WTRH-AM - Before You Buy A Shortwave Radio - Read This

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Can You Trust The Shortwave Radio Dealers???

Many companies out there serve the government, our corrupted NWO government! They sell to the DHS, FBI, FCC, CIA,etc and the money goes to the companies and overseas. This is one way that the New World Order is getting powerful. These companies need to work harder to offer to sale everything they have to the public and commercial companies.

Since their evaesdropping programs that passed through and gone way too far, the government is spending our tax dollars to monitor us and our communications using equipment such as wideband receivers, handheld scanners, and even table top shortwave radios bought from companies we deal with already.

Companies such as Universal Radio, Grove Enterprises, Ham Radio Outlet, and AES and other companies are selling equipment such as the good expensive gear that we need to use for our hobbies is bought out by these corrupted individuals. Main reason why I refuse to do business with them cause of this. It's not fair that us people get the crappy stuff while the Elite get the equipment that we wish we would have to for Amateur Radio, Hobby DXing, that's what it was supposed to be for not for the government. We need to speak out and do something about the people getting better equipment such as the wideband equipment, and spectrum analyzers and use it for a good cause instead of giving us a hard time.

I just don't get it, we have upgraded all of our cell phones and the stupid law in 1993 signed by Bill Clintion
(NWO) puts a block on cellular frequencies (analog) and makes it illegal to sale, use, lease, rent a scanner
with analog cell phone coverage but now those frequencies are all digital, which makes the government get the good stuff, we us poor and middle and even high class get the crappy, moderate junk. Q: What gives the our corrupted government rights to hear and listen to what we are saying on our cell phones? Signals back in the day should have been scrambled in the first place, NOT broadcasting out in the clear and no one should be evaesdropping any telephone conversation without a court order or consent. Under Virginia state law it's illegal to intercept, reveal the contents, or broadcast telephone calls using a scanner or shortwave radio of any kind.
If this is against the law, why are we able to receive radio telephone calls on a shortwave radio using a BFO? Does that mean will the government put a block on these frequencies? No they just were into cell phones, but its good that they did not block out all different spectrum allocations. 900 MHz is still used using WFM
modulation and some phones are not even digital, but did the government put a block on that?

You see, Alex Jones was right about Clinton about his corruption and his signed bills. Obama might come out with the strict laws too soon that will put a limit of what we can and cannot listen. Good thing, things are quiet related to radio communications. One thing related to communications was the cyber security act that would shut down the entire web.

Soon there will be a scanner that will receive not too many frequencies, but the government do anything they want to spy on you.

So before you buy from Universal Radio, Grove Enterprises, and other companies, be sure to check out their
online website, cause you don't know what they are doing with the forbidden gear that should have been sold to us hobbyists and professionals. These companies need to be just for the people NOT the terrorists and the gov't !! Still buy from them since they are offering free gifts with every radio you buy even extras. And grove they are good. We hope that all of these corrupted radio monitoring laws will be repealled and abolished. The FCC needs to be smaller and supportive and soon abolished, and the agencies need to be abolished
Best thing to do is deal with small businesses, the internet, companies that do not have government relations. Also order factory direct such as Eton and CCrane, Do your research first before you buy!! Make sure they are patriotic and support the USA!!

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