The LHC is ready to collide particles this morning. CERN has started the live webcast and you can watch the LHC control room and be there first hand when it blows up - just kidding.
The LHC (Large Hadron Collider) is set to generate collisions at 7 TeV (3.5 TeV per beam). It is not known yet when the first collision will happen.
Currently CERN expects the first collisions in a couple of hours.
Well then, we agree on everything in the end it seems, which I was sure was the case but we needed enough dialogue to ascertain that. Cool.
The only subject I'm lacking any relative knowledge in is current Skull & Bones so I'll gladly accept your position. That's because I decided about two years ago to forgo any further studies of the elite's history feeling more confident that paying particularly close attention to current global events, global politics and war, would keep me better informed as regards to what's happening today and what may be planned in the future.
I decided that the elite history, while surely fascinating, was also terribly muddied with speculation and innuendo, specifically as it relates to Lucifer worship and things of that nature and making clear cut determinations with which to form accurate opinions was just not possible so I'd rather speculate myself based on what I do know and follow current events carefully.
I will say that any exceptionally brilliant and vastly wealthy person is apt to have little religious belief since reliance on self becomes paramount to survival under those conditions. Vast wealth breeds self sufficiency, self reliance and self determination on an equally vast scale.
I retired without any great fortune. I sold an award winning and quite large magazine I founded and published for senior citizens in Arizona, moved to Mexico, didn't work for 3 years and came back here broke toting my computer to live with my high school sweetheart who I hadn't seen or spoken to since 1970, over 40 years. I should have married her then. Through her unwavering love and kindness I've managed to survive on a total income of $200 in Food Stamps monthly. She just qualified for Social Security Disability and with her State Teachers Disability combined we're living on a rather comfortable income as long as inflation doesn't increase dramatically. We have a new SUV, just bought a new iMac for her, I still have the Mac G5 my production department created the magazine with and we made our last house payment in January. We don't own the house, it's worth about 50k less then she owes and we're just waiting for foreclosure. This was a financial decision not because we couldn't stay here but because of the vast savings related to moving and the added benefit of not having to shovel snow, cut grass and perform minor maintenance and the added fear that major maintenance might not be far into the future. A new furnace at 5k would be a killer. A nice apartment in a nice neighborhood, walking distance to a park and a grocery coop is in the near future and we're excited about the move.
So I don't live alone but Ann is not as interested in these subjects as much as I am although she's happy to listen and learn. I do maintain a rather introverted lifestyle in that I have Emphysema and don't want to deal with any unnecessary flu's or respiratory illnesses so we avoid crowds if possible. The library and grocery shopping are necessary, treks to the park or lake, but little beyond that. I've already traveled and seen what I want of the US and foreign countries and my hobby is reading and that's really, oddly, what I love to do so I'm always here doing just that.
So when it comes to the elite I've read a great deal of history but not nearly as much as you. I spend almost all of my time steeped in current events in Africa, South America, SE Asia, the Caucuses, Europe and the USA. I have a particular interest in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and Iran and other countries in that region I suppose because we have boots on the ground there right now and that's where the action is so I belong to a number of Afghan, Iranian and Pakistani web sites and communicate with a number of people actually living in those areas. I also maintain an email dialogue with a number of older, retired writers of minor fame, like Charles Ferndale and Dr. Nayyar Hashmey. It helps to understand the Muslim position which has been entirely distorted by the western media to the point that they're vilified in what's become an alarming way.
Gary, it's devious and staggering, this discussion.
As a child, any child, when faced with the choice of play or religion, play would be the obvious choice. But we are so pestered and bothered with accepting the religious beliefs of our parents in such an innocuous and insidious way and this dogma becomes so ingrained at such an early age that we accept these truths as self evident as adults and though we may change or alter our religious beliefs we retain the fundamental conviction even as grown adults, never recognizing the absolute intellectual impoverishment they cause or that they aren't actually self evident.
The sole cause not of war because we know who's behind war but of the civilian support of war and the civilian desire to do war.
The tangent regarding human history and the possibility that it's a bit lengthier then we're led to believe is one I entertain frequently. There's a reason that the information regarding the possibility of antiquities on the moon is covered up and it's the same reason antiquities and their textual contents on earth are unknown to most of us. The Sumerians, the Mesopotamians and other ancient civilizations fascinate me and I wish there were more credible evidence with which to form further opinions but I suspect there are people, a very few, that know much more then we're told. I don't know exactly where we came from and although evolution is factual we may not have evolved from protozoa, amebas, flagellates, ciliates, sporozoans and it's much more likely that the reality is purposefully kept from us. I wish I knew more.
I retired very early at a distinct financial disadvantage thanks only to a collection of random circumstances and the knowledge that everything we live is based on a false paradigm which includes the work ethic, designed only so that we work and they don't. I gave up what many people cherish and that's consuming and acquiring possessions. I kept only my very expensive Mac pro G5. Instead I read. It was well worth the trade off in the end.
I want to add something but hesitate because I also want you to read what I've written below, so please do, please.
First, this dialogue is of vast importance to me since these are subjects I do not get to discuss with anyone besides my spouse who would agree the moon is cheese if I insisted which doesn't motivate intellectual thought, so thanks, a lot, really, truly, from my heart.
Second, the only dispute we have arises from our personal definitions of devious, at least that's the way I see it. When I used devious my definition was strict. Immediate population reduction or some immediate result as such.
We've defined devious based on social position as I outlined below and I think were we members of the elite minority we might very well not see devious as part of the structure of their designs, but rather devious might be replaced by necessary, strictly from an intellectual perspective which is what I was trying to say.
I think most web sites, including InfoWars, are subverted to some degree. It wouldn't be intelligent to disseminate information from a web site but rather it would be of distinct advantage to pepper all web sites with distortions.
While you may have expanded beyond what I said I don't disagree with you. I said power and control, didn't I? And in retrospect Capitalism really has little to do with anything since they profit equally under Socialism, Marxism, Communism, Nazism and all other isms and they could care less about the particular ism. Skull & Bones, since it no longer exists in any measurable way that we can see, was a collection of sociopaths and misfits of the elite sector and whatever it was, it wasn't mysterious.
I agree with you that the basis behind all religions is false and I also agree that it was contrived by the ancestors of the elite to maintain control. Those are just obvious facts to anyone who's studied history and religion and the history of religion.
Now, we both know why, but what's really behind it all?
Imagine if the religions of the world had to admit that evolution was a very simple reality, that Adam and Eve was a contrived story and that we're descended from an ancient alien race, as you yourself suggested earlier. That the bible was contrived as a method and tool of control. The Qa'ran much the same.
I'm not disputing the value or rightness of what religion espouses very basically, that we should be good, just the basis for that goodness.
Rather then be good because we fear god, perhaps reality is that we should be good just because it's right but there aren't negative consequences after life on earth for being bad, just a negative conscience one would have to live with on earth since there's nothing after life on earth.
That explains the elite's usurpation of resources, their abject disdain for humanity and their view of us as useless eaters better then the assumption that they're crazy.
Which means that although you and I disagree with them, we aren't them, and if we were we might very well have to agree with them from an intellectual standpoint alone. That would only make sense.
BUT, we aren't them and we'll have to live with that and everything connected with it.
I'll have to admit, gladly, that you're the first person I've spoken to on these subjects, at length, that agrees with me on vast fundamental assertions many of which are based on a great deal of verifiable evidence which proves beyond doubt that reading and accessing information is the answer to all of our problems. That said, getting the rest of mankind to value information as much as you and I do, and to explore that information to the same n'th degree is not a realistic desire.
We may be in the information age but we're anything but an information desiring population.
So while I don't doubt or disagree with your assessment of the elite in terms of their desires I do disagree with your assessment of their religious beliefs and feel confident that they don't worship or even believe in Lucifer. The evidence that they perform rituals of any kind is entirely lacking. That's evidence, as in verifiable data. There's a great deal of speculation and innuendo, even testimony, but the evidence isn't there and a careful examination leads me to believe they worship only power and control and that they have the very same view of religion that you and I have, which would include the worship of any deity, other then power and control.
So if we're descendants of an alien species the religious history we're taught might in fact be wrong. The dogma surrounding kindness and acceptance may be right but the human interpretation might be wrong.
For instance, homosexuals might very well be an acceptable form of human sexuality and man may have perverted the nature of goodness and acceptance to vilify a particular human he fears based on a distorted perception of what a God wants because that perception is based on lies. What if we're descended from aliens? What if? Because everything we're discussing here leads to that type of speculation.
In fact, I'll go a step further. People refer to those behind the NWO as crazy. I don't see them in quite that light. My own opinion is that they're brilliant and that's how they've managed to retain power and control for so long.
The usurpation of resources and the devastating effects of chemical pollution on the earth belie knowledge that we don't have. To be randomly vile and brutal with the earth and its resources means knowing something more. It isn't just greed, there's more.
Perhaps religion as we know it, with its prophets and councilors, it's guide books and tenets is false and the alien connection is real and more is known about it then we're able to speculate on here. I'm certain you've considered this, absolutely certain.
The PDF was disappointing since, as you implied, I thought it was the entire book and it wasn't.
Rather then engage in a lengthy discussion about a book I haven't read I'll say this.
What I have read, and seen, regarding artifacts on the moon simply reinforces my position that the Christian, Muslim, Jewish and Catholic religions are more then likely based on fantasies used by men to control vast populations. The artifacts on the moon provide for a wonderful supportive collection of evidence to draw that conclusion, IF the pictures I've viewed of those artifacts are real.
Additionally, there are statements made by the people whose job it is to develop the film and they've made critical and clear observations that it's their job to 'smudge' or eliminate these objects from said film. So why? Perhaps the foundation of religion as we know it would be seen as clearly 'made up' or false and control of populations and finance as well via religion might end?
That's how I see it, if you want to speculate about it. Your own religious beliefs are evidence of thoughts somewhere along these lines, aren't they?
The internet, besides being a surveillance tool is also an information disseminating tool for the NWO.
The problem with your hypothesis regarding Maxwell, Hall, Blavatsky and the others is that they're dead Gary, and Bush, Sarkozy, Blair, Evelyn Rothschild, Gates, Gore, the Queen of England, other Kings and Queens and other people are very much alive and they believe in power and control, not fantasy, Lucifer worship or Skull & Bones.
Lets look at just one such example. From all of the available evidence Skull & Bones was nothing more then a rich boys club and it can be easily seen that all of the members advanced into positions of authority in one realm or another within society, from banking to politics and everything in between. They all became leaders in their fields. They did so by assisting one another throughout their lives based on a club they joined in college, where they engaged in carousing with women, drug use and drinking while studying to complete their respective degrees. Nothing more.
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