Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, July 6, 2012
A newly leaked US Army Military Police training manual for “Civil Disturbance Operations” outlines how military assets are to be used domestically to quell riots, confiscate firearms and even kill Americans on U.S. soil during mass civil unrest.
The document (PDF), which is dated 2006 and was used for a self-learning course at the U.S. Army Military Police School at Fort McClellan, makes it clear that the operations described in the manual apply to both “CONUS and OCONUS,” meaning inside the Continental United States and outside the Continental United States.
The document outlines how military assets will be used to “help local and state authorities to restore and maintain law and order” in the event of mass riots, civil unrest or a declaration of martial law.
The primary function of military assets will be focused around, “breaking up unauthorized gatherings and by patrolling the disturbance area to prevent the commission of lawless acts,” states the document, adding, “during operations to restore order, military forces may present a show of force, establish roadblocks, break up crowds, employ crowd control agents, patrol, serve as security forces or reserves, and perform other operations as required.”
The manual also describes how prisoners will be processed through temporary internment camps under the guidance of U.S. Army FM 3-19.40 Internment/Resettlement Operations, which as we reported earlier this year, outlines how internees would be “re-educated” into developing an “appreciation of U.S. policies” while detained in prison camps inside the United States.
On page 20 of the manual, rules regarding the use of “deadly force” in confronting “dissidents” are made disturbingly clear with the directive that a, “Warning shot will not be fired.”
The manual includes lists of weapons to be used against “rioters” or “demonstrators,” including “antiriot grenades.” It also advises troops to carry their guns in the “safe port arms” stance, a psychological tactic aimed at “making a show of force before rioters.” Non-lethal weapons and water cannons are also included.
The document also explains how the military will be involved in spying on and gathering information on dissidents to identify the, “Existence of persons, groups, or organizations which have distinctively threatened or are creating disturbances.”
“Crowd control agents” will also be deployed for the purpose of “reducing resistance,” states the manual, which also implies that troops will be used to confiscate firearms.
“Restrictions on the sale, transfer, and possession of sensitive material such as gasoline, firearms, ammunition, and explosives will help control forces in minimizing certain forms of violence,” states the document on page 40.
“Consideration may be given to evacuating sensitive items, such as weapons from stores,” the manual also states on page 27.
The document emphasizes how troops should make every effort, “to avoid appearing as an alien invading force and to present the image of a restrained and well-disciplined force whose sole purpose is to help to restore law and order with a minimum loss of life and property.”
This 115 page manual represents a shocking new insight into how the U.S. military will be used domestically to violently quell unrest in the aftermath of a total economic collapse or other national emergency.
Preparations for using troops to deal with mass civil unrest on U.S. soil have been in the works for years.
Back in 2008, U.S. troops returning from Iraq were earmarked for “homeland patrols” with one of their roles including helping with “civil unrest and crowd control”.
In December 2008, the Washington Post reported on plans to station 20,000 more U.S. troops inside America for purposes of “domestic security” from September 2011 onwards, an expansion of Northcom’s militarization of the country in preparation for potential civil unrest following a total economic collapse or a mass terror attack.
A report produced that same year by the U.S. Army War College’s Strategic Institute warned that the United States may experience massive civil unrest in the wake of a series of crises which it termed “strategic shock.”
“Widespread civil violence inside the United States would force the defense establishment to reorient priorities in extremis to defend basic domestic order and human security,” stated the report, authored by [Ret.] Lt. Col. Nathan Freir, adding that the military may be needed to quell “purposeful domestic resistance”.
Rex 84, short for Readiness Exercise 1984, was established under the pretext of a “mass exodus” of illegal aliens crossing the Mexican/US border.
During the Iran-Contra hearings in 1987, however, it was revealed that the program was a secretive “scenario and drill” developed by the federal government to suspend the Constitution, declare martial law, assign military commanders to take over state and local governments, and detain large numbers of American citizens determined by the government to be “national security threats.”
With many Americans now becoming “pre-revolutionary” as a result of their fury at the Obama administration and equally unpopular lawmakers in Washington, potential civil unrest could spring not just from a poverty-stricken underclass, but also the shrinking middle class.
Perhaps that’s why the Department of Homeland Security is increasingly focusing its anti-terror apparatus on white middle class Americans, portraying them as domestic terrorists in a series of PSA videos. In addition, ‘Occupy’ protesters are also now being characterized as terrorists.
Hat Tip: Public Intelligence, Hong Pong.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.
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Well,there unforeseen things that happen. I have taken survival training in the military and that helps. You will agree most of the health problems come from eating bad stuff. But that is how the culture has been trained. Of all the things that can be fixed there is one thing that will never be fixed,you can't fix stupid.
Hi Jim.
Taking care of ourselves is definitely preventative medicine. I couldn't agree more. Healthcare in this country is not really "health care" but "sick care." When I get sick, which is seldom, I always look for natural remedies. I can't even remember the last time I took antibiotics. However, things happen that are not the result of how we take care of ourselves, like a broken bone, an operation, car accident. As a rule uninsured do not get the best care, unless you can pay cash. How would you handle an unexpected health issue?
I am 66 now and in better shape than some half my age. I have no medical coverage at all. I have changed a lot of bad habits over the years,mostly what i eat and work to stay active. I am enjoying life as I should now. All can change how they treat their bodies,really up to you.
oh my ,... whoever believes that health is an inalienable right and should not be a privilege needs to look at the true nature of supposed health care .. That is like saying we have a godgiven right to be 100% healthy .. life is not fair and some people have better health than others for a variety of reasons i am not going to add to the nausea.... bottom line for me is i do not get any of my unalienable rights from government ,... this earth will never be a paradise .. wasn't meant to be ..but there is a lot of room for improvement
Web definitions: |
Oh my, sorry. I just kept talking didn't I. I will try to refrain from the length in the future and try to be a bit more pointed. Posts like that can look to others like blah...blah...blah. I apologize.
The founders created a government of the people, by the people,for the people, and that is not my quote. Our government was to be representative of the people, which does, in essence make the people holders of the highest office in the land. It is my opinion that we took our eyes off the ball and let those up on the dais tell us what is good for us and we got lazy because things were good.
Now, there are a lot of things that I would like to see change inside this country, however, I am not the only person here. There are many and they may not think like I do and the government is to represent all the people, not just my corner of the world. The government does serve a purpose and it can be good or it can be bad, but that is up to us. We can blame everyone else but we should have been fighting to protect our rights. We sat down and I for one accept my responsibility....and will do everything necessary to right that error.
I have picked a side and I am on the side of the country and the country is the people. This is a bit of who I am just so you can know something about me.
I believe that health is an inalienable right and should not be a privilege.
I believe that big business and cheap products have ruined the true small businesses that used to thrive in our towns and gave us community.
I believe that unions have a place, but the members need to participate. Again we sat down and did not but allowed those at the top tell us what was good for us. Unions were participants in their own destruction, however, I believe that they have been the only voice out there for the working man/woman.
I believe that the phrase "divide and conquer" works and the proof in that statement is all around today.
I am not powerless if I have other voices around me and I believe that we can make a difference if we stand together and once again I refer to the above mentioned dividing strategy. Keep us fighting between ourselves and they win.
I have been a non affiliated voter for a long time because I choose not to bear a label that someone else defines for me. I define myself. I am not a sheeple because I am here, knowing that most here do not necessarily think like me. However, it is easy to be with those who think like you, but I have never been one to take the easy out. I am looking to understand how we are so diametrically opposed in our thinking.
So, I will keep coming back and I will keep striving for understanding. It is my opinion as well that we are not born hating we learn to hate and the socialization process plays a big part in who we are in the end.
Should we put above or below the bulls eye, I am collateral damage,not a terrorists. Oh,make them free to all Muslams,sorry just my own take on this. Muslum or not will make no difference when the US goes to war against the US,circa Syria and others.
" Stategic shock " what a term ! Thats what it is they have planned for us. A strategic shock like 9-11 the next
event to finally close the net on the patriots and the gate on the sheeple .
Ok - most times I tthink that all you guys and gals just spout (mostly rubbish) - But this time someone has said something really useful - vis-a-vis the T-Shirt idea - this is an absolutely excellent and positive idea - so that each time anyone is fortunate enough to be on (TV) - it does not matter what they say or do the message will be very visible to all (The US Government has collectively lost it's mind) - and has planned to shoot you dead - and it is not a joke....
Margaret, we do not hold the highest office in the land, unless you are a Communist who wants to see the soveriegnty of the US be destroyed. The UN Gun Ban Treaty wil cause the US to become subservient to UN Mandates, which is illegal, Un-Constitutional, and treasonous!
So when you say "WE," be very careful, because you are going to pick a side on this issue. There can be NO fence-sitters, because if you are not for freedom and individual liberty, then you are for tyranny and collectivism! That's it, and there can be no middle ground!
Good Luck with your decision, because I know where I stand already!
I have my bucket ready to water the Tree of Liberty, how about everybody else?
Sic Semper Tyrannus!
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