcelona that police have confirmed as a terrorist attack, a tweet published by VICE (whose website PJ Media will not link to in this post) called for blowing up Mount Rushmore.


The original tweet has since been deleted, but not before PJ Media grabbed a screenshot of the post.

As of this writing, the article linked to in the original tweet remains the main post on the VICE's homepage with slightly toned down language.


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Comment by Kim Smith on August 19, 2017 at 3:32pm

The entire racist monument must go. T.R. was an avowed racist and war criminal

Lincoln was also an avowed racist and war criminal who engineered "Shermans march to the sea" where a scorched earth policy was enacted and rape of any southern woman so desired.General Sherman‘s “March to the Sea” was nothing more than a marauding rampage filled with robbery, rape, and murder. These men were less soldiers on a military mission and more common thugs on a crime spree. Northern armies brought war to women, children, and privately held property as a matter of official policy (rather than as so-called “collateral damage”).

Which is exactly how the wars we are currently involved in are being run today.

Any other monuments to those fascist thugs should also be destroyed.

Comment by Parrhesia on August 18, 2017 at 5:13pm

12 presidents and Benjamin Franklin owned slaves, so we have a lot of cleaning up to do just in that group.  The Federal Reserve has to reissue a lot of money too.  Yale University is named after Elihu Yale, a slave trader, so that will have to changed as well.  That Washington Monument has got to go also.  New York was named after the Duke of York who was a slave trader and a close friend of William Penn.  So we better take a hard look at Pennsylvania.  Washington Duke, who Duke University is named after also owned slaves.  And the enslavement of people by Christopher Columbus was way over the top.  There is a start and by the time all of this injustice is fixed, we will find plenty more.

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