We are not sorry (WHITE MAN) in fact the entire rest of the world owes us THANKS

If I sound "racist" so fkn be it I am damn proud of my race and the benefits we have collectively brought to the world. So you so called "minorities" STFU AND JUST SAY thanx.


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Comment by steve on December 24, 2019 at 3:20pm

They were being built thousands of years before injuns were GIVEN jobs by my people chk the old world  buildings still standing after thousands of years unlike WIGGYWAMS AND MUDHUTS.I still don't think U get what I'm saying, I don't think I'm better than my fellow man I AM JUST DAMN TIRED OF MY RACE BEING DEMONIZED AND MARGINALIZED, genocided and being replaced by 3rd world primitive people.


Comment by Burbia on December 24, 2019 at 10:24am

Yeah, the buildings were not complete with out the construction. An idea with out action is still just an idea. What I've cited as historical fact is not demonizing whitey.  The achievements made by Europeans are magnificent. What is happening to the Europeans now, have happened to Native Americans. Before that, what happened to the Native Americans happened to the Irish. Interesting that some Irish I have met do not consider themselves as White. You have give to get. Otherwise it's looking like entitlement to me. Red Ice Radio came to the conclusion that Hollywood had rewritten history of the Europeans and ultimately as a result a loss of culture is happening.  Once again it reflects a story of the Native Americans. This is really starting to look like a pattern happening to all races not just Europeans. You have my gratitude. Now go make something spectacular. Something unlike anything else the world has seen.

Comment by steve on December 24, 2019 at 9:43am

Hey Burbia,

 Never said "Here in America, to say the achievements of the Whites were solely independent of any help but themselves"  but the facts are 24,000 lost in rev. war and 640,000-700,000  civil war are not small numbers like you gave for injun deaths.Them skyscrapers were DESIGNED BY WHITEY, they were supplying jobs for the natives big ol difference. All I'm saying is instead of demonizing show some gratitude for the generousness of white folks for their willingness to share civilization.


Comment by Burbia on December 24, 2019 at 8:14am

Here in America, to say the achievements of the Whites were solely independent of any help but themselves lacks awareness. Yes, General Pike happened to be a Mason but he also lead an all native infantry. He is also regarded as the first grand wizard of the KKK.

Native Americans served in both the Union and Confederate military during the American Civil War.[2][4] Many of the tribes viewed the Confederacy as the better choice due to its opposition to a central federal system which lacked a respect for the sovereignty of Indian nations. In addition, some Native American tribes, such as the Creek and the Choctaw, were slaveholders and found a political and economic commonality with the Confederacy.[14]

Sir: To enable the Secretary of War most advantageously to perform the duties devolved upon him in relation to the Indian tribes by the second section of the Act to establish the War Department of February 21, 1861, it is deemed desirable that there should be established a Bureau of Indian Affairs, and, if the Congress concur in this view, I have the honor respectfully to recommend that provision be made for the appointment of a Commissioner of Indian Affairs, and for one clerk to aid him in the discharge of his official duties.

— Jefferson Davis to Howell Cobb, Confederate States of America – Message to Congress, March 1861[15]
At the beginning of the war, Albert Pike was appointed as Confederate envoy to Native Americans. In this capacity he negotiated several treaties, one such treaty was the Treaty with Choctaws and Chickasaws conducted in July 1861. The treaty covered sixty-four terms covering many subjects like Choctaw and Chickasaw nation sovereignty, Confederate States of America citizenship possibilities, and an entitled delegate in the House of Representatives of the Confederate States of America. The Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Seminole, Catawba, and Creek tribes were the only tribes to fight on the Confederate side.


The accomplishment of skyscrapers were not of just Europeans. American Indians actively participated in the completion of their construction.

…it’s the warrior ethic. Really. But first we’d better have a little background. It’s not just any American Indian who goes into ironwork, it’s mostly Iroquois, specifically Mohawks from the Kahnawake reservation near Montreal.

The Mohawks got into the business by happenstance. In 1886 a Canadian company was building a railroad bridge over the St. Lawrence river near the Kahnawake reservation. The company hired a number of Mohawks as day laborers, but found they loved to climb around on the ironwork without any apparent fear of heights. Since it was difficult to find men with the moxie for high work, the company decided to try an Indian crew. “We picked out some and gave them a little training, and it turned out that putting riveting tools in their hands was like putting ham with eggs,” a company official later wrote. Mohawks helped build bridges from then on.

In 1907 96 men were killed when a span of the Quebec Bridge collapsed during construction; 35 of them were Indians from Kahnawake. The dead were buried in the Kahnawake cemetery under crosses made of steel beams. Your average construction worker might have decided it was time to go into a safer line of work, but not the Mohawks. From that day forward every young male on the reservation was convinced that risking your neck on high steel was the coolest calling this world could offer.

The Mohawks eventually branched out from bridges into general steel construction, including office buildings. During the late 1920s a number of Kahnawake crews started working on skyscrapers in New York, and they’ve been a fixture of the city’s construction scene ever since. Some crews — the members are often related to one another — spend the weekends on the reservation and drive down to New York for the week; others live in Brooklyn. But they’ll travel anywhere if there’s steel to climb.

Do the Mohawks really have no fear of heights? Their employers think so, and the Indians themselves like to make out as though dancing on some I-beam 600 feet in the air is no more disruptive to their peace of mind than stepping off a curb. Edmund Wilson, who wrote several essays about the Iroquois for the New Yorker in the 1950s, quoted one modest steel jockey’s claim that he had “an uncanny sense of balance,” and attributed their skill to “their earlier life, from threading forests and scaling mountains, from canoeing in streams rough with rapids. A very important factor is undoubtedly their habit, in walking, of putting one foot in front of the other, instead of straddling, as we seem to them to do. They do not need to make an effort in walking a narrow beam.”

Far be it from me to make light of this portrait of the noble red man, but there may be a simpler explanation: they do it because it’s macho. Evidence on this point comes to us from anthropologist Morris Freilich, who published a solemn academic study on the subject in 1958. Ordinarily Cecil doesn’t take this kind of thing too seriously, but in this instance was impressed by Freilich’s impeccable research methodology: he spent his nights getting schnockered with the Mohawks at their favorite bar in Brooklyn.

One night when they were all drunk the Indians admitted they were scared fecal matter-less while iron hopping; they just didn’t admit it because of the above-mentioned warrior ethic. (They didn’t actually say “warrior ethic,” of course; that was Freilich’s take on it.) Freilich pointed out in his article that the Iroquois warrior tradition boiled down to going off with the boys to perform insane feats of bravery and generally raise hell, then coming home and boasting about your exploits. The warpath being no longer socially acceptable, steelwork was the next best thing. Sure, it’s one of those silly male things. But I’d say it beats joining the men’s movement and pounding a drum.

Cecil Adams


The success of winning WW II also included Native Americans as well.

The military declassified the Navajo Code Talker program in 1968. But it would be decades before recognition came to the Tlingit servicemen, after the passage of the Code Talkers Recognition Act of 2008.

Sheakley, commander of the Southeast Alaska Native Veterans, received a call after that from Department of Defense officials. They told him the five Alaskans had been identified as Code Talkers from the Tlingit tribe, along with others from 32 Lower-48 tribes. Soon they would get the recognition long afforded to the Navajos, who made up the largest group of WWII Code Talkers.


One of the most iconic memorials depicting the raising of the flag included a Pima Indian soldier sung about by a very American Johnny Cash.

One of the greatest acts of heroism was performed by the simplest of men. Ira Hayes, an introspective 22-year-old Native America from the Pima tribe and a U.S. Marine, on February 23, 1945, in the midst of the Battle of Iwo Jima, was one of the patriot soldiers who raised the U.S. flag atop Mount Suribachi while the war still raged on the volcanic rock. The image captured by photographer Joe Rosenthal became an iconic one, earning him a Pulitzer Prize. As for the story of the heroic Marine, his ended up being one of the saddest stories.

Hayes was depicted on the Iwo Jima Memorial as one of six men raising the American flag on Iwo Jima. Author: Xephrail CC BY-SA 3.0
Hayes was depicted on the Iwo Jima Memorial as one of six men raising the American flag on Iwo Jima. Author: Xephrail CC BY-SA 3.0

First and foremost, when deciding to write the story of Ira Hayes, one couldn’t find a better way to do it than to begin by quoting Johnny Cash, a brilliant soul who managed to sum up a story so poignantly: “The Indian who raised the flag on Iwo Jima.”


Comment by the mighty bull on December 24, 2019 at 4:42am

Yeah nah yeah ok then  thanx  We all good now bro ? 

Comment by steve on December 23, 2019 at 8:34pm

Hey James,

 As it seems satan's chosen have their nose and greedy fingers in virtually every anti- human industry  I say their exposer/ banishment, confiscation of all their ill gotten gains would probably eliminate a high percentage of the invented instigated turmoil they (j-ws) inflame and FUND across the world.


Comment by James Roberts on December 23, 2019 at 8:03pm

What the Jew and their fellow travelers have forgotten is that White people can be nice until they're pushed too far, then we're the most warlike and evil motherfuckers on the planet. We originated the gun, and subsequently overran anyone else we chose to. With ease. We don't need masses of our people to wake up and agree with us this time, we just need to stick to one of our greatest qualities - inventiveness. I say ten teeth for one tooth. I say either the White race thrives again, or we'll sterilize the fucking planet. And we can, and we will.

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