Is it a Dangerous Intelligence Failure or is Our Intelligence being Insulted?



The year is 1966. A world full of cultural change and a war with Vietnam is creating unrest and insecurity. A US Navy missile cruiser has tracked a hovering unknown aerial object at more than 9 miles in altitude in an undisclosed location of the world’s oceans. With tensions high and other airborne incursions of international air space, the captain orders a launch. The missile’s trajectory is true and a UAP is brought down showering the surface of the ocean with exploded fragments. For all means and purposes this incident could simply have been an open and shut matter, but it was not. Within months some 600 aircraft fatal accidents, collisions, unsolved crashes and military aviator disappearances are recorded worldwide. Donald Keyhoe, the very first Ufologist, believes that this is a retaliatory action by extraterrestrials seeking revenge for an unprovoked ground to air assault.

UFO - Ufology - The Black Knight UFO Satellite

Who what where and when?

Today we are facing the same mysterious incidents with UAP’s that have always been able to easily out maneuver our finest jet interceptors and seemingly defy the laws of physics doing so. Today, it is the F-16 Fighting Falcon or the F-18 Super Hornet, a carrier based interceptor jet that are defending our front lines of defense against the unknown. In 1966 flight crews of the F-4 Phantom, the F-105 Thunder chief, the F-104 Starfire, or the F-101 Voo Doo  who defended the air space of the western world, and stood by ready to be scrambled in the event of another ubiquitous UFO appearance. Is a US military aviator’s air to air encounter with a UAP merely a nonhuman drone or UAV shot down over air space security protocol?

Washington National Sightings (1). July 19/20, 1952

Time as elusive as ever

Today we are told by supposed experts and witnesses that we have been visited by non-human aerial craft flown under the technology that can bend light, spontaneously accelerate to over speeds of exceeding Mach 3 at such velocity that a human pilot would be crushed at such G-forces or that the air frame of our latest generation of front line fighter jets would be twisted and disintegrated under such unimaginable gravity. So, what has changed since the earlier encounters dating back to the late 1940’s where P-51 Mustangs and F-86 Sabre jets ruled the skies and were thought to be the air superiority fighters of their time?

Test dummies stock image. Image of equanimity, safety - 48628963

 Matter of chosen words

One of the keys is on the terminology used by the witnesses that are so general they could mean anything from being remote controlled aircraft to experimental planes (X-planes) using animals rather than human beings or even anthropomorphic dummies to simulate the inhabitants of test aerial vehicles not worth losing the lives of well-trained human pilots over. If we can get the direct testimony of those like Lue Elizondo, former special forces and intelligence agent as well as US Naval carrier based jet fighter commanders who report their sightings up close and personal and cannot comprehend the speed and insane gravity defying actions that they can hardly observe much less keep in visual contact over.

UFO Sightings and Military Interceptions 10/07 by Dark Side Radio ...

Why now and not then?

Yet, in the secretive era of the 1940’s and 1950’s we are still not to have gotten any insight from such air to air combat pilots as William Patterson who chased UFO’s over Washington DC in 1952 and was actually encircled by the very same UAP’s who came dangerously close to his F-86 Sabre! If they are being up front and honest with us today then why can’t we see evidence dating back 72 years from a pilot’s testimony to the Pentagon during his debriefing? Are we being conditioned to believe in extraterrestrials as part of the “Project Blue Beam” agenda, or was there something more tangible in 1952 that needed to be hidden? Are we simply being played as many suspect with more and more of the misinformation headed out the White House Press Secretary’s door as the world we believe in is largely an illusion created by the federal government, that most Americans believed at one time, but have come to the conclusion is heavily corrupted today?

My Conversation with Lue Elizondo (Hint: It was not easy) - Podcast UFO

Echoes from past deceptions

Although, many UFO believers would have been elated to have gotten the kind of pro-UAP admissions we seem to be getting now, the question remains. What is the agenda and how after decades of ridicule and blame as the government used psychological warfare upon civilian UFO groups, accused one pilot who narrowly saved his flight of passengers from an air to air collision, that he’d been drinking on the flight! As Captain Edward Ruppelt of Project Blue Book admitted many post WWII veterans, former combat pilots now flying passenger and cargo flights were being ignored and frustrated for turning in reports of what they’d experienced, and were angry with him and the US Air Force for the wall of secrecy they had built to prevent the truth from being exposed. That account from his book “The Report on UFO’s” circa 1956.

U.A.P.S.G. - G.E.F.A.I.

The big question is and still remains. Are we being told the truth?


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