by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
(NaturalNews) Summer isn't even over yet and the big push for the mass
vaccination of the entire population is already under way. The CDC
started the push by recently urging vaccine shots for everyone --
including infants, pregnant women and immune-compromised people. Adding
to the vaccination hoopla, Walgreens has announced something quite
bizarre: A flu shot gift card.
Available for $29.99 at
your nearest Walgreens retailer, this gift card is, as Walgreens
explains on their website, "a way to help more Americans stay well
throughout the upcoming flu season by giving the gift of a flu shot."
Of course, if you gave your friends the gift of vitamin D supplements, they wouldn't need a flu shot or a jab in the arm with a sharp needle. Vitamin D has been proven again and again to work better than vaccines at preventing influenza (,
yet it remains all but ignored by the conventional medical
establishment which just happens to be dominated by the financial
interests of vaccine manufacturers (pharma companies). Swine flu again? As Walgreens admits on its own website (, this year's seasonal flu shot only protects against last year'sviruses. In particular, this year's flu shot contains DNA fragments from H1N1 swine flu -- yep, the very same virus that fizzled out last year after the WHO
hilariously declared a stage six global pandemic. This whole charade
turned out to be engineered by WHO advisors who had financial ties to
the vaccine companies (
they're trying to jab you again with the same viral fragments. But this
year they're playing mind games with the public by packaging these flu shots as "gifts." Walgreens must think this is clever, but it's actually a bit of a farce.
Usually a gift is something you actually want; something that's uplifting or health
enhancing in some way. Vaccines, on the other hand, have been widely
linked to convulsions and neurological disorders. Just recently,
Australia actually banned its seasonal flu vaccine for children after
dozens of children went into convulsions from receiving the flu shot.
Why do flu shots cause convulsions? Because flu shots contain neurological inflammation agents designed to elicit an immune response for building antibodies. The problem is that these chemicals
can also cause neurological damage leading to symptoms you just can't
ignore... such as convulsions. Some teens have even been paralyzed by
flu shots. Western doctors routinely ignore this evidence and simply
declare vaccines to be "safe for everyone!" even when they clearly
So anyone who buys a flu shot gift card and hands it to a child or teenager might actually be giving the gift of convulsions. Happy Birthday, Bobby! Here, have some convulsions and go get yourself jabbed in the arm with a sharp needle...
Sending the wrong message
In my opinion, buying a Walgreens flu shot gift card sends a powerful,
two-part message. First, it announces that you're a complete idiot when
it comes to health, and you're a total sucker for the
corporate-controlled interventionist health care system that excels at
convincing you to buy dangerous drugs you don't even need.
it says that you probably hate the person you're giving it to. What
kind of person buys a vaccine shot as a gift anyway? Does it include a
Hallmark card that says "Every time I think of you, I wince in pain and
can't stop convulsing. Enjoy this vaccine so that you can have the same
Or another card, "I couldn't decide what to get you for Christmas, so I thought I'd get you vaccinated instead. Merry Christmas!"
Can you imagine some little kid receiving this gift from his parents?
He was hoping for an X-Box or a dirt bike, but instead he gets an
envelope with a red card in it. "What's this?" he asks his parents. "Oh,
Bobby, it's a VACCINE gift card! To protect your health!" Bobby
replies, "How does it work?" And his parents answer, "Well, using this
vaccine gift card, you can get jabbed in the arm with chemicals and live
viruses, and it won't even cost you a penny!"
"I feel really
loved," answers Bobby. "No one has ever given me the gift of a vaccine
shot! When can we go to Walgreens and cash in?"
What's next? Chemo Cards!
I got to thinking about this: If flu shot gift cards are so popular, why
not just expand this into all the toxic chemicals of modern medicine? Perhaps hospitals should roll out Chemotherapy Gift Cards so you can "give the gift of chemo!"
Is your loved one just a little too healthy? Does their brain work too well? Is their liver annoyingly operating at one hundred percent? Give the gift of chemotherapy
and you'll destroy their kidney, liver and brain function (after which
they'll gladly accept your flu shot vaccine gift cards next year).
chemo card can act like a coffee punch card, too: After ten rounds of
chemotherapy, the eleventh is on the house! (If you're still alive,
While this idea may seem outlandish today, it's
actually not that far-fetched. Flu shot gift cards are already packaging
western chemical medicines as "gifts." And we just reported a story about how pharma drug pushers want fast food restaurants to hand out statin drugs for free to customers ( It seems that the idea of repackaging interventionist chemical medicines as gifts is pervasive.
Byron, I can imagine. Last fall my neighbor said that I should go right away to Albertson's and get a free flu shot. When I told her that I don't do flu shots, she looked at my like I was nuts.
Comment by Localtarian on August 19, 2010 at 6:49pm
LOL WOW. A flu shot virtual currency card.... words can not explain this insanity.
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