When They Go Active-Millions of Enlistment Age Illegals

Image result for violent protests by Muslims in France in 2000


It would be too much of a stretch to ask why are so many enlistment age illegal immigrants outnumbering those poor women and children that the media characterizes as being the bulk numbers of illegal foreign trespassers that the Biden Administration has allowed into the US. Would it put too many rats in your skull to verbalize a conclusion here? Why, when our FEMA Centers designed for supporting Americans in the event of a disaster and military bases that, in some cases have been converted into nurseries for illegal immigrant children, and are being disrupted from their normal mission would be allowed can only be explained as a political directive. A directive that’s designed to weaken readiness or even promote infiltration should enemy forces attempt an invasion. There have already been reports from insiders about these concerns.

 Image result for colonel MacGregor

According to Colonel Macgregor, former US Army intelligence officer, the actual number of illegal immigrants from the catch and release to the gotaways is intentionally minimized by not only the Democrat owned media but Washington DC establishment. MacGregor has stated that the true figure is about 52 million illegal aliens currently on US soil, many of which being accommodated by federal subsidy in the form of confiscated taxpayer money to the tune of 53 billion a year. This has had a great affect upon devaluation of the US dollar and the resulting inflation. Americans themselves are paying for these massive world government relocations of politically directed populations.

Image result for Russian government forced reloations of Latvian people

I’ve spoken to people from other countries who have legally become US citizens and they have seen in their countries what’s going on now in America, they can’t understand it nor do they approve of it either. One lady 74 years old once a medical specialist who came from Russia told the story of how Latvia was government evacuated of its native people to another province while those from other regions were relocated to occupy homes, businesses, and jobs that were forcibly taken from Latvians.by the state. Another woman I spoke with was from Central America where Communist have been particularly active over the decades and spoke about how the new government that has won by massive vote fraud and had made all kinds of promises only confiscate people’s estates and literally throw families out on the street who had owned property as the state flexed its dictatorial muscles. Sound familiar, like the false promises and the open borders policy of the Democrats?

Image result for US border patrol

Speculation by one former DEA Agent who handled intelligence and operates a podcast is advising Americans to purchase self-protection and begin taking firearms classes for when the embedded immigrants go “ACTIVE” this, he explains, will be a coded call to action, much like was seen in France in 1999 to 2000 when thousands of young Muslim men began violent riots and burning cars on the streets. The sold out bought off media claimed it was out of frustration over joblessness, but in reality it was the end result of a massively allowed migration of enlistment age Muslim men all seemed to coordinate well organized violent demonstrations once a large population of foreigners had been allowed by the government to occupy French soil while even getting settlement aid from the state.

What happens when they go “ACTIVE” in America? We’ve already seen the level of funded and intentional insurrection that was organized by the DNC and billionaire, George Soros, in the summer of 2020 as US Democrat governed cities were burned down, police attacked, and innocent Americans beaten and even murdered! What would millions of enlistment aged illegals do once the order has been given, as they are heavily concentrated in many urban areas and have even been allowed to buy housing out competing citizens for shelter with the Democrat state and federal incentives provided!

A prediction of widespread urban warfare with violence directed at innocent American citizens who have sleep walked through the many Democrat created crises will happen. Those few who prepared will be waiting well-armed when gangs of illegal Latinos who lived in Mexico accustomed to life when the ruthless drug cartels have overwhelmed police and even the army as such calling cards as decapitated heads strung together left on sidewalks or hanging from bridges are displayed as a warning to everyday citizens. These people have become desensitized to the horrors of a compromised and uncivilized existence with lawlessness. Food shortages, utility cut offs, blackouts, police on the defensive, National Guard questionably deployed in the chaos and confusion. All the fallout of a corrupt political party who, if they couldn’t be in power would burn down the country!

Could this all lead to an invasion from huge Panamanian Camps of young men being supplied by the US Army by helicopters miles from the Mexican border with the America? If a civil war were to break out and massive unrest were to assault the American urban and city population areas would this be a signal by our enemies such as Iran, North Korea, Communist China, and Russia to either take part or to challenge the US military overseas where many contentious regions border on one another such as the vital shipping lanes of the South China Sea? We can only speculate in paranoid expectation in view of the way the US government has been behaving ever since the Obama White House, but now under the corruption of the Biden regime we have become even more imperiled under the rule of these Marxist traitors!

Image result for Chinese military

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Comment by Doc Vega on August 14, 2024 at 5:17pm

TJ Davis Thank you for your support, man.

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