Wake up there is no democracy in this current system.

Gordon Campbell (Liberals, NDP, and the so many other parties have never tried to abolish NAFTA, they have helped Elite corporations continue with agreements such as TILMA, SPP, that take control of our resources and leave us high and dry.

Sold us on on our BC Ferries, our Railways, and the list goes on.

Gordon Campbell wants to privatize our rivers enabling the sale of our water and power resources to the Elite Corporations that continue to dictate their best interest. Once These trade agreements are done, like NAFTA will ensure that we can never turn off the water tap or the power switch.We will have lost everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Time for change, time for ownership, time for the People of BC to join, and protect what we have, before it's stolen from us from back door secret meetings.

Your choice has arrived, we now have a PARTY that represents the BC citizens best interest.

Vote BC REFED, to protect your right for democracy, and your right to control politicians.

This is more than scary – it is criminal we allowed this old political system to remain in Canada, and our provinces for this amount of time.

This is fact and needs to be corrected, we need to look at the big picture,

Subject: BC's Watershed Election: May 12, 2009 - Watch Video!

Have a look at this article and video and decide for yourself. Let's not get sold down the river, eh!

We have never had anyone to vote for before until NOW.

Now we have a Party for the People called the BC REFED


Please send this on to all in your email contacts, so they may be informed of BCREFED

Please watch the video - makes total sense -s

Here's a video to go with 49 Megawatts (also on this site).


Forward on to everyone you know, lets reach millions

Here we go again, last time they wanted and succeeded in replacing our Canadian Heritage they did with out you or our VOTE.

Is there nothing sacred left?

Enough is enough, who votes on these things, sure as hell is not you or I.

From NAFTA, TILMA and SPP and to their secret back door meetings dismantling Canada and selling us out to Elite Corporations.

Did you get to vote, why would you. You don't matter

Wake up there is no democracy in this current system.

Let’s face it, we have been pushed into a corner, and guess what the corner is getting smaller, what is it going to take to WAKE the Canadians up before it's to LATE!

I agree – the national anthem should be sung in the official language(s) of the Country Canada. But singing our natural anthem does not protect us from the treason and traitors the work in secret to dismantle Canada.

Joining together in unity, and demanding what is our right for freedom and to protect our country is all we can do to stop the tyranny that infringes on our rights.

We SHOULD be concerned.

Please read and forward to as many Canadians you can think of

Be a PROUD CANADIAN and defend our country before it's too late.

I am sorry, but after hearing and watching our governments sell us out to Foreign Elite Corporation, that have little or no regard to us has got to STOP.

They want us to do nothing, but to live in fear from their oppression.

The news broadcasts propaganda to every Canadian, and we are being brainwashed from their lies.

I am not the least bit sorry if this offends ANYONE, this is MY COUNTRY; My Grand Dad served in the military, and other family members also served.

We made many sacrifices and so many other families did the same for our country that they would be ashamed in how our country is being dismantled and sold out.

They defended this country from oppression, and now we have lost our Canada to private corporations that Reap & Pillage our Nation for their greed of power and control.

It's time for Canadians to be counted and change the course of Canada's Destiny before it's too late.

THE TIME IS NOW; we can no longer sit idly by while our governments sell us out.

You and I know their is no democracy in this current system.

I am concerned about the way the elected officials and their backers are selling BC out to Elite Corporations.

BC residents have had little say in what happens to our public institutions, resources, and we are not informed of what is really happening to our Province or our Country.

Time is now to change the direction, and bring back democracy to the People.

There is a Party for the People of the People called the BC REFED that is organizing a direction for democracy.

Don't waste your vote for anti-democratic Parties

Visit http://refedbc.com/siteA/

-- please pass this along.

I am not against business; I am for prosperity to all, not just a selected few for their greed and control of our lives.

TIME for us to unite before we loose a great nation


It's time we all get behind the BC REFED PARTY, and when other Provinces across Canada see what the BC REFED stands for they will demand the same.

Scrap this Political mess we now face. Every Canadian I talk to and hear from says the same thing.

Corruption in our government has gone on far too long.

Supporting the BC REFED to change the system by implementing DIRECT DEMOCRACY for the People.



Think about this:

If you don't want to forward this for fear of offending someone, will we still be the Country of CANADA

Or an occupied State for Elite Corporations that have their own agenda at our cost.

Is it our Country or there's????

Choice is YOURS??????

Think about it!

Stop the Special interest groups in Canada that are attempting to change everything we hold dear.

Do you want to join the movement to Stand UP and defend this great NATION before it's to late.

Think about it for your children! At least if you do stand up now, and in 20 years from now you can look your children in the eye and say I tried to save Canada, but to many stuck there heads in the sand.

It's Time for CANADIANS to speak up.. If you agree ? Pass this along; if you don't agree?

Delete it and reap what you sew because your and my time is running out!

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