This is a message to the working class Blackman from a working class White-man; you better get your houses in order!  Haha!! What I mean by this is that “your leaders” are as deceptive as “ours” with as many black Freemasons shitting on their own kind as there are as many more white Freemasons shitting on us, - in fact they are in every country shitting on whoever is not one of them.  

We all know of the ‘divide and rule’ and that’s often achieved by religion and racial hatred being created by those who benefit from such divisions; yet before you take one more step there are some home-truths to know of and understand.   What I write often offends those who I am exposing, yet little do they realise they too are victims of all the falsehoods and lies they have been told and taught over their lifetime’s.

This is why the same applies to the Whiteman and all you alleged Christians and Muslims, as you too have all been hoodwinked and lied to and it’s about time you knew the truth and even if it is a bitter pill to swallow – certain home-truths need to be accepted otherwise you too are just deceiving yourselves and living in the dark.

In fact the time has come for every man, women or child and no matter from where they come from – to recognise who is the “real” enemy of the working classes - who after all make up the vast majority of people living in this world – slavery never ended – it just changed its name to “exploited workers”.

Ashra Kwesi seen left, is a lecturer on African history, civilization, religion and culture - who ironically is probably a Freemason himself of the Prince Hall fraternity; it's one of his videos above that I am showing you here - as an example of the cover-up.  Kwesi as often come under-fire by people such as Keith Thompson and Chris Whites who too have made videos saying they have exposed Ashra Kwesi for talking rubbish and accusing him of being a black supremacist.

There are black supremacists and white supremacists that each have their own distorted ideologies and agendas; I'm not interested in any of that, as it's the truth I care for, so things such as whether the Pyramids of Giza date back 18,000yrs or 5,000yrs is immaterial.  Let's just stick to the facts of the last 400 years or so, what was discovered and where everything is recorded and can be proven.

Among the many home-truths that have long been hidden from you is that hieroglyphics discovered as far back as Napoleonic times and when the Freemason Napoleon Bonaparte, as part of the French Campaign in Egypt and Syria (1798–1801) how times don’t change, – revealed “the truth” that the concept of Christianity and Islam was directly plagiarised from the Egyptian belief system that many hieroglyphics out there revealed to Napoleon and his team of expert archaeologist and historians.

So shockingly ground-breaking was their discoveries that they totally destroyed and obliterated many Egyptian artefacts and structures and no different than it has been alleged that the Saudi Arabian and American funded and founded Islamic State militants have done in Iraq's museums and blowing up 3,000-year-old temples and other antiquities.  Which if the truth be known many of these artefacts were copies, thus displays of “theatre” so as to outrage the world and engulf us in yet another never-ending war.  Whereas the same cannot be said about what Napoleon done.

Have you ever wondered how the Sphinx of Egypt lost its nose? 

Well it was Napoleon who ordered his soldiers to deface the great statue and so you could no longer clearly see the alleged Negro features that were said to be there.

Even Egyptologist such as Wallis Budge and Howard Carter helped with these cover-ups.  Both were knighted for their services and made numerous of trips to Egypt on behalf of the British Museum to buy antiquities and helped it build its collection of cuneiform tablets, manuscripts, and papyri.  They obviously knew what they had translated and discovered and why many tomb walls and other surfaces that revealed the "truth" were chiselled off and destroyed forever.

The only reason historians like Ashra Kwesi was able to see and decipher the remaining hieroglyphics, is because they lay hidden under water.

Don’t forget when Napoleon was out there, it was still the age of slavery and particularly in the United States that existed in the 18th and 19th centuries after it gained independence and before the end of the American Civil War.  Slavery was recognised in the Thirteen Colonies at the time of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. 

The same year the Bavarian Illuminati was established.

The road layouts and architecture of Paris, London and Washington (among many other cities and towns) were designed in a Masonic and Kabballistic structure and why such symbolism can be found everywhere in these places today and throughout the world.  There is an obelisk in the capital of every country.  Whenever there is a human cull following each world war – the obelisk is ever present and no matter the country that is memorising such an event - meaning each countries elites recognise its significance and who really is in charge of this planet.

There are three countries that share a “Cleopatra's Needle”, the popular name for each of three Ancient Egyptian obelisks re-erected in Paris, London and New York cities during the nineteenth century.  The obelisks in London and New York are a pair, and the one in Paris is also part of a pair originally from a different site in Luxor, where its twin still remains.

Unfortunately everyone seems to either be paid-off, recruited or killed when they have tried to stand up against the biggest gang of criminals that spans the globe and why I have long advocated the any member of a secret society should be banned from also being permitted to be a member of government or its related bodies, i.e. civil servants working in our town halls, the judiciary, military and the police etc. – as without doubt it always has been and still is a major conflict of interest.

This currently abhorrent state of affairs where anyone involved in our governments etc. are allowed to be also members of a secret society that require death defying oaths to be sworn, - whereas the blindfolded initiate and with a dagger held to their heart swears to be 100% allegiant and committed to the Masonic agenda and over and above all else.  The potential for corruption and dodgy deals makes a complete mockery of our democracies and justice system.  Our governments and their representatives must be free from commitment to these highly influential groups if they are expected to maintain a shred of credibility and earn the public’s trust and respect once again; it’s because of this present corrupt set-up as to why trillions of dollars, pounds and euros either goes missing, siphoned-off in lucrative contracts and deals or simply wasted.

I explain the “Masonic Master Plan” in my book Trapped in a Masonic World written in 2010 - in which the following is an extract from;

Many American‘s from all creeds and races are beginning to see the "Obama Deception" for what it really is, as it seems that by the illuminati giving the “Blackman” the reins of power he‘s so long desired to hold – and deservedly so as it could be argued they are even being returned to them once more which is probably nearer the truth; just take a look at ancient Africa/Ethiopia and Egypt for starters and where we can clearly see they once had an incredibly advanced and civilised culture and society - often referred to as the bedrock and cradle of all civilisation.

There are various claims and accounts as to what is what in history and all things biblical and there are many members of the black community who remind us that we can‘t forget those black Jews of Ethiopia, formerly known as Falashas, (aka the forgotten Jews, that modern-day Israelis would still prefer to do) that tradition has it that after the Exodus from Egypt they broke off and made their way down the coast of Africa to Ethiopia or they emigrated from Israel after the time of the destruction of First and Second Temples.

Falasha - Ethiopic for ‘stranger’ - is the term by which the Jews of Ethiopia are commonly known as.  However, they refer to themselves as Beta Isra‘el – “House of Israel” and not Aihud which means Jews.  

Interestingly the entire community was airlifted out of Africa to Israel in the early 1990‘s.  Some rabbinical authorities have considered them to be remnants of the Tribe of Dan.   Falasha synagogues are known as a Masjid, which means 'Mosque'.

In ancient Egypt, examples of Egyptians with [dread]-lock hairstyles and wigs have appeared on bas-reliefs, statuary and other artefacts.   Mummified remains of ancient Egyptians with dread-locks as well as dread-locked wigs have also been recovered from archaeological sites.

"Who Are The Real Children of Israel?"

The Rastafari movement or Rasta is a new religious movement that arose in a Christian culture in Jamaica in the 1930s.  Its followers worship Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia, former Emperor of Ethiopia (1930–1936 and 1941–1974), aka - Jah = God incarnate, the Second Advent.  For Rastafarians, Zion is to be found in Africa and more specifically in Ethiopia.  Some Rasta’s believe themselves to represent the real ‘Children of Israel’ in modern times - and their goal is to repatriate to Africa - or to Zion.

Many reggae songs include references to Zion; among the best-known examples are Bob Marley‘s, as in Zion Train, Iron Lion Zion; “...like Lion in Zion”.  Locks are also known as African locks and a Rasta friend or mine told me the term “dreadlocks” is in reference to them being; God fearing people‘ that lived in dread/fear of the Lord.  He also had them cut off as a mark of respect when his grandmother died.

The Himba people in the southeast of Congo-Kinshasa also dye their dread-locks red, but their style is thicker than that of the Maasai. Other groups include the Fang people of Gabon, the Mende of Sierra Leone, and the Turkana Nilotic people of Kenya, where historians believe that the Luo and other Kenyan Nilotic tribes originally came from the Nile regions of Sudan, entering Kenya through Northern Uganda and where the late father of Barack Obama, also named Barack Hussein Obama Sr. was from the Luo tribe.

Tradition states the Falashas origins are from that of the Queen of Sheba [named Makeda in Ethiopian], whom upon meeting King Solomon, converted to Judaism and bore him a son, Menelik I – ‘Son of the Wise’ the first Jewish Emperor of Ethiopia, who ruled around 950 BC.

Tradition credits him with bringing the Ark of the Covenant to Ethiopia, following a visit to Jerusalem to meet his father upon reaching adulthood. Sheba [Saba,Sh'va] was a kingdom mentioned in the Jewish scriptures (Old Testament) and the Qur‘an.  Its location and with modern evidence points toward Yemen in southern Arabia, though other scholars argue for a location in either present-day Eritrea or Ethiopia. Since the two territories are separated by a narrow channel it is possible that at various times the kingdom included territory in both Yemen and Ethiopia, and may be equated with the Sabean kingdom.

As just mentioned, and I say elsewhere of the other reason why Obama was manoeuvred into office, such as the Black population was ready to torch the US following the Bush administration.  They had to do this handing over of authority to Nelson Mandela in South Africa following the end apartheid, and who was then put into power, - though not before dismantling their Nuclear Arms program and other vital infrastructures first.

And look at the great job the despot of a Freemason, Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe is doing in ruining his own country whilst wreaking havoc on most people's lives living there and lining the pockets of his own family and Illuminati friends. – Zimbabwe once known as Zimbia, when in the 1880s, the British arrived with Cecil Rhodes‘s British South Africa Company (BSAC), who quite liked the idea of calling a country after him-self so much, he did and that‘s how Rhodesia first came about, - when until 1980 it was reverted back to Zimbabwe.

In 1994 the Queen Elizardbirth II made Robert Mugabe a Knight Commander of the Order of Bath. Though in 2008 she stripped him of this title after David Milliband urged her to do so.

The problem for the majority of black [and Asian] people in general is that they too have no idea that almost all of their black leaders are Freemasons and whose descendants were all made Freemasons as far back as the 1800‘s.

How this first came about was when colonialists such as Cecil Rhodes needed to obtain certain concessions for mining rights from black leaders like King Lobengula of the Ndebele peoples, they set their own network of Masonic lodges. And when Rhodes obtained various concessions, he presented them to persuade the government of the United Kingdom to grant a Royal charter to his BSAC over Matabeleland, and its subject states such as Mashonaland.

Royal charters were used to create cities, (i.e. localities with recognised legal rights and privileges) and all throughout the colonies, where Masonic lodges were also formed at the same time, and when many black leaders were invited to become Freemasons and for a privileged few they did.  And in doing so they too adopted all things British, as they would dress in full western style clothing, live in stylised houses, drive the latest cars and where as far away from the remaining black population, as were their white counterparts.

The date that such a Royal charter was granted, is considered to be when a city was founded, regardless of when the locality originally began to be settled, and it would have been very unlikely a Royal charter would have been granted before all the preliminaries, such as the establishment of a Grand Lodge, and that certain business deals, contracts and concessions had been guaranteed to come to fruition, once the charter had been granted.

Holby City is a British medical drama television series that airs weekly on BBC1, and actor Hugh Quarshie plays a doctor in that series. Quarshie is of mixed Ghanaian, English and Dutch descent and was born in Accra, Ghana, to Emma Wilhelmina and Richard Quarshie, and emigrated with his family to the UK when he was aged three.

In September 2010, he appeared in an episode of Who Do You Think You Are? - tracing back his Ghanaian and Dutch origins.  And in the programme he appeared to be quite shocked to find out his was blood linked to an elite ruling family, and was shown photographs of his black ancestors, and with some of them in their Masonic garb, whilst others could be seen posing in a kind of 1920‘s and 30‘s Eton, come Harrow, come Oxford and Cambridge kind of looking clothing, with their tweed waist coated suits, with Albert chains hanging and pocket watches attached, ties, cravats, straw hats, spatz shoes and walking sticks etc. and in poses more reminiscent to a flash looking stuck up member of the white gentry, and straight out of the set of films like; The Great Gatsby or Brideshead Revisited, as they even held the same kind of facial pose and expression similar to stately home butler, who looks down at nose at you, - as opposed to the Ghanaian Black men they really were.

Good Templars Masonic Lodge 

You could see they had been uncomfortably transformed into what they perceived as being what an Englishman should look like.  Don‘t get me wrong as most of them looked dapper and very smart indeed, but even Quarshie himself commented that he didn‘t quite feel right as to seeing his relatives as being portrayed as something they quite really weren‘t.  Quarshie‘s relatives belonged to the Good Templars Masonic Lodge in Accra, Ghana.  

And as I say, there have been many black Freemasons all over Africa and have been so since at least the1800‘s and still are to this very day where there‘s now thousands of black businessmen and women belonging to the Freemason‘s and in total concealment from the millions of people in their own populations.

And now in the USA with Obama being the first Black President, the objective of this being is; “We now give you the keys to city...”, whilst at the same time withdrawing all our major help, knowledge and more importantly money, - and then see how well you can get on.

It's a set-up, the Masonic/Illuminati and it‘s representatives are predominately controlled by the White-man, that‘s why black men formed Prince Hall Freemasonry, yet it’s the same pay master the “White-man” serves, thus is of no help to those black folk who are not masons!

Black African people have no other choice or alternative other than to fail because all their leaders are corrupt and on bribes and indirectly encouraged to cause as much inner conflict and turmoil whilst destabilising the whole of the African continent; whilst at the very same time causing as much problems as possible to those like the Chinese who are out there investing trillions of pounds into the various regions, with the aim of trying to get the much needed resources for their own growing economy and country, - and by doing this, then what you get is a double-whammy and all part of the Illuminati’s strategic plan.

This is a long-term plan, and years will pass whilst untold numbers will continue to die in the process, - as there‘s going to be some ass kicking going on all over the African continent.

Then in time when the indigenous populations can take no more, there will be cries for the Whiteman to take control again, as even now there are many black men wishing that places such as Zimbabwe and South Africa were back in control of the Whiteman.  Then in America, the Freemason/Illuminati are that shrewd and clever - they haven‘t really handed over the keys to a Blackman in the Whitehouse, as all they‘ve really done is put a black face on a white man‘s body, as Obama is no doubt a 33rd degree honorary Freemason.

Even once ardent followers of Obama have sussed out he is not going to be able to do anything significant for the black people as the reality of the situation is that a working class Blackman is the same as a White, Chinese or Middle-eastern one, i.e. we‘re all suppressed!  Though Obama is cosmetically good, it appears as if he represents the underdog and if the truth be known he was the better bet than the others put on offer to vote for.  And it must said Obama, single handily has restored the corrosive reputation Bush and Clinton left behind them, so yeah Obama is good in many respects, - yet all of them are still puppets of the Masonic/Illuminati cabals.

Rap singers such as Professor Griff and Chuck D of Hip-Hop group Public Enemy or rapper Lawrence Kris Parker, better known as KRS-One from the Temple of Hip-Hop and the recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award for all his work and effort towards the Stop the Violence Movement as well as the overall pioneering of hip hop music and culture, have said along the lines that; “...the impression that prejudice no longer exists in America by appointing America‘s first ever Black president is far from the truth when nothing has got any better for the actual Blackman or in fact any other race in the US – as they’re all in as much shit now as they were when any of those other crooked presidents were in power, Johnson, Nixon, Regan, Clinton, Bush etc. and look what they gave to the American people!”

Unless of course there is real change and that change is not so much the colour of a man‘s skin, but by how our world is run, then we are forever going to be treading water.

We need a real New World Change not ―Order!  Our present system of democracy has become a de-mock-racy!  We need more than a tweaking of Political Reform, we need a Radical Reform of our present systems and nothing short of a Revolution - and not led by charlatans like Russell Brand - who seems to be a puppet of the elites, thus the real enemy to the real working classes. 

We need to sack and get rid of the corrupt Masonic elite presently fucking up our planet.  The Masonic groups, organisations and business leaders whose job it is to keep us on a minimum wage, whilst they remain on a maximum one!  What a bloody insult these thieving bastards conjure-up, a minimum wage!  What is that meant to give the badly educated an incentive to go to work?   As after all it‘s only been contrived so they can say; “Well at least you’re getting the legal minimum wage.”  It‘s so patronising as these fat cat punks who are paying themselves hundreds of thousands of dollars/pounds/euros and millions in other cases and who think they‘re doing the working classes a favour by paying them a paltry minimum wage, a wage impossible to live on and the reason everyone needs debt in order just to survive!

Second edition new front cover of Trapped in a Masonic World

For the full story see Trapped in a Masonic World 360,000 words and... 

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