Words Used by the Government that Mean Nothing

Image result for lying Democrats

We all know from experience that whatever buzz phrase or hot button that’s been repeating itself over the new cycle all day long will likely mean the exact opposite of the impression we get from the original verbiage. For instance, when the Democrats say that the GOP is taking away “Healthcare” which is really abortion of an unwanted child, are they talking about women’s right to decide what goes on in their bodies, right? Since when does killing the unborn give a woman that right? Can’t the child be adopted? Why are Democrats so dead set against free clinics giving away ultrasound so that the mother can see and her baby before she does decide to have that piece of pie and a cup of coffee? What a disgusting rationale!

Image result for Biden's dumbass

Double speak

When we talk about worded legislation why do such bills called “Build Back Better” not talking about this concept at all, but rather trying to get vague and non-committal sentences several hundred pages long simply giving the Democrats the rights to more tax revenue while thinking of yet another way to rob us of our BBQ’s or gas stoves? They claim they want to renovate commercial buildings to the latest climate change building codes. So they can incentivize the consumer rewiring their kitchen and using electricity and put even greater demand on an ever weakening grid that could collapse at any time? Just as Gavin Newsome urged Californians to buy EV’s and then begged them not to drive their electrical vehicles as the state’s electrical grid threatened to collapse in the middle of a hot summer full of wildfires? The never ending hypocrisy of left wing bureaucracy.

Image result for sex change operations female to male

Softening the vocabulary

Here’s another catch all phrase you might recognize. That is, “Sexual Reassignment Surgery”  using all the bells and whistles such as puberty blockers, plastic surgery, and, of course, grooming or urging the poor confused child to become a man when she’s a girl, a boy when she’s a she, just so the bastard parent can feel like they’ve done something progressive! Oh, and by the way more than 43% of these medical masterpieces attempt suicide at some point after the procedure, why? Because you don’t mess with Mother Nature. There has been a recent attempt by doctors to make a man with uterus supposedly capable of having an anus delivered baby! “Sexual Reassignment Surgery” sounds so soft and non-threatening doesn’t it?

Image result for highspeed railwat in CA

High speed railway to nowhere

California has a high speed railway it has attempted to run for 10 years now running north and south on a proposed of 9 billion budget without 1 mile of tracks being laid and 5 billion already spent, but according to authorities it’s (technically up and running)? Oh God! Spare me! In Texas the same idea has caught on for a high speed rail between Austin and DFW area. Hopefully it doesn’t end up like the DART (Dallas Area Rapid Transit) system that involves rail cars, parking lots, people getting mugged at the waiting parking lots and some even being run over by the DART buses. The system began planning in the 80’s but an already free electrical trolley system had operated in downtown Dallas for 2 decades run by a private operator and the city never lost money on it.

Early designs for Disneyland's monorail show how different the popular attraction could have looked

It could have been for free!

Disney came along and proposed a free to the city Monorail system running from Dallas to Arlington all expenses for installation paid, Disney would simply pay for its operation through ride share payments by the consumers. How do you screw something like that up? Dart loses thousands of dollars each year running empty cars back and forth as the demand is low! In other words the product does not serve the consumer well, yet the taxpayer gets to pay for it anyway! Once again a private operator that takes on the expense and the risk thus making mass transit an affordable reality, but no friends! Dallas council members had to go to subways all over the US and the world and analyze before making a decision! Dallas Councilman Max Goldblatt campaigned for the modern, futuristic, mass transit system, but you know how that goes!  

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How was this allowed?

The big glaring question here is, do we really have representative government at all. We already know it is fiscally irresponsible! So among all the other myths and legends we’ve been fed concerning county, state, and federal level government working to protect us, make our lives more feasible, cut unnecessary taxes, along with making sure that billions aren’t spent by a president enriching his cronies like Obama and Solyndra-right? Or, for an even better perspective how President Obama allowed traitors and deserters such as Beau Bergdahl who deserted and got 5 buddies of his killed out searching for him. Chelsea Manning of the US Army leaked classified documents to the enemy and still got taxpayer funding for his, I mean, her sex change operation on top of being pardoned! A society fails when its laws are no longer honored or upheld!

Image result for Beau Berdahl and Obama

Food for thought

Never has the US government been used so extensively to launder money, use taxpayer money as payoffs, or fund political campaigns under the aegis of supposedly funding future civil projects, for the good of the citizens! No wonder Harry Truman, VP under FDR in WWII said he had a choice between being in Congress or being a piano player in whore house. I wonder if he regretted his choice.




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