(NaturalNews) With each passing day as vaccine fanaticism spreads like a virus of the mind across the mainstream media, America is marching down the path of genocide and heinous human rights violations in the name of "SCIENCE!"
The very arguments used by today's vaccine pushers to claim that the government should force everyone to be vaccinated against their will closely resemble the eugenics justifications of Nazi Germany.
The collection of Nazi propaganda posters you see below has been translated by Natural News in order to show the parallels between Nazi crimes against humanity and today's fanatical vaccine mandate schemes that are based on very similar moral justification and distorted logic.
Today, people like Oregon State Sen. Elizabeth Steiner Hayward are marching America down the path of Nazi Germany, using the exact same arguments and attempted moral justifications that were once invoked by Adolf Hitler.
Along with policies of forced euthanasia, sterilization, organ harvesting and medical experimentation, the "science" Nazi regime attempted to use positive imagery to claim it was creating a better society.
The following Nazi poster shows the "ideal man and woman" as desired by the state:
In Pennsylvania, a similar poster promotes vaccines with an attempt at patriotism, saying you "Earn your stripe!" when you get vaccinated:
This propaganda poster explains that diseased and physically handicapped people are a financial burden on the state. Therefore, the thinking goes, they should all be euthanized for the "greater good."
This is the same "greater good" logic now invoked by vaccine pushers in America who believe it is morally justified to harm and kill some children with vaccines because the policy serves the interests of the state:
A congenitally diseased or handicapped person costs the government 5.5 Reichsmark daily.
For 5.5 Reichsmark a healthy, sound family can live a full day of life.
This flu shot poster in the United States argues that flu shots "save lives," glossing over the reality that flu shots still contain mercury, a potent neurotoxic heavy metal that causes permanent brain damage:
This Nazi poster complains about the cost of the government providing care for a "mentally ill negro" who has been institutionalized for 16 years.
As with all the other posters shown here, the argument is that killing people like this negro is "good for society!" It's the same argument used with forced vaccinations, forced organ harvesting and the government's health care "death panels" in America today.
Mentally ill negro (English citizen)
16 years in an institution
RM 35,000 in costs
In the United States, top CDC scientist Dr. William Thompson openly admitted that the CDC committed scientific fraud to bury data linking vaccines to autism in African-American boys.
As this truth emerged, the CDC went to extraordinary lengths to censor the story, and the entire mainstream media was ordered by the U.S. government to blackball the confession and avoid any mention of it. To this day, the confession of the CDC whistleblower remains the most heavily censored medical story in U.S. history.
Just like in Nazi Germany, America's medical system utterly abandons people of dark skin color, considering them "not worth saving." Medicine in America today is not just murder; it's also genocide.
Granny is next, too. Here's a real cover for Newsweek, announcing, "The Case for Killing Granny." The article argued that the U.S. government needed to save money by killing off the elderly:
This next poster argues for the forced killing of the physically handicapped by announcing how much money such people cost the state in health care expenses.
The message informs the people of Germany that their money is being wasted on handicapped citizens, implying that killing off those people creates a better society.
This congenitally handicapped person costs the nation, as a whole, 60,000 Reichsmark over a lifetime.
People this is your money.
Read Neuses Volk ("New People")
The monthly newsletter of the racially correct political bureau of the NSDAP (National Socialist German Workers Party)
This TIME Magazine issue argued that the elderly in America should be murdered by removing their feeding tubes as they lay in their hospital beds:
This next poster invokes God, claiming that even God would not want sick or handicapped people to reproduce.
Therefore, the logic goes, it is the "will of God" that the state murder these "undesirables." This is based on the belief that the state owns the people -- the very same idea now being aggressively pushed in America by vaccine fanatics who think the government has the right to force medical interventions on people against their wishes.
God cannot intend that the sick and infirmed propagate or reproduce sickness and infirmity (physical or mental weakness).
This poster explains how "worthless people" are multiplying faster than the healthy population. This includes the physically handicapped and mentally ill.
The Nazi war on handicapped people mirrors today's mainstream media war against so-called "anti-vaxxers" who happen to be among the most well-informed people in the world on health issues.
In order for any government to imprison or murder large numbers of people, it must first label them as a burden on society:
Those worth less are multiplying faster than the healthy population!
Number of pregnancies of mothers who had mentally ill children in school for the mentally disabled...
... the average mother in the city [is] concerned
This is a picture of children who are candidates for euthanasia. In America today, unvaccinated children are being labeled using the same derogatory language (even though most unvaccinated children are, in reality, far more intelligent and far healthier than vaccinated children).
In Nazi Germany, victims of birth deformities were frequently slated for euthanasia by the state.
In America today, victims of vaccine damage are utterly abandoned by the state, forgotten by the CDC and lying legislators like Sen. Elizabeth Warren.
Here's an image of Germany's physically handicapped, scheduled for euthanasia:
And here are some images of American children damaged by vaccines -- who are then entirely abandoned by doctors, the media and lawmakers:
Neurologically damaged by the DPT vaccine:
Extreme tissue damage caused by vaccines:
The HPV vaccine turned this normal, healthy girl into a brain-damaged victim of vaccines:
Another severe skin reaction following vaccination:
Under a medical police state system -- which is precisely what is now being constructed in Oregon, California and many other states across America -- the state can determine when to kill you. The state owns your body, after all, and that precedent was already established when the people refused to resist vaccine mandates.
On Sep. 1, 1939, Adolf Hitler ordered Germany's medical doctors to recruit more people who would name people to be euthanized against their will.
Included on this list for euthanasia targets were people with cancer, physical handicaps, liver disorders and other health challenges:
Letter from Adolf Hitler
Berlin Sept. 1, 1939
To the Reichsleiter (leader) Bouhler and Dr. Brandt (a Medical Dr.):
They have the responsibility to increase the authority of individuals who will be named to evaluate the terminally ill to determine whether euthanasia can be performed...
This Nazi propaganda poster argued that Germany's forced euthanasia and sterilization policies were morally justified because other countries were doing the same thing.
In fact, there was "scientific consensus" at the time that any government could order the murder of handicapped, retarded or chronically ill citizens. Government-sponsored murder was justified under the same "greater good" logic used by vaccine pushers in America today:
We do not stand alone
In these countries similar laws exist: USA Denmark Norway Sweden Finland
The following countries are considering similar protection: Hungary England Switzerland [illegible]
Law for the Prevention of Offspring with Hereditary Diseases from 7/14/33
This poster insists that mentally handicapped people should be killed because they are placing a burden on society.
You are sharing the load
A person with a hereditary disease costs on average RM 50,000 by the time they reach their 60th birthday.
"Destroying the New World Order"
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