What does the saga of O.J. Simpson have to do with the US federal government? Let’s talk about developing or cultivating a public image that people will buy into without really knowing the truth about the monster behind the curtain. It’s all about public relations and those who would rather believe in the illusion rather than that facts. This brief summary epitomizes exactly why America is in so much peril because the people are unwilling to look at the facts because the government, the mainstream media, and so many woke corporations have adopted deception and brainwashing instead of transparency and accountability.
Troubling behavior
From the time he was in high school O.J. Simpson, a talented running back exhibited an uncontrollable temper. He pulled a knife on his own teammate in the locker room. Sadly, that wasn’t the end of it. As time went on O. J. would commit more assault and battery upon people and it would be covered up while Simpson created a public image of a funny nice guy, which couldn’t be further from the truth, yet PR is a game that if well played, can be an effective tool for furthering one’s career and financial well-being. This is exactly what O.J. did. Probably through a manager, agent, or publicist, O.J. Simpson learned the importance of a public image even if he couldn’t live up to it.
Prelude to homicide
O.J. Was already in his 40’s when he met Nikole Brown, an 18 year old waitress. In all likelihood she was probably promiscuous already, but meeting a former NFL football hero, she was more than willing to ride the gravy train to the good life, so why not? She would find out later that she had gotten herself into a dangerous situation that would put her life at risk as domestic violence between her and her abusive husband became a routine occurrence. O. J. Would go onto to capitalize more on his public image playing Nordberg on the “Naked Gun” comedy movies with Leslie Nielsen as Detective Frank Drebin. How could a guy this funny be abusive and dangerous? The public sure couldn’t see it.
After numerous police reports of domestic violence, and photos of Nicole being severely beaten, the couple separated, but that did not separate Nicole from threats to her life. One evening as she sat outside of her front yard with friend Ron Goldman, Nicole was viciously attacked. The assailant over powered Ron Goldman, who had apparently put up the fight of his life but was murdered, and Nicole was nearly decapitated from the knife wounds to her neck. A footprint was left in the pool of blood on the sidewalk leading to the porch, it would later match O.J.’s shoe size. It wasn’t long after the murder in the time-line of events that O.J. Simpson boarded a flight for Chicago, but did police ever enquire as to what business the prime murder suspect was involved in for this overnight flight? No.
The Circus begins
O.J. would soon be arrested after returning from an overnight flight to Chicago where a policeman watched Simpson get rid of a knife in a public trash container. Photos of Simpson when he was finger printed show injuries and swelling in one of his hands. The Bronco he drove with a score of police vehicles in pursuit had blood stains inside and two bloody leather gloves too. It would seem that O.J. was nailed for murder with a history of brutal physical abuse upon wife Nicole, but guess what? Public opinion influenced by the false image created by O.J. and his handlers nullified public sentiment against him.
How a murderer gets away with it
It didn’t help when Judge Ito, allowed news cameras and live coverage of the trial. It didn’t help when Judge Ito disallowed much of the prosecution’s evidence against O.J. It didn’t help when defense attorney Johnny Cochran turned the murder case into a question of LA PD racism and flawed DNA evidence! It didn’t help when one juror was quoted as saying that he could not wait until O.J. was acquitted so he could get an autograph! It did not help that as O.J. was transported by police to custody between appearances in court that his fans lined up along the streets waving to him as though he were the President of the United States! Despite Nicole Simpson Brown’s and Ron Goldman’s horrific murders the entire case was now turned into a circus! This was the distraction and game show illusion that only served to muddy the waters of justice and eventually allow a murderer to be set free!
How the government gets away with murder
What do we learn from this travesty of justice just as it goes on with the federal government? It tells us that the general public is so gullible, so easily distracted, and compromised that even murder can be easily swept away with enough effective tactics that are deployed under the tenants of public relations. The US federal government operates in the same way. The pageantry of the affairs in Washington DC easily distracts low information voters from the result of failing policy by the cover ups, the complicity of the mainstream media, and the antics put on to add to the illusion that convinces people that Democrat politicians and RINO’s actually care about their constituents, when they absolutely don’t. Re-election and money for campaigns to win elections and stay in power occupy most of the time of these primo Donnas living in their glass houses so far removed from the plight of the people.
The great media charade
Little does the audience ever see the façade created by the press as Nancy Pelosi slowly parades down the main narrow aisle of the House of Representatives with a small cluster of her Democrat cronies around her as camera angles are kept close and not revealing that the whole affair is going on in a practically empty building with only a few Democrats in a celebratory configuration as if the coronation of a queen is taking place! Just part of the illusion made for the consumption of a naïve public thinking that these people are really legislating in their favor.
What is really going on
All aspects of lies are taking place meanwhile as over spending, dollar devaluation, regulatory restrictions not even voted on, the invasion of the US southern border, higher taxes, an expansion of armed IRS agents designed to cause fear and terror among the people, and even deaths of those like Seth Rich who dare leak the truth out to the public, all go on unabated all because of an effective PR campaign that allows this treason to continue! But, even worse, the complicit and ignorant tolerance of the American people! The low information voters, brainwashed into accepting the unacceptable.
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