Wells Fargo in downtown Portland, Oregon is already boarding up in preparation for Democrat rioters amid a projected Red Tsunami across America

 Wells Fargo in downtown Portland, Oregon is already boarding up in preparation for Democrat rioters amid a projected Red Tsunami across America

Telegram: Contact @kagbabe

This is encouraging.  The Republican running for Governor has been doing very well in the polling and I was thinking she had a real chance.  After all, the current Dem Gov has been named worse governor in the US for two years in a row.  I also considered that the libs were all jabbed up and many had died, but then again, dead or alive they'll still vote Dem.  Boarding up downtown businesses means higher ups believe things may go red.

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Comment by Parrhesia on November 14, 2022 at 1:13pm

Looks like Greater Idaho is the only answer.

Comment by Less Prone on November 13, 2022 at 2:46pm

The red tsunami, a dream killed by another rigged election. Democracy, a bad joke.

Comment by Parrhesia on November 10, 2022 at 7:04pm

There is more to this story.  There is only 79% of the vote in.  Apparently, the red counties are holding totals until the blue counties report, so the Dems don't add more ballots.  lol

Comment by Parrhesia on November 10, 2022 at 12:15pm

As expected, bi-sexual Gov Kate Brown's buddy (lover?) lesbian Tina "Kotex" wins.  

Tina Kotek wins Oregon governor’s race, fending off strongest Republican bid in a decade

Tina Kotek greets supporters at the Hyatt Regency Tuesday night. November 8, 2022 Beth Nakamura/Staff

Democratic Gov. Kate Brown’s lowest-in-the-nation popularity rating was also widely viewed as a drag on Kotek’s ability to win over voters, and the Democratic nominee attempted with increasing intensity to distance herself from Brown by criticizing the governor in debates and ads.

Tina Kotek wins Oregon governor’s race, fending off strongest Repub...

Comment by Parrhesia on November 9, 2022 at 9:15am

The day after election...governor race "too close to call".  Which means they need to "find" a few more Dem ballots.  Easy enough to do as Oregon only has mail in ballots - no polling locations.  Odd that the Dems have stayed in power since that started.

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