There are pivotal points in history where crucial decisions have been made over critical events and even miraculous inventions that have influenced the course of human society. Whether men decided to heed the warnings given to them, capitalize on the good fortunes of the ordinary masses, or turn a situation from a regional conflict into world war all stare at us from the annals of history. If man refuses the lessons taught by history he will indeed go on repeating the same mistakes over and over again. Is this why failure of the government funded classroom has contributed to a brain dead populace of easily manipulated consumers? It would seem to be the underlying agenda of a federal government that is failing in almost every regime.
Loss of self-sufficiency for profit
I will give you another such incident from history where the potential to aid mankind was abandoned for profit and the resulting dependency of the people upon a form of energy that could be controlled and manipulated for the profits of the megalomaniacs rather than within the grasp of the people. In the place of a potentially failing electrical grid and crude oil that can be used as a tool of extortion by our enemies, mankind could have been gifted free energy without pollution or the effect on US currency that the petrol dollar has now. However, this is the continuing story of the failure of government and industry to allow for humanitarian considerations.
Tesla’s genius
Nikola Tesla proved that the earth’s crust has a low voltage magnetic flux capable of powering anything that runs on electricity. Using his Stubblefield form of electromagnetic flux transmission, wireless energy could be transferred to any device able to receive that wirelessly transferred energy. By placing several conductive stakes in the ground Tesla could tap the earthbound magnetic flux field for free power. Backers that Tesla had such as J.P. Morgan the banking giant refused to continue their support when it was found that this form of energy could be provided free. Mankind lost a valuable opportunity to have power at his disposal cheaply, easily obtained, and clean for the sake of the environment, but as John Belushi of Saturday Night Live said, “But No!!!!!”
Government interference
We have been kept mostly in the dark as big government oppresses us with out of control spending, currency devaluation, and even suppression of useful education, as DARPA programs are funded to the tune of trillions of dark money or simply taxpayer funds that have somehow been lost! The people have regularly complied with this insanity too dumbed down to resist. Too tame and placid to demonstrate self-righteous indignation, or to form a political apparatus to oppose this tyranny! In the compromises they’ll accept for a civil society that more and more is no longer a civil society, Americans and westerners have capitulated fearing the consequences of challenging corrupt authority. The events of January 6th are a good example as intentional Pelosi Democrat entrapment planned to punish Trump supporters while baiting them into violent reaction is just one more government false flag operation unleashed upon the public.
UFO’s at Norton AFB?
Fast forward to 1988 as Steven Greer of the “Disclosure Project” which has brought UFO reality and testimony to the halls of Congress, an event occurred that corroborates Nikola Tesla’s genius. At an air show at Norton Air Force Base in northern California, a secret is publicly demonstrated. According to Steven Greer, three ARV’s (Alien Reproduction Vehicles) as displayed hovering on the runway and demonstrating their advanced flight characteristics as a stunned crowd look on. Have all UFO sightings merely been the product of a secret project kept hidden from the public? Have all suspected extraterrestrial encounters simply been Tesla inspired electromagnetic flux propulsion vehicles? One might recall that in the 1953 movie “war of the Worlds” featuring the H. G. Wells science fiction novel that the alien attack craft that hovered over the terrain protected from human bombardment by an invisible force field impervious to conventional weaponry wreaked havoc all over the world. Were we being given a clue? We now know throughout the 20th Century that such supposed extraterrestrial events, rather than being mistaken radio plays or movies, were indeed social experiments used to study how people reacted to the threat of the unknown.
"Destroying the New World Order"
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