In order for the mass hypnotic mind control to be effective over the masses government must convince the people that it is much different than it actually is. A government must convince the people that it is kind, benevolent, looking after their best interests, and that everything it broadcasts through state of the union addresses or whatever else a speech must be transmitted for, is the truth. If anything, a ruling class must maintain an image that, in reality, may have nothing to do with what it is actually doing to the masses.
The requiem
In reality, what all governments actually are is anything but operating in the best interests of the public. An organization of departments that through the confiscation of taxes, using threats of prosecution to administer laws that may or may not serve the people, and establishing a court system that processes offenders and even charges fines to perpetuate itself That’s not all an entity qualifying itself as a government must have. It must also have legal and acknowledged borders, an army, navy, and air force, must be conscripted in order to supposedly defend the innocent citizens of that nation. Under the aegis of all these presumptions the people under this flag must uphold their ruling class or the grand illusion of it all will fail and end in rebellion.
Commonality of incompetence
What are we seeing in the world as governments exercise their true agendas? We are seeing massive financial mismanagement of currencies with many bank failures of government backed institutions making the money exchanged within those borders unstable and even losing its buying power. All the while those citizens are being re-assured through-out their media that the governing body is doing what’s best for their people. Yet, through this illusion are the flaws and actual failures due to incompetence, theft, corruption, and even cronyism as there will be those elite, privileged, untouchables, who can commit crimes that would get the normal man or woman jailed for years to come, and be immune to the consequences.
Against the will of the governed
What the average indoctrinated citizen does not see is the well-organized parasite of institutionalized treachery using the money of its people to do things that many would not approve of such as funding abortion clinics, funding LGBTQ activities, allowing violent criminals to be released by the justice system, making international deals with foreign countries hostile to their own government, all these potentially dangerous and culture killing activities that the people are convinced to support or perhaps can be hidden from them by a distractive media.
Yet, the people continue their law abiding ways maintaining their allegiance to their flag as they are over taxed, overregulated, their personal privacy is being invaded, and they are being basically treated as potential detainees rather than free man and women who are complying with the laws. Even those who can see through the dogmatic curtain of rhetoric will violently deny the truth they are hearing because it’s more comfortable to go on believing the lies rather than confront the corrupt officials who used the government for their own gain rather than seeing to it that government addresses the will of the people. It is an absurdity as common as water.
They cannot allow this
Governments don’t want or cannot afford to have critically thinking masses, who are independent of the need for government welfare and related services. For this is the leash that restrains the useful idiots who think they are patriotic when they may have been mesmerized into accepting tyranny. That very government may be unwilling to defend their very own Constitution. This works against the freedom of speech, freedom to worship one’s own God, the right to peacefully protest, the right to call out the government for grievances it has committed against the people. This forces government to become accountable to its people, something Communists, socialists, collectivists, and statists just can’t have. For one thing they can never recognize God given rights to the individual as there can be not greater authority than the government.
Guarding an implanted belief system
The bigger a government gets the more demands that are made upon the people. Higher taxes, more laws, more influence over education to help head off those who see through the curtain used by the little man who runs propaganda show. The legal system must become more complex as to make use by the everyday citizens incomprehensible and too expensive for most to be able to use. This gives big government the opportunity to further exploit the legal system so that the public doesn’t see the extent to which they are being illegally manipulated. The bigger the government the deeper the layers of corrupt officials appointed rather than elected who can further deny rights to certain political groups that the government is opposed to.
The swamp is formed
Just as we are seeing in the big government structure of the US federal government. The true agenda of all the hidden bureaucrats who can rule though codes and regulations that the people have no say so over, the equivalent of a dictatorship is founded simply because one party wanted to remain in power and will use every possible tool available within that shadow government of hidden cabinet members, lobbyists, foreign spies, and traitors who will gladly sell out the people over making their gravy train within the corrupt system impenetrable.
By consent of the useful idiots
While the ignorant, low information, brainwashed public, applaud a façade of the original state that once rose in favor of less political power, less draconian capability, and more power to the people. That same big government will ridicule the reformists who point out the obvious flaws while their character is being assassinated such as one Donald J. Trump who worked tirelessly for 4 years to give the government back to the people, but being treated instead like an enemy of the state! You might say that in today’s sold out socialist leaning government truth is the one thing they fear most because if they are exposed their game will be up if the justice system will just do its job!
"Destroying the New World Order"
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