All it takes is one nuclear device detonated above the US in orbit to cause a massive EMP (Electro Magnetic Pulse) that could knock out all electronic communications, cell phones, computers, internet, and even the electrical ignition systems of cars. Throwing us back into the “Stone Age” and placing America at the mercy of her enemies. This has been known for years but why haven’t they been hardening our electronic devices as well as the wiring of the electrical grid to prevent such an inevitability? The military is well aware of such a disarming act that could easily be carried out by even a small terrorist state like Iran. Yet, we the American public are literally left out in the open like sitting ducks.
Method of destruction
However, it will likely not be a missile with a nuclear payload launched into orbit by one of our enemies though, it will be something more subtle, and is perhaps already underway. Currently, our aging electrical grid system is close to being overwhelmed by sheer customer usage, but that’s not all. An intelligence program was started to evaluate the vulnerability of the nation to a number of threats. It turns out that the entire electrical grid could be taken out by simply attacking and destroying 20 substations. That’s it! There have already been 5 substations rendered inoperable in Oregon and Washington State. Since the Obama Administration there have been attacks on the California grid that have gone unanswered. Someone with a high powered long rifle was shooting up a transformer station. What did the Obama White House due? Why, they shored up for any online cyber-attacks. What about boots on the ground security?
Not interested in the people
It appears that the basic survival of the nation’s people is just not in the agenda of the present federal government nor has it been for some time. The Democrats when in office have a very bad habit of compromising the security of the nation. Why would an American political party be doing this unless they have already been compromised by the CCP? It seems all of their subversion, all of their disregard for the US constitution, and all of their disregard for the best interests of the people they are supposed to be serving are simply meaningless considerations. Where does this all end? With 3 million illegal aliens who have crossed the southern border unvetted, undocumented, medically unchecked, and embedded with known terrorists, violent criminals, drug cartel, and human traffickers, America is on the worst slippery slope perhaps since the beginning of World War II after the Pearl Harbor attack, yet then at least we had a massive manufacturing capability that be the difference between victory and defeat.
What happened to a government for and by the people?
Isn’t the government according to the US Constitution supposed to provide the defense for the borders of our nation, anticipate all threats and defend against them, and maintain domestic peace? How is it that the Democrats can be allowed to subject this country to the savage intentions of our foreign enemies? Where is the oath of office to defend the US Constitution? Where is the call to patriotic duty? Where is the simple reply of responsibility to the cause of your own countrymen? There is no doubt in the mind of this writer that America has been deeply betrayed by those calling themselves politicians, prosecutors, high ranking generals, and parties whose job it is to serve the people, not their personal ambitions or profiteering. Sadly, when you have a society that has broken away from the church, is obsessed with self-worship, expecting immediate gratification, and unconcerned with what their own government is doing, the sheep will easily be led to the slaughter.
We now have a government who will give away tens of billions of dollars to a foreign country just to hide the criminality of a president and his son, while pushing us to the threshold of a third world war because Democrats are above the law and will not adhere to due process nor will they submit to prosecution. The nightmare of an America so deeply compromised from within by the blackmail and bribery of its enemies is now upon us. Probably, the only thing keeping America in existence are the honest hard working people that drive our economy, but if America were to fall it would mean a whole new modern day “Great Depression” for the entire world economy. Hopefully, more level headed leaders among the world will remember that fact before we are plunged into the insanity of a very dark epoch in human history.
There is a volcano under the yellowstone natural park waiting to erupt. All it takes is to use a hydrogen bomb as a primer and the whole north America is covered with ash.
"Destroying the New World Order"
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