What Would It Be Like Living On THIS Planet?

What Would It Be Like Living On THIS Planet?
Let Us suppose You live on a planet where You (and everyOne else) had set things such that action took place via communication of needs (and desires) -  because the planet had so much to give that accounting for it seemed pointless.  Rather than making each Individual contribute, "earning" a living (as if being born demands an obligation of any kind), as if the planet could not give vastly more than the whole population could spend the time consuming (should anyOne choose to try and do so), problems are addressed directly, from needs to emergencies.
To the People, the Conscious Beings on the planet, it isn't so much a matter of sharing but that of communicating needs which are readily fulfilled by Others who care.  The People who care to see that all are fed communicate what is needed and Those who can help the process do so.  The communications webwork is available from anywhere.  Earning status in Their field, it is maintained by Those who love to program, applying Their skills to improve the open-source code that is used to operate the distribution of requested materials.  All is run on energy drawn from the aether (with tech presently hidden on Earth).
You see that Some get most of many single specialty items, being the Ones REALLY into that item, though with a "first come, first served" policy for web orders, and a "the Creator can give what (S)He wants away to Those (S)He personally wants to give them to" attitude,"specialty items" as a category is overflowing.
Neither You nor anyOne around You has to worry about how food will arrive on the table, for on Your planet the People are motivated to solve for need (not profit).  You see that all People can post on the open, stigmergically regulated (did I lose You with that? See links below) rather than top-down, webwork of communication.
All needs are fulfilled richly - food, good water, clothing, shelter, tools - as the basics are provided organically, purely, durably ("fashion" is meaningless and Self expression is "in"), innovatively, solidly (shoddy product only earns the Creator a bad reputation).  Any desire is acceptable as long as it does not include the breaking of three Laws:
Do not willfully hurt or kill anOther
Do not willfully take or damage anOther's property
Do not willfully defraud anOther
With only these three Ethical Laws, Those who care can judge whether crime has been committed.  You may be surprised to see no concept of "retribution."  Instead, You see confinement and treatment of Those who pose danger to Others, and shunning of Those who break Laws who don't.  Any heinous crime will draw a plethora of caring.  All evidence may be presented at trials (which are convened publicly when 12 or more People care enough to call for one).
You see communities with agreed-upon perspectives in morals, religions, flocking together, with no persecution.  With no One seeing threat from another group, and with the People of the planet as a whole seeing danger only in Those who would choose to break the Laws, what is there to gain by creating a problem?
In fact, the third Law is virtually moot.  There is no motive to defraud, really, and little to work with.  Perhaps One covets a specialty belonging of anOther and contrives to lie to get the Other to give it to One...like a painting, say.  But as a problem in society, it does not register.
Rare is there an issue with the breaking of the second Law.  Why take what You may have for free, as far as needs (no One steals food), and why become a social pariah by choosing to take or damage the specialty items of anOther for mere desire?
In fact, the first Law is rarely broken.  With no profit in war, no One finds that to be a solution, and besides, it breaks the first Law.  (Self defense is reactionary, despite the ability to apply will to the reaction, but rarely do Any find They need to defend Themselves, being secure in Person.)
One thing You see is a system of "personal witness," Individuals may record Their perspective.  There is no organized surveillance, but that All may record in public (it is an inalienable Right) and also in private, where failing to have permission from those One is with is seen as  distasteful - to even a breaking of the third Law.  Courtesy runs deeply, for the power is not through control of a money supply, but in how much support for YOUR work You have.
You notice that Some carry arms openly, and Many more do not, but that One who does not look armed could be.
What You don't see is stress.  Not in a survival sense.  You see encouragement in each child to find what They are good at, what They love, what fascinates Them.  Children are all wanted, loved and cared for, watched and taught.
With a Betterment Ethic (where We here on Earth have an idea of "virtue" placed on "work" enriching the few, and placed by Those few who would profit from Us working to Our death for Them (wage/debt slaves)) You see People striving to make things good, and better where They see the possibility - to deliberately worsen things is to create a problem that will be solved for by Those who care.  One rarely chooses to make it worse.
All around You, People are learning about what interests Them.  There are open guilds where crafts and skills are taught by Those who know and love to teach, earning status as teachers.  In fact, teaching is viewed as one of the high status choices One can make.  Many are collaborating on projects to solve problems the BEST way - not the cheapest, or most profitable for someOne on the "inside."  Or worse, as often happens here on Earth, leaving a problem unattended because there is no money.
No artist lacks tools, no musician lacks an instrument, no acting troupe lacks a stage, no scientist lacks a lab and collaborators, no mountain climber lacks the gear, no camper lacks a tent, no traveler lacks transportation, no One lacks amenities of highest quality.
There is no motive for planned obsolescence.  All goods and services are offered at the highest quality, and the rampant waste produced by the profit-motivated making of inferior products that We see here on this planet does not exists.
There is no controlMIND (governMENT) with a central body that dictates to the masses what They can and cannot do.  No statutes, acts, bills, rules, regulations, mandates, ordinances, constitutions, declarations, or other "laws" except as any community agrees to, and if One chooses not to abide by any such "laws," One is free to move elsewhere, and can easily do so.
The technology is very high, as there are no efforts to suppress technologies that threaten profit or power over Others.  There is no such thing as profit (in any money-making sense) or power over Others.  The only profit is in the social currencies:  prestige, status, lauds, thanks, bragging rights, love, gratitude, fame, and other social earnings.

You are there on that planet.  Take a moment and think of what it would be that YOU would choose to do...
And now that You see the happy and glorious life You would lead there, consider:  Our planet is just as abundant as this planet I describe.  If ALL of Us were to try to consume everything We could create with advanced farming methods such as vertical farming, if ALL of Us had a place that We were comfortable living in, if ALL Our products were made to last, there would be vastly more than We could eat, vastly more space than We could take up, vastly more in products than We could use.
This begs the question of why, when Earth has what Our imagined planet has, We see what We see today:  poverty and privilege, oppression, wage/debt slavery, and profiteering (war profiteering, prison profiteering, pharma profiteering, medical profiteering, chemical profiteering, food, water, air profiteering)?  It also leads to another question:  can We create the Earth in the image of this dream planet?
The answers are simple - though You may think they're not.  A few short articles outline a path to creation of such a planet out of the mess the useless eliters are making of Earth now:
Foundations:  http://www.thelivingmoon.com/forum1/index.php?topic=5793.0
Analysis:  http://www.thelivingmoon.com/forum1/index.php?topic=657.0
Solutocracy:  http://www.thelivingmoon.com/forum1/index.php?topic=5607.0
The Plan:  http://www.thelivingmoon.com/forum1/index.php?topic=5626.0
T.A.P., You're It:  http://www.thelivingmoon.com/forum1/index.php?topic=2759.0
Stigmergic Governance:  http://www.thelivingmoon.com/forum1/index.php?topic=2103.0
The Ethical Planetarian:  http://www.thelivingmoon.com/forum1/index.php?topic=604.0
NOTE:  These are also available here in My blog.

Do share widely.  Only if We have widespread dialog on these ideas will We take the actions necessary to turn Our planet from this useless eliter wasteland into a place where Humanity truly can thrive.
"If the universe is made of mostly Dark Energy...can We use it to run Our cars?"
"If You want peace, take the profit out of war."
"Information will free Us."

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